August is the month of new beginning. Many moved from one year to another desiring to fulfill God’s plan for their lives but unfortunately have no idea what God’s plans for their lives are and may be; daily, walking in another person’s pathway and fulfilling another person’s plan/dream. They are quick to recite Jeremiah 29:`11 that says God has a plan for us. But how do we get to the plan or How do we obtain it, we do not know. You cannot assume that God’s will be made manifest to you automatically, without any efforts on your path to know what God’s plan is. In the guest to finding an answer to this desire, most people ask questions such as: Since Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a plan for us, what is the plan? Where is it outlined? How do I obtain it? How can I be sure? Am I fulfilling this plan or call? Do I even know what God plan for my life is? Should I wait for God to inform me of His plan or/ and is it my responsibility to discover God’s plan /will and how? “Everything happens within God’s perfect plan.” – Walter MercadoWe have learned that every child is precious and that every life is sacred. We have discovered that God doesn’t make mistakes, so every situation that isn’t “normal” is something He allowed.”- Brandon Buell, Brittany Buell;
“God’s got me here for something. I can feel it. I was born for everything that I’m doing now.”- Muhammad Ali;
“When we watch people fully engaged in their purpose, it’s confirmation that God has given each of us a destiny.”- T. D. Jakes, Destiny: Step into Your Purpose
According to Andrew Wommack, we should realize that the Lord has a specific and unique plan for us. God had this plan in mind even before conception and birth. This is substantiated in Psalm 139:13, 15-16. The Lord alone created my inner being. He knitted me together inside my mother. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret place. When I was woven together in the depth of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. He went further to expatiate, “God had all of your days written out before you were born. You aren’t a mistake going somewhere to happen. You haven’t been placed on this earth by chance or error. Where and when you were born, the parents God gave you, your personality, and everything else about you was orchestrated by God for a specific purpose.”
Most Church going people including some Church leaders, just live day to day without knowing or ascertaining what God’s plan for their life is. Others struggle all life trying to figure out this critical desire/plan of God and some end up living a life time in another person’s calling. Some were asked to read the bible and they read the whole bible even twice a year and still walloping in the search for specific God’s plan for their life. Others believe that whatever they are good in doing with their natural abilities; they assume that’s where God may be calling them. For Example: a good speaker may turn out to be an artist, lawyer or a preacher, but just because he/she can speak fluently does not signify God is calling him/her into the ministry of the word. There is a different between character and specialty or expertise. That’s why the issue of finding God’s will/plan for one’s life tends to haunt us while we seek definite answer for it. “I know God has a plan for me. I don’t know what it is.” – Benjamin Watson
Some in marriages are confronted with the question: Is this the one God has pre-chosen for me to marry? I like him/her and we seem to get along and both of us are Christians. But the question is still left unanswered! Some have been asked to fast and pray; God will reveal His plan for them. Some authors are of the opinion that you cannot find God’s will ahead of time. That could mean you may have no need for faith anymore. But rather God desires that we trust Him with all of the twists and turns. According to Chandler Vannoy “….so this whole idea of finding God’s will for my life has been me searching for something God does not want to reveal. He added, “An unknown future leads to faith in the unknown God.” If we know every step and detail of our lives, there would be no reason for us to have faith in God. When times get tough, we realize we need someone greater than ourselves to direct where we are going. That’s why God does not always want us to know the perfect road He has laid before us…..What makes the story great is the confusion and uncertainty and then in the end, every puzzle piece comes together to create a beautiful picture. Vannoy concluded that, “God’s will is not mystery to be solved but a road to be traveled.”
The bible is filled with concise and elicit statements concerning God’s plan and these apply to every believer. Let’s mention but a few:
- Jeremiah 29:11
- Mathew 7:7/ Proverbs 3:5-6
- Eph 5:17
- 1 Thess. 5: 16-18 / 1 Thess. 4:3-7
I rehearse again the issue of discovering or finding God’s will or plan for my life and asks: does God have plan /will for our lives? How do we figure out these plans? Just what are those plans?
1. Indeed, God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11 gives us a clue: “For I know the plans I have for you; declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” It does assure that God has a plan for each and everyone and the plan is for good – our own good and benefits. According to Rebecca Barlow Jordan, this verse – Jeremiah 29:11 implies:
i). God’s plan are always good (not harmful to us)
ii). God’s plan are always designed to bring us good (hope and a future)
2. Jeremiah 29:12-13 – “Then you shall call on Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you. And you shall seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Televangelist Benny Hinn states, “God cares about every detail of your life and wants to guide you through it. He is willing to reveal His wisdom to you for all decisions – both Minor (Such as whether to attend a certain event) and Major (such as whether you marry the person you’re dating). The emphasis is seeking God with all your heart (Also as in Matt. 7:7). It also answers to the question, If God has a will/plan for my life, why does it often seems so difficult to discover? It is base on choice- “God has a plan for you. But that doesn’t mean He wants to make all your decisions for you.” –John Ortberg. He added, “God’s primary will for your life is not the circumstances you inhabit; it’s the person you become……God’s primary will for your life is that you become a magnificent person in His image, somebody with the character of Jesus. Again Vannoy says, “Simply put, God’s will is your growth to be like Christ and glorify Him in all things.”So instead of praying to find God’s will, begin to pray to find faith in God’s guidance (Prov. 3: 5-6). “I believe that God has a plan and purpose not only for the human race but for my individual life.” – Anne Graham Lotz
“The Father’s greatest desire is for you to have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Once you have received God’s forgiveness, then you are ready to fulfill the rest of His plan for your life. Your destiny will unfold as you obey the daily prompting and guiding of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to go to Him to be transformed in our hearts and minds. God’s past, present and future plans for your life have one constant: His glory. And if God has transformed your heart, your decision will be made with His glory in mind. “If God has given you a new heart that desires what He desires, your decisions are going to line up with His plan. One scripture pops up in mind, “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:1-2).
