Welcome to the Month of September, 2014


Glad to welcome you all to the outstanding month of September (Latin), the ninth month of the year with 30 days. However it used to be the Seventh month on the Roman calendar. This is where it got its name which means seventh. When the British changed from the Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar in 1752 it became the ninth month.  It is the first month of the Autumn or Fall season. In the southern United States, it is the warmest month of the year and very cool nights for Northern States. It is the harvest time for crops. The birthstone is the Sapphire and the birth flower is the morning glory.

Holidays: Labor Day, Grandparents Day, Patriot Day, Constitution Day and week, National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15-Oct 15), National Potato Month, National Chicken Month, National Rice Month, National Piano Month, National Biscuit Month, National Fruit and Veggies Month, ADHD Month and International Strategic Thinking Month.

Highlights of Special Days and events:                                                                                                                                     

Sept 1st – Labor Day; Sept 1, 1039 – At 5.30 a m, Hitler’s armies invaded Poland starting World War II in Europe; Sept 1, 1969 – Military officers overthrew the Libyan government. The Libyan Arab Republic was then proclaimed under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Sept 2, 31 BC – Roman Legions under Augustus Caesar defeated Mark Anthony’s naval force at Actium. Sept 2, 1789 – The 3rd Presidential cabinet department, the US Treasury was established.

Sept 3, 1783 – The Treaty of Paris signed by John Adams, Ben. Franklin and John Jay formerly ending the American Revolutionary War between Britain and United States

Sept 5, 1997 – Mother Teresa died in Calcutta at the age 87 after a life of good works spent aiding the sick and poor in India through her Missionaries of Charity order.

Sept 6, 1901 – William McKinley, the 25th President of United States was assassinated.

Sept 7, Grandparents Day (first Sunday after Labor Day); Sept 7, 1986 – Bishop Desmond Tutu became Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa; the first black head of South African Anglicans; Sept 7, 1533 – Queen Elizabeth 1 was born.

Sept 11, 2001 – The worst terrorist attack in US history occurred in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center killing about 3000 persons.

Sept 14 1960 – The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed by representatives of oil- producing meeting in Baghdad.

Sept 17th – Constitution/ Citizen Day

Sept 19, 1893 – New Zealand became the first country to grant women the right to vote.

Sept 25, 1690 – The first American newspaper was published, in Boston, Massachusetts; Sept 25, 1789 –The first US Congress proposed 12 Amendments to the Constitution, ten of which comprising of Bill of Rights were ratified.

Sept 28, 1978 – Pope John Paul 1 died after only 33 days in office. He was succeeded by John Paul 11.

Sept 29, 1789 – Congress created the United States Army, consisting of 1000 enlisted men and officers.

Discipleship Digest joins all persons and agencies to mark the Labor Day; a holiday observed by Federal and state departments as well as corporations. It honors and celebrates workers solidarity; the sacrifices and commitment of men and women, families and organization in ensuring adequate manpower in our work force.   This is coming at a time that one spouse pay check is not adequate to sustain most families’ upkeep. We are also fighting for the right of equal pay for women. Due to the bad global economy, firms shut their doors or reduce workforce and cut pay. A great number of young people have no gainful employment.

Discipleship Digest reflects on God’s Reward System, as a contribution to commemorate the Labor Day. It is our hope that this piece encourages all that God has a job for you and has a better reward system than the society we live in. Pass it to at least ten people. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed. In this last quarter of the year, the Lord will celebrate you and His face shines upon you with uncommon favor, Amen.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director of Affairs, Weefree Ministries

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