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You can be successful

In our world, the rich gets richer and the poor become poorer. This state makes some people wonder despite their struggles in life, why they have remained poor, living from hand to mouth and cannot make ends meet. Some have traced their static state to generic factors; that poverty runs within family circles. Others believe that they came from backward nations and so do not have what it takes to live above board. Others wonder whether God is not partial. Why must some people make it with little or no effort and others work twenty four seven and live from hand to mouth? But all these and more are untenable excuses; the truth is that true success comes from God. Some people from poor backgrounds and underdeveloped nations have been known to make progress and achieved success in life. They have broken through the ceiling of lack and shut the gate of poverty; they have cut the chains of have-not and have become successful. They may have enjoyed favors from God, work hard and put their priorities right. Could you pause, take a long breath and be still for a while, look back through your life journey so far. Do you like where you are and what you are doing? Are you happy with the way things are going in your life? Are you afraid that success will bring you fame and unnecessary attention? Do you nurse the superstition that all who are rich do certain fetish things to get them there? Or Are you afraid to manage success and the changes that come with it? Do you nurse fake notion that you cannot be rich and at the same time a faithful Christian? Could it be that you lack the right attitude to become successful. Some just believe they cannot change their nature; they inherited poverty and that is the way it shall remain.

Looking at the life and history of most successful people, they are people who are ready and willing to take necessary risk. They have the ‘can do’ Spirit and do not quit easily. Many of them have failed several times but they are simply no failures. They accept every fall as a learning process, a detour and not an end as well as an opportunity to begin again. They do not blame God, people or situations and make unending excuses for their falls. Rather they learn from mistakes and move ahead. They believe that God had created them to be successful. One thing that could stop them from moving ahead and becoming whom God had destined them to be is them [you]. They know that God is not an author of confusion, disappointments or failures. These people know that those who are easily discouraged and lacked patience and perseverance don’t make it to the end; they quit too easily and point accusing fingers at others or events.

From the genesis of creation, God created every other thing before mankind. He saw His creation and confirmed them good. Then He made mankind in His image and likeness and said it was very good. He commanded and empowered man to be fruitful, multiply, have dominion and subdue the earth [Genesis 1:26-30]. King David chanting in Psalms 1 says, “Blessed is a man that walks not in the way of the ungodly nor stands on the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His laws does he meditate day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the river of water, that brings his fruits in his season, his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he does shall prosper.” [Psalms 1:1-3]. Here King David gives a recipe for good success: He uses the three action words: walk, stand and sit to begin his illustrations:

Walk not in the counsel of the ungodly people [unwise]: Blessed, enviable and fortunate is a man who does not follow the advices, schemes, and instructions of ungodly people. Like minded people walk together. You should associate with the wise, faithful and God fearing people. Be focused, dedicated and determined. Take God at His word; do not have an alternative or waver in opinion or doubt God. He’s the God of all possibilities; nothing is impossible with Him [Luke 1:37]. Good counsel is a good virtue and guides to success. No surprise King David blesses the Lord who has given him good counsel… [Psalms 16:7-8]. Bad counsel distracts, destroys and causes rebellion against God…………He defends those who put their trust in Him [Psalm 5:10-11]. The counsel of the Lord last for ever and the thoughts of His heart last for all generations [Psalms 33:11-12]. The Lord guides the godly with His counsel [wisdom / advices] and no man takes counsel against them [Acts 5:38, 39; Proverbs 21:30 and Isaiah 8:10-11].

Stand not in the path of sinners: The path of sinners is wide and leads to destruction. Their paths are not stable or reliable; they are distractive and deceitful; do everything within their reach to succeed. They jump into every business and are masters of none. They have no dreams but imitate the market leaders and produce fake items, selling them cheap to break even. These people are unbelieving believers who call God in their mouth but doubt Him in their hearts. In the body of Christ, they find faults with the pastors, Church leadership and often blame God; accuse everybody except them. They are manipulative, indulgence and rationalize their behavior. They are like chaff that winds blow off; cannot stand in the congregation of the righteous. Their lives are controlled by greed and gains; pursuits driven by ego and power. They may not know that, “Sin will first fascinate [excite] you and then assassinate you.” We should not submit, act, yield or admire the doings, character or ways of these wicked people.

Sits not on the seat of scornful: Don’t be in the gatherings or assembly of mockers; relax with gossipers, accusers, faults finders and assassinators of character. They have destroyed so many people and tarnished so many images while alive. These group of people are lazy and peddlers of rumors; regard working as slavery. They find ways to give excuses and mock other people who work hard to make a living. These days they discuss people not issues through the phones, emails and text messages. These people bear grudges, murmur and are full of jealousies. They love luxuries but live in lack. Many marriages have been broken, relationship dashed and businesses collapse because of association, meddling with, and heeding to advices of the scornful. They blame God, Government, community and other people for their failures and inactivity. They fail to accept responsibility and be accountable for their path in life.