In summary, once you realize that it is your responsibility to discover God’s will for your life, you begin by:
1. Seeking God with all your heart;
2. Presenting your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God;
3. Daily yielding to the Holy Spirit to transform you through the renewing of your mind.
By so doing you deliberately present yourself in the center of His will and you enjoy God’s blessing and anointing, when you are doing what He’s called you to do. Most people may be doing good works but that does not necessarily mean they’re walking in God’s plan for their lives – Not everything that is good is God. We will never find the perfect road God has laid out but He will give us desires He wants us to pursue. “I have learned in my life that my plans don’t matter. It’s God’s plan.” – Taya Kyle
According to In Touch Ministries, God desires principally 3 things for every Christian:
a). To know God’s word – the best way to know the Father is through His Son, Jesus Christ; read about Him and what He has done and has to say.
· Study and meditate on the word of God (Psalm 68:11; Matt 24:35; John 6:63; 2Tim 2:15; Isaiah 40:8b;
· Benefits we receive from studying the word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17);
· The dangers we might face for neglecting to read the scripture (Eph 4:14);
· Our minds are renewed as we read and God transforms our thought pattern so they honor Him (Rom 12:1-2);
· God’s word holds countless layers of insight and meaning; building character as we read and mold our behavior.
b). Keep God’s commands: Live in obedience and in a righteous manner and consistently
· Jesus equates love to keeping His commandment (John 14:15);
· Jesus came to fulfill the law not abolish it (Matt 5:17-20);
· Jesus summed up the entire law into two (Matt 22:37-40);
· The Holy Spirit that indwells within us converts, prompts and inspires a desire to follow God wholeheartedly;
· Lives of believers exemplified (2 Corinthians 3:3); Following God consistently helps believers to develop a relationship with Him.
c). To be a witness for Jesus Christ – John 5:36 – greater witness. Every Christian is called to an active witnessing ministry. It does not mean we are call to become full time Preachers or Missionaries. But with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will not only show us where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do but also reveal His timing and methods. He will also avail all the needed information that takes us wisely to the next step.
· The Lord can give you specific instructions and ask you to wait for “green light” and He will let you know the right timing (Acts 1:8);
· Follow and obey the direction of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-39; 10:27-29);
· Still struggling with knowing God’s will, at present does what you think He has called you to do. If that is not His will, He will make a way and move you to where He wants you to go or be;
· God’s desire His children to depend solely on Him and grow in their ability to fully trust Him. Every step has the potential to stretch, grow and transform them into who He wants them to be;
· Consider how did Moses respond when God sent him to Pharaoh? (Exodus 3: 10-11);
· What enable us to handle difficult situations (Phil 4:13).
According to Pastor Charles F. Stanley, “The Lord’s specific destiny for your life has a twofold nature:
1. It will further His kingdom on earth and transform you;
2. You will grow closer to Him as you depend on His ability and thereby discover your destiny which will bring you great joy.
God’s plan is better than anything we could ever think of.
· Sometimes God makes better choices for us than we could have ever made for ourselves. …
· God’s got me here for something. …
· We have learned that every child is precious and that every life is sacred. …
· Gods got a plan and it’s all good.
God’s specific blueprint for your life is unfolding before you and only you can fulfill it. You have to trust the Holy Spirit to lead and empower you and you will succeed in fulfilling the Lord’s calling and mission for your life. What is God’s plan for my life? God has a purpose for us all, so it’s important to trust the process and have faith. These Gods plan piece will inspire you to face every day with love and courage. Even when situations seem difficult, confusing, or overwhelming, God has a plan for you. Keeping the faith will remind you that there is nothing to fear in this life. Let this piece of article about God’s plan and timing inspire and uplift you.
“As we journey through this life – through the easy times and the painful times – God is fashioning us into people who are like his Son, Jesus. That means God is in the process of changing what we desire far more than he is in the process of giving us what we desire.” – Charles Stanley, Finding God’s Blessings in Brokenness; “We must remember God’s plan for us is not our plan. God’s plan for us is far larger and better than any plan we can imagine.” – Faye Horton, Decisions of Life.