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                                          WHEN GO MEANS COME!

In some African Countries, when someone tells you that he/she is coming, the opposite (going) is always the outcome. For better understanding of this group of people, one needs to mingle with them. Similarly Jesus said to His disciples, “Go into the entire world and preach the Good News to all creation” (Mark 16:15).  In another instance, He commands, “Therefore Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The catching word here is GO, the opposite of COME. Following the example of the Master, Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming the good news of God (Mark 1:14), we are commanded to go into all the earth, and do the ministry of Jesus Christ. By going into all the world (all Earth), it includes places we naturally would not like to go; where there are no basic infrastructures of life such as: good roads, light, clinic or hospital, and etc. Furthermore, places that are war torn areas, West Nile virus, HIV,AID and malaria infected area  as well as where homeless and hungry people live. He went to places He first sow (invested) not first reap (receive).

Even though Jesus taught regularly in synagogues on Sabbath days, He spent most of His time reaching out to the people in their domains. In these places, He touched the lives of ordinary people, hurting people, disabled and less privileged, doing their daily chaos, hanging around and asking for arms. In those neighborhoods, He called people who became His disciples/ followers. He walked beside the Sea of Galilee and saw Simon and his brother, Andrew fishing and called them to come, follow me (Mark 1:16-17); James and John, sons of Zebedee and called them (VS 19-20). He went to the home of Simon and Andrew and healed Simon’s mother in law of fever (VS 29-30). Jesus travelled throughout Galilee preaching in their Synagogues and in town’s square (Mark 6:56). Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem (Luke 13:22). You can only do Jesus’ business in Jesus prescribed way.

In today’s money driven society, doing ministry is floating a non-profit business (or Faith based enterprise) and opening churches, as business place/address. Even before then, the sole proprietor solicits for few high incomes vulnerable persons who will cough out their hard earned money to meet their bills. One of those agents once said, “If I could get 4 RNs (Registered Nurses), my bills are paid.” Whether the agent was mentored and ordained or not, he/she automatically become a shepherd (coveted Pastor). He/she shall soon ordain the spouse in the bedroom and both become pastor and pastor (Mrs.). Some might be so fortunate that they do not have to grow the ministry but grow first the pastor who becomes full time at the expense of the few members of the congregation. The tendency is to divert the goal and the growth of the ministry to the care and nourishment of the proprietor/owner. In their opinions and frame of thoughts, floating a Church and preaching on Sundays is the marketplace of Jesus’ command of His commission in today’s church era.

Jesus’ business address was not in the synagogue. He was always going about seeking for the lost, the needy and the poor; in their houses, at the roadsides, marketplaces and villages.  In today’s prosperity driven theology, the ministry is for the rich; the more money you give, the more prayers and attention you conjure, of course the more likely you qualify for corruptible crowns. The Church has built a tall fence against those that Jesus sort and died for. If we are Jesus’ followers and doing ministry in His name, we should obey His command and model after Him. Since today’s ministry is towards the rich and for the rich, the prosperity teaching and preaching endears them. Little wonder that all that most preachers see is money related verses in the bible; even if one does not exist and the scripture does not speak that, they formulate one and speak to the scripture just to mean what they say and get the attention of their wealth seeking audience.

Whoever told you that all fingers are equal and that the rich do not cry; giving large sum (without concern on how it’s gotten) will open the door to heaven is lying. Even when that ill gotten is accompanied by pastors long and diverse tongue prayers, does not mean God accepts it (Proverbs 15:8). Can human being bribe God? Pause a little bit and think straight for once, are you not concerned about the direction the Church is going today? Is today’s Church taking Jesus people and ministry back to Judaism? To support their mundane goals, they preach on Old Testament doctrines that the coming of Christ had been nullified. Are we still dedicating the Ark of God in the synagogue inside a Church building? Some do not understand the difference between a synagogue, a Church and a sanctuary. Are you then surprised when Jesus urges believers to Go and make disciples; we are looking for shopping outlet to make members. Jesus commands us to seek lost souls, we are busy seeking lost gold. The scripture teaches that God so loves that He gives, but our pulpits preach that giving drives love. The truth is we cannot love without giving but we can give without love. Who care! The God who searches the hearts do.

Whoever told you that all must be rich in our world and that money is the only component of wealth or richness? I was in a Church setting one day and a preacher titled his preaching: “I have found the answer.” He found the answer in Ecclesiastes 10:19b that says, “ ..but money answers all things.” What an answer! These zealots do not know where to draw the line! The preacher went ahead to call money a seed. I wonder how something that has no life can be a seed. The scripture describes the word of God as the seed (Luke 8:11; 1 John 3:9; 1 Peter 1:23).  One funny thing about money is that it’s likened to a Pistle; in the hands of a Police (Peace officer), its an instrument of justice while in the hands of an armed robber, it is an equipment for murder; a destroyer. Money does whatever it’s asked to do. Let those who trade and teach heresy, beware that God’s judgment shall start in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). God is calling Christians to abandon the endless pursuit of pleasure and earthly treasure and fulfill a more meaningful, satisfying, God glorying calling of making His disciples.  Again, the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men and He gives it to anyone He wants (Daniel 4:25).

Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web: www.weefreeministries.org; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).

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