Women were prominent in the ministry of Jesus. He was born of a woman, named Mary and had numerous interactions with women. He was seen first by women after His resurrection but He called none into His ministry. Many women in the scriptures not only benefited personally from Jesus ministry but ministered to Him and accompanied Him and His disciples on evangelical missions. Prominent among them was Mary Magdalene whom He delivered of seven demons. She happened to be the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume. The same Mary with her sister, Martha had friction on how best to serve Jesus. While Martha prepared the meal, Mary sat at Jesus feet hearing His word. Today, many women still care about the tables at the expense of worship and the word of God. Many women whose situations subjected to ridicule, found liberty in Christ. Even today so many women are attracted to Jesus ministry, some in desperation and others became servants.
The scriptures contain some women who knew Jesus, trusted Him and loved Him as well as served Him. The Ministry of Jesus continued by His disciples after He had ascended into heaven. Dorcas was full of good works and alms deeds. Her Love for Jesus was actualized in concrete service (Acts 9:39-43). Rhoda was the young door attendant at a Fellowship Prayer meeting for Apostle Peter’s release in prison (Acts 12:13-16). Apostle Paul called Phoebe, our sister and a minister of the Church in Cenchrea. He urged the Church to receive her as a saint and assist in whatever business she had need of them. She had been a helper of many including him, Paul (Rom. 16:1ff). Even today women are valuable helpmate in our homes and are in great number offering indispensable services in Churches worldwide.
During the morning watch, on the resurrection day, the two women who were burdened by the death of Jesus woke up and visited the tomb. Even at His death these women were caring for Him. They brought with them spices they prepared to anoint His body. The eminent dangers and risk, fierceness of the Jewish soldiers and the pandemonium occasioned by Jesus cruel crucifixion on the cross did not deter these women. The morning is the beginning of the new day, new week, new dawn and new life. It’s not only for human beings but for angels and demons. Whatever is planned in the night, they go out early in the morning to execute them. After the burial, only loved ones go back to the tomb; when every other person had gone, only the deepest lovers and closed relations stay close. These two women were willing to stake their lives for Jesus.
The two Mary’s had only one fear: who will help roll away the stone at the tomb so that they could minister to Jesus. Jesus tomb like the ancient tomb was covered by heavy stone(s), engraved governor’s seal and additional sentinel soldiers provided tight security; following Jesus prediction that He will rise on the third day. The stone separates deadness in the tomb and life outside. What these women did not know was that what they worried about, God had already taken care of it. Even today most of the things we fear and worry about never happen. These women went into the opened tomb and did not find the body of Jesus; they were afraid. The angel said to them, “You’re seeking the living among the dead. He’s not here, but is risen. What had happened was beyond human device and comprehension; the power of heaven was responsible for that uncommon singled event in history.
Even in this era and world, women still love, care and protect the men in their lives (Jere. 31:22). They work hard and provide for their families and care for their husbands and beloved children. Some of them have respectfully lifted their husbands out of pit of shame and justified the proverbial saying that a man’s greatest treasure is his wife; she is a gift from God (Pro.18:22). Again, a woman’s family is held together by her wisdom (Pro.14:1). A good woman is the most precious treasure a man can find! Her man depends on her and she never let him down. She is good to him every day of her life (Pro 31:10-12). A helpful woman is a jewel (crowning joy) to her man (Pro.12:4); her husband is well respected and known at the city gates because of the clothes she made for him and she is strong, graceful and secure, rejoicing about the future. She speaks sensibly and respectfully; her advice is thoughtful and takes good care of her family and is never lazy (vs. 23-27). Little wonder the wise saying, “Charm is deceitful, beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the Lord deserves praised (Pro. 31:30).
In our society and world, women are still caring for the ministries and the Church of Jesus Christ. Without them the Church doors could have been shut and locked, and the key thrown into the ocean. They are the reason the Churches remain open and proliferation of spiritual houses. They seem to have more problem or put it rightly openly seek solution to their problems than men. Women are more receptive to the words of the scripture. They are emotional and attuned to understand the message of love of Christ and forgiveness. They love and appreciate the act of giving and quick to respond to God’s gift to mankind. They are every where in the Church, from pew they have covetously moved to the pulpit. Most of our ministries would not run without them. They are volunteers in the music department, prayer meetings and ushery; a great number lead house Prayer and Fellowship meetings.
Women have taken over places and functions before reserved for men both in the corporate world and Church ministries. They have advanced from child care and dish washing into bread winning and decision making. David Murrow writing on: Why men hate Church opined, “The Church is woman thing not men. A man and her male disciples founded Christianity. All of her major saints and heroes were men. Men penned all the New Testament books and …..95% of the Senior Pastors in America are men………Even though the pastorate is a men’s club but almost every other area of Church life is dominated by women. Not at revivals, not at crusades, or concerts; except at men’s events and pastoral conferences. No Church events that attract more men than women.”
I wish all our women of honor, Happy Mother’s day.
Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web: www.weefreeministries.org; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).