Delight and meditate in God’s commandment: Jesus says to love Him is to keep His commandment. After Moses demise, God commanded Joshua to observe to do the laws of God……..and the book of the law shall not depart out of his mouth but meditate them day and night. It’s only in doing this shall you make your way prosperous and have good success [Joshua 1:7, 8]. This has become another recipe for good success for all who fear God and desire prosperity. It’s easy for mankind to slack back and take God’s word for granted. King David said the only way to stay focus and be successful is by taking heed and keeping watch according to God’s word; your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you [Psalms 119:9, 11; 2 Timothy 3:16]. He makes it a rule of life and conduct; a daily bread. Read and ponder it to gain knowledge and wisdom; live by it. The word of God cleanses and purges and delivers us [John 15: 3; Heb.4;12]. The word equips us and reveals the Gospel truths; instructs us on God’s promises and warfare weapons as well as the power and authority of God. The scripture contains various victories and miracles as well as wraths of God. As we read and meditate in it, we also reposition ourselves to claim in faith God’s manifold deeds and it will come to pass. The word will keep us away from the devil and the devil fights to keep us away from the word and God. The devil knows its power of God unto salvation; spoken it faith, boldness and power it drives away Satan.

Tree planted by the rivers of water: A tree cultivated and well watered; bears fruits in its season and his leaf also shall not fade or wither. It brings forth good plants that survive drought and dryness. Its fruits are rich in nutrients; it can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for human consumption. It’s not like wild fruit in the desert or chaff blown away by winds. Everything he does shall prosper. When we become like trees planted by the water sides, we have a solid foundation in the Lord Jesus, who is our salvation; our roots obtain food and water from good soil and yields good fruits at its due season. In our season we bear bounteous fruits. Our owner shall not find us wanting or curse us being unproductive.

Knowing your calling: Even though God created us to be successful, but we have to know what God wants us to do; seek His face and know His will. Some people are in wrong spots and pursuing wrong courses. We need to find out where and what God has called us to do. The most frustrating thing is to spend a life time pursuing a wrong career or fighting a wrong course. Some people desire to speak like or mimic other people; God is your father and understands the way you talk, your being and what you were created to achieve. Stop imitating other people. Be yourself and do your thing; only you can stop yourself from doing what God has ordained you to do or getting to where God wants you to be. God wants you to stand on your duty post doing well what He has called you to do. Seeking knowledge through His word and dwelling in God’s presence reveals God’s calling. Every call has a purpose and only the one that has called you can give your goals and job descriptions as well as your boundaries. You could marry a spouse that is not your wife/husband. So it’s advisable that you seek God’s face [apply all God had put inside you; all the word’s instincts reveals in you] before you say I do. Many marriages live in conflict for going outside God’s destiny or living on ungodly advices. They chose spouses who were wearing other people’s coat; standing in other people’s stand; pretending what they are not.

God called Moses for a purpose. Even before his conception He planned and prepared him to achieve that purpose – to go to Pharaoh and cause the release of God’s children in the land of Egypt. Despite his weaknesses and difficulties, family problems and persecutions’ God fulfilled his calling. God also called Joshua to succeed Moses, God’s most compassionate servant. God called King David, prepared him as a shepherd boy to be bold, fearless and to trust Him; promoted him to kingship when King Saul failed. King David defeated Goliath, the Philistines’ war lord in a battle he had no credentials to fight. News makers could have written him off even before the battle. His senior brother scrolled David and Goliath saw him as a ranting ant but God had prepared and equipped him a winner. God commissioned Prophet Elijah and when he had finished his assignment He positioned Prophet Elisha, his servant to succeed him. Elisha was steadfast unto Elijah, his master until he received his authority and power. However Gehaza, who was purported to continue in the stead of his master, Elisha and receive triple anointing fell by the way side because he did not delight in the word and ways of God. Elisha died with his double portion of anointing for his inability to groom and impact a successor. It’s our duty to first of all find who we are, the purpose of our existence and what we were created to achieve and pursue it diligently. When you know who you’re, you will stop behaving like the other person; know who is your master and what is required of you. When you know your calling and stand at your duty post, you will not be absent when your master, the rewarder comes. Delight in the word and meditate day and night God will reveal to your spirit man what your calling is and your promotion path.

Set your priority right: We may stand in our callings but to succeed we need to set an achievable goal and stay focused. Resist the temptation of doing every thing at once; you may end up achieving nothing. You could be easily distracted into double mindedness and confusion. Ask yourself, what is my goal? Are you just into get rich quick and ignore God’s status and moral values? Do you just want to get to other side ignoring boundaries and limits? Do not say it does not matter. Set you goal to please God in whatever you do and put your mind and strength into it. Those who put their trust in God and work hard will prosper [Proverbs 13:4]. God’s word urges to seek God first and every other thing shall be added unto you [Matthews 6:33]. Some people just jump into projects without goals and consideration of what it shall take; where and how to start? Is it realizable within the time frame or where I should start first? It must not be anyhow; we must set achievable and tenable goals. As a believer, whatever you do must also be in line with the acceptable Christian practice. The riches and gifts of unrighteous man is abomination unto God.

