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In this season of goodwill and favor, I pray and urge you to be a blessing to someone. God’s children are the angels that bless other people. We are already blessed and the reason that God blesses us is for us to be a blessing. Our lives should touch the lives of other people starting from our Jerusalem. When we put faith in Jesus Christ, God becomes our Daddy, Jesus our Savior and Lord and other believers are brothers and sisters; we become a great and enviable family. God will bless those who bless us and curse those who curse us; make our names famous and cause us to be great in the land [Gen 12:2-3]. God has put people in every family and community to bless others. If you cannot bless people with a little, then you cannot bless with much and may not have much. This season is a good time to show God’s love to the less privileged, have-nots and those suffering from losses and pains. We should not only give those who give us but also to those whom God has put on our ways. We give not only treasure, but time and talent. God shall reward our tangible love and sacrifice. Our love must be true not just in words only but in action [1 John 3:17]. As we celebrate Christmas, we receive a new the greatest Gift of God to humanity. This is the gift of Jesus Christ as a Savior and Redeemer of the world.

In the period King Herod ruled Judea, Zachariah was a priest in the order of Abijah. Elizabeth, Zachariah’s wife was six month pregnant in their old age. God sent an angel called Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee. The angel had an embarrassing yet surprised message, call it an exceptional gift for a virgin named Mary, engaged to Joseph, a carpenter and descendant of King David. The angel announced to Mary, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you. You’re greatly blessed among women.” You have been singled out for a great honor, favored with an uncommon gift such that other women shall call you blessed. That was a very unusual greetings; it comes with unusual happenings – unusual joy and jubilation, uncommon tears and pains but with eternal hallelujah.

Brethren, I prophesized to you this season, you shall have unusual visitation that will bring uncommon gift and blessing as well as testimony. The throne of heaven has singled you out for a life time blessing to your generation. God’s favor does not depend on how rich or poor your family is or on whom you know as a God father; your level of education or trade. It does not depend on how big or small your Church is or the smoothness of your pastor’s sermon and the articulation of his prayers. Favor originates from God, given by God and fulfilled by God. If it were to be sold or bought, Mary, a carpenter’s wife would never have got it. She came from a poor background, low estate and a town of Nazareth where nothing good had ever happened. Yet God chose such people and place for the birth place of His son, Jesus Christ. They were not rich or wealthy but knew who they were – descendant of King David. Little surprise they went for head count to fulfill their national heritage and obligations. When you know who you’re in Christ, you will begin to see the glory and heritage you have and become a vessel of blessings.

Many of us are so turned apart by the world crises, family conflicts and environmental situations surrounding us that we loose tract of whom we are – children of God, the Most High, and apple of God’s eye. We are victorious people because Jesus Christ conquered death for us and is our resurrection power. Jesus had blessed us with all heavenly blessings. In this season of favor and sacrifice of love, I pray that you will experience divine visitation, unusual laughter and uncommon dancing. You will enjoy open heaven and every accusation of the enemy annulled. God will surprise you with a gift that even your enemies shall rejoice with you. God’s gifts add no sorrows. Rejoice therefore because you are highly favored and enjoy your season of laughter. If you’re yet to receive God’s gift in Christ Jesus, cease the opportunity of this moment to do so. You will be a new creature and a channel of blessings. Enjoy a fulfilling Christmas and fruitful New Year.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272

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