What Thing:

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When Things happen on our way!

      When something happens, people talk about it. A couple of years ago, Pope Paul II passed on. Within the Vatican as well as in Poland (his home country) and among the Roman Catholic adherence, people discussed the demise of this great servant of God. Within the Roman Catholic hierarchy, the cardinals exchanged views and ideas on the passing of the descendant of Saint Peter, a Spiritual leader, Head of state, and a Holy Father as he was fondly addressed. He was a man of prayer and devotion; as a matter of fact one with a radical faith. They could not discuss less the vacuum created by the most traveled Pope who reached out to his followers in 116 countries all over the world. He was also a man of peace, who was associated and most time spared headed peace movements around the globe. This was a mere human being that despite his health predicament was steadfast and made great exploit for the Lord. He even forgave the man who shot him; visited and prayed with him in prison. It was a great vacuum that was created. There was also another angle to his death, the election of his successor. The issue talked about bothered on what became the faith of the sheep? Who succeeds him and what would be his manner of leadership? There were genuine concerns, fears of the unknown. Reverend Kard Wojtyla; the 264th Pope was promoted to a higher court.

        Similarly the two men on their way to Emmaus faced a tougher and more terrible situation and concern. Events confirmed that only the one sent by God could demonstrate such powers and abilities, that Jesus did. A man filled with the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin mother, announced by the angel. At the teen age of 12, the son of a carpenter amazed the elders by His teachings in the temple. Jesus turned water into wine in a marriage ceremony at Cana, heals all diseases, associated with sinners, forgave their sins and died for them. He had compassion on the masses. Jesus raised three dead people including Lazarus and the lad at Nain. He provided for both spiritual and physical needs of the people. He healed a man sick for 38 years and a man of 40years born blind from birth. Jesus cleansed the temple and silenced the moneychangers. He came to save his people from sin and the king who died for his subjects. The high priests and Jews put him to death. It was more than a havoc to talk about, an inhumanity to nature and its beings. What have they done? The people’s hopes were dashed and they were afraid to talk about it in the open. But for Christ to save the world he had to die. For the Pope to be with God in eternity he had to die after faithful service. For us to meet face-to-face with the King of glory we have to die. A Reggae musician sang, “Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die”. Many want the crown but not through the cross. Jesus died to open the gates of heaven. His resurrection made him first-born rose from the death. Death was defeated and sickness overcame. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the bedrock of the Christian faith.

         These two men traveling to Emmaus were perhaps so absorbed in their pains and dismay on the event that happened that they fail to notice Jesus in their midst. Their behavior could be natural. We too are often so preoccupied with the painful physical events around us that we hardly recognized the resurrection power of Jesus even if it stared us in the face. It does not matter what has befallen us, Jesus is always present and will reveal himself to us. God had raised him who was dead. He is here with us in the power of the Holy Spirit and shall not leave nor forsake us. He will open our eyes to his presence and even if it takes sharing a meal. Trust Him He would do everything possible to reveal himself. Whatever is bothering us lay it at the feet of the Master and wait for His response? He’s able to do all things beyond our thoughts and request. Do not be afraid but trust in His wisdom and power. He will carry you through.

       This injustice- the crucifixion of a just man and God’s Son was not only the discuss of the two men on heir way to Emmas, but other people secretly pondered it in their hearts. Even though it’s human tendencies to talk about bad things more than good, when people’s expectations fail or being robbed their rights and privileges, cheated and maltreated they talk about it, complain and cry unto God. Such was the case here. The Jewish crowd killed one who was born to save his people from sin. This discuss was inevitable.

In our life journeys, we come across issues, events and people that we can’t help but talk about. In Jesus the person, events and issues are inseperatable. This made Him a unique person and little wondered that the daughters of Jerusalem decried His murder. What concerns us so much, occupies our minds causing us

Sleepless nights and restlessness that we feel helpless, hopeless and incapacitated? Let us not forget that

God is present in all places, at all times; that His promises had never failed and he shall not forsake us. Let us not be too grossed with problems and loose sight of the power and presence of God.  Hymn writers Thomas Moore and Thomas Hastings put it this way,  “earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal.”

Evangelist Ogbonnaya ,Godswill can be reached at: weefreeministrie@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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