Have plan and guideline: “Most people do not plan to fail but they fail to plan.” Planning is a very important ingredient in successful management. You may have a good objective but without a plan, it’s like building a house without an access. Even when you have an idea of where or what you intend to go and do, you still need a road map[guide] to take you there and to devise a scheme for doing it. It is common for people to have their plan at heart, not written down; however it is proper to make an outline or a sketch. If it’s written it could be updated and not easily forgotten or midst up. This will guide whatever you do and drive the plan. In case of error, it is traceable to where it flipped and corrects it. Again, the plan could serve as reference in future. That is why most builders keep plan and processors stick and pay close attention to their diagrams and plans. Your plan should include: list of activities and time schedules, materials and labor as well as how and where to raise various funds required. Planlessness is a costly lapse that can shatter any good dream.

Visualize your attending the set goal: Where there is no vision, the people perish [Proverbs 29:18]. Where there’s a vision, there must be mission and provision. A vision without a provision dies in limbo. “If it’s not realized, it could be your timing is wrong or what you want differs from what God’s want.” It’s God who gives a vision; so dream and think in success pictures. Some people have dreams but think failure; it can never be done, no body has done it before. “Don’t measure your success by what others have and haven’t done.” Don’t forget, great Stars are those who do things other people have not done. Since God has given you the dream, it’s your season to bear good fruits. If you dash your dreams, you disappoint not only God who gave you the dream but you and others who belief in your God’s given abilities and could have benefited in the outcome of your dream.

Believe in yourself: When God gives you a dream, it’s for you to carry it out; fulfill and realize it. You have to believe in yourself. You are unique in every aspect. God believes in you and you have to believe in yourself. Only you can stop God from blessing you, promoting you and establishing you. When God who created you, who knows all the uncommon qualities embedded in you gives you a dream it is to bless you and lift you up to another level as well as bless other people through you. Do not let that dream waste or expire; materialize it and use it to make impart in your generation. God who has given you a dream is able to guide you through. When God gave Joseph a dream, He guided him through it even though he had to pass through the pit and prison before getting to the palace. If you must get to the other side of the sea expect some strong winds and storms on your way. Do not forget that God’s presence brings His present. Trust Him, if God brought you to that place, He will take you through it.

Get dissatisfied with your present position: You may not be where you used to be, but you’re not where you wish to be. You are on a journey. If you’ve attended some enviable height; that’s wonderful and commendable. However, you have not reached the ultimate height: a leader in the industry, the best manager of the year, a winner of the race, the billionaire of the year, etc. You want to pursue the goal of reaching the highest height that is where you want to be; towards perfection. Do not rest on your laurels; you still have great things to achieve on your way to perfection. The way is still long and rough. When Apostle Paul encountered Jesus Christ, he had attended noble reputation and recognition, but counts them loss and rubbish for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, his Lord……[Phil 3:7-8]. He added, I count not myself to have apprehended, …….pursuing those things that are before me……..I press towards the mark for the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus [vs. 13-14; 2 Cor.10:12-14]. Some people are easily satisfied with the crumbs, when a little effort will get them into the abundance of their dream. Sometimes you may’ve to hate where you’re to provoke thoughts and reactions toward the next level. Hold forth and do not slow down until the race is won. You will only get a prize, after you win the race, not before.

Some Christians think the moment they get born again, they have reached their destination. No doubt born again is the most important decision one makes in the whole of a life time but that is just the beginning of Christian journey. Apostle Paul encountered Jesus on his way to Damascus and that was the commencement of his fight for the crown. If you happen to read the Acts of Apostles and other letters of the New Testament, you will get acquainted with Apostle Paul’s Spiritual journeys. After passing the batons, he humbly submitted, “For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the faith. Henceforth there’s laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge shall give me at that day” [1 Timothy 4:6-9]. We cannot afford to stop this race half way. Earthy wealth is a physical success and we need it to live well here on earth and do the work of Christ. But the crown of life that the Lord Jesus awards at the end of our journey is nothing to compare with earthly riches.

You may fall several times but if you persevere with patience, you will success on the long run. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” Henry Chester describes Enthusiasm as nothing more or less than faith in action. “Your enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspiration, new efforts and new vision.” All great discoverers, achievers, had face moments of trials in their journeys to success. ‘Too many people know how to live everybody’s life but their own.’ Peter Lowe said, “The most common trait I have found in all people that are successful is that they have conquered the temptation to give up.” God has given every one a dream; discover yours and pursue it. You may not succeed in another person’s vision; so discover who you are and what and where God is leading you. Be assured the one who gives the vision shall provide the mission and provision, when you stick to Him and His plan. Once again, you are created to be successful.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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