A Church is a body of believer while worship is an act of showing honor and reference to God. Again, a Church worship becomes a gathering of believers to celebrate and worship God, the Father in truth and in His Spirit. It’s called corporate worship. Some people do not believe in Church worship service. They say they have personal relation with God but are not part of any Church denomination. Others simply watch worship service on television and listen to radios and prefer to spend their Sunday mornings in golf courts and football fields. A number of them were hurt in Church politics and prefer to stay out. They have not been able to reason beyond human weaknesses and look unto God whom they came to worship. Even more are those who are non-Christians who have not entered any Church building except when a close relation is have an event like wedding or Christening a child. There are some who walk into the Church either on Christmas or New Year Eve for Special Thanksgiving celebrations. Among them some donate money to the Church to support the work of God. They believe in God but not in the Church.
The Scripture says, where two or three are gathered together in His name, His presence is there. The writer of The Book of Hebrews admonishes, “Do not forsake the gathering of brethren.” In this place, we learn more about Jesus, the Head of the Church; how to trust Him; accept His saving grace and believe in His word, even when we do not see outcome, immediately. We learn to pray, meeting in fellowship and Bible studies as well as stewardship our relationship with God and other beings: time, talent and treasure.
The Gospel of John Chapter 20 verses 19-24 contains this exposition. On the first day of the week, in the evening, the disciples were assembled as Jesus asked them, “tarry and wait”. They shut doors for fear of the Jews. After a long while, others were still tarrying, Thomas felt bored and stepped out and Jesus stepped in. Jesus passed through closed doors and stood in their midst [just as He promised that where two or three gather, his presence is assured]. His presence brings His present – uncommon gifts, unusual favor and turn around blessings. Firstly, Jesus noticed that His disciples were fearful and greeted them, “Peace be unto you.” [Vs 19]. The peace that passes all understanding liberates fears and gives assurance, hope and security.
Second, He then showed them His hands and side evidencing crucifixion. The disciples were glad to see their Master again. On the strength of this revelation, I prophesize that there shall be evidence of our faith in God, of our suffering and of our relationship: be it with our Lord, our spouse, children, etc. The disciples rejoiced and their fears were alleviated and vanished. They then believed in the resurrection of the death and strengthened their hope that they too shall rise on the resurrection morning [Vs 20]. Third, Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” – The anointing needed for power and service. Forth, after the anointing He commissioned them, “Whosoever sin ye shall remit are remitted and whosoever sin you shall retain are retained. [Vs 23]. But Thomas missed the blessings because he was absent in the gathering of the brethren. Jesus is still present in the gathering of the brethren to bless His people and give them uncommon gifts and favor.
When you miss the gathering of believers, whether worship service, fellowship meetings or bible studies, you miss: [i] His grace- the peace of God. [ii] To see evidence of His death and resurrection [Communion of Saints]. [iii] The joy of reunion and reassurance of His pre-eminent and testimony [iv] The anointing for power over life challenges and for service [to live an overcoming Christian life] Here the experiential knowledge of Christ revealed [v] The commission and empowerment. In the Church, we are equipped and empowered to go out there into the world and live for Christ; witness the goodness and the unfailing love of God and our experiences of His grace. Also the unseen heavenly guest [Spirit and angels] come to share in worship. The corporate worship emerges with much blessings and synergies that inspire believers to go there and do the work of Christ. Therefore, determined today to attend the fellowship of believers and obtain your blessings.
Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.