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“It’s easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.” Pope John xxiii

Hulaaah, it’s another Father’s Day; let’s celebrate it. By celebrating fathers, we appreciate the important role they play in the family. It’s a way of restoring the image and authority that had long been wrist away in many homes; where moms and grandmas raised children, dad’s absence. We return the honor to the family as we reinstate the headship as designed and instituted by God. By so doing we honor God who had created marriage institution and set up the authority of a man over his household. The scripture says the head of Christ is God, the Father, while the head of man is Christ and man is the head of a woman [1 Corinthians 11:3]. That means even within the Trinity where they are fully God and perfectly equal in essence, there is a head [John 10:30; 14:9-10]. The scripture is quite clear in assigning headship in every family to a husband, not to the wife and the responsibility of teaching and leading the home and Church to a man not a woman; men should not abdicate that function. Man and women are spiritual equals [the redeemed of the Lord] in the sight of God. However the role they perform in the family and Church clearly differ [1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Peter 3:7]. Mothers normally give care and comfort while fathers focus on teaching children about the world around them

The husband is the head but the wife is the neck without which the head may not turn. This is a mystery of God both in the family and Church. This could make or mar your marriage, profession and relationship with God and man. The word of God is eternal even when you attempt to twist it to suit your behavior, it does not change. People of all ages have tried to dip and skip the word of God but thank God it has been secured in heaven. As for God His way is perfect [Psalms 18:30ff].The consequences of man’s erring behaviors are commonplace. Even in this troubling times and age in our history, men should carry out this responsibility like a life fish swimming against all the currents. It may not be easy especially in the society we live in. The institution of fatherhood has suffered great set back to the extent that some children do not believe in the place of father in the family because they never had one. There is also deliberate fight for headship that has resulted into conflict leadership in some homes. What happens is that the two captains in the family ship give conflicting directions and continuously live in disagreement. This plants seeds of discord in the family. “When two elephants fight the grass [children] suffers.” Again it appears the institution of fatherhood is offered for sale depending on who bakes more bacon and can pay the price. This state of affair causes disharmony and disunity in the family and body of Christ as well as before God, whom we claim to worship and serve.

Fathering in this age and society can be challenging and extreme difficult but men must take their calling seriously and be as wise as serpent, applying all wisdom. Successful fathering requires the father being personally and actively involved in the training the children. Fathers need to influence their children just like God commands [Deuteronomy 6:5-9]. God’s command is control by His unconditional love; being there for us even when we err and fallen short of his expectation. God in Christ demonstrated the agape love in the parable of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11ff]. In the scripture, God had singled out some great fathers who demonstrated good parenting skills and godly qualities; such a man in the like of father Abraham whom God recognized his upbringing and parenting skills. King David messed up after God had shown him favor and lifted him to a place of prominence. But he applied rebound technique and had the privilege to enjoy the power of God’s forgiveness and restoration. The scripture also recognized fathers who enjoyed the high office of leadership but could not raise their family after God [1 Samuel.2:22ff]. Little wonder some people are successful in the office but failure at home.

Concerning the father Abraham, the Lord God said, “Shall I hide from Abraham that thing I wish to do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment……” [Genesis 18:17-19].

The implications of God’s statement are:

*Shall I hide from him? God is comfortable with and trusted Abraham such as to make him a revelation to his generation. The secret things belong to God; He only reveals them. When you are obedience to God, He reveals to you the deep things that are mysterious. If God would not hide his secrets from you, you’ve become not only his child but a friend. Apart from Abraham, God revealed His secrets to Noah, Samuel, Daniel, Joseph etc; He still does even in our days and time. Can God trust and depend on your obedience and faith for a revelation to your household and generation?

*Become a mighty and great nation. God has made him an institution, authority with great dominion. He will be a nation with ambassadorial authority of heaven and through which God intend to establish His kingdom. Little wonder God would not hide his secret, whether it’s good or bad [Genesis 18:16ff]

*For I know [yada] Him. I have a personal experience and intimacy with him; I can feel his heart beat. I can depend on him and trust his decision, that he will be subject to me and obey me. He appreciates that which I have entrusted into his care and depend on me to fulfill and satisfy them; command them into fruitfulness and success.

*Command his children and household after God. He will lead, train, instruct and teach his child and household to fear and obey God. Read, meditate and reflect the word daily. He will pray his family and all that live in his household to fully surrender to God as their source of living and satisfier. He shall be exemplary to his children and household such that they will reveal the love inside to outsiders [Genesis 17:23ff].

* They shall keep the way of the Lord. As for God His way is perfect [Psalm 18:30]. They shall obey Him even when it makes no natural sense. They shall follow Him even when they do not know where they are going: shall yield their lives to Him and do whatever He says even when they do not know the outcome.

* To do justice and judgment: By justice, we mean righteousness, fairness and equity; the use of authority in the fear of God to obtain right judgment. Any thing short of justice is bias, partiality and lack of mercy.

God is looking for fathers who will train [not only teach] their children and household on how to fear and seek after God; to listen, obey, depend and wait on Him. Fathers who are willing to leave their familiar and comfort zone in obedience to God’s command and follow Him, even when they do not know where they are going or the outcome.[Genesis 12:1ff]. God seeks fathers who will believe the word more than news reports and physicians findings; those who call on God before 911. He is looking for men who will fall and rise again, and again until they fall no more. David was a man after God’s own heart, yet he made mistakes and repented; God still used him to accomplish many tasks. He enjoyed God’s forgiveness, mercies and grace as well as unconditional love.

God is seeking fathers who would care enough to know what happens to their children and household; where they are and who are their friends. These fathers shall know what they are exposed to: communication, environmental, physiological and spiritual. In these days and time we need to know who they chat and hang out with. He needs a prodigal father who will keep open hearts for their children and forgive them unconditionally; must be as compassionate as Moses and teach his kids the skills to face their world. God is looking for a father who will be a good husband to his wife and mother of his kids. A father whose wife will respect and selflessly support his ministry and vision in life, not one who is cantankerous and always attempt to control as well as become wet blanket [Genesis 2:18ff]. Some wives respect their men and know how to allow them be the husband of the home. We wish our fathers fruitful celebration.

Reach: Ogbonnaya, Godswill at weefreeministries@yahoo.com OR P.O.Box 720035, Houston, Texas 77272


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