Welcome to the Month of July


Hurry!!! We are excited to be in the month of July 2014, the 7th month of the year with 31 days. Originally called the month of Quintilis in the Roman calendar; later in 46 BC under the Gregorian calendar the name was changed to Julius by the Roman Senates in honor of Caesar who was born on July 12th. The month of July brings to mind fireworks, barbecues and 4th of July celebration of US Independence Anniversary. Many famous people celebrate their birthday in July and many historic events occurred in the seventh month. Symbols of July: Birthstone: Ruby, often associated with contentment, love, passion and integrity; Flower: Larkspur or Water Lily

Below some major Facts/ Historic events occurred in July:

**4 US Presidents born in July: John Quincy Adams, George W. Bush, Calvin Coolidge and Gerald Ford. *Many countries have their Independence Day during July: These include: United States of America, Belarus, Venezuela, Argentina, Belgium, The Bahamas and the Maldives. Also the national days for France and Canada occurred in July. July 1, 1867 the Dominion of Canada was established due to the British North America Act. July 1, 1898, the San Juan Hill was occupied by the American troops during the Spanish-American war. July 1, 1916 during World War 1, the Battle of Somme began. July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was killed by Charles Guiteau. July 2, 1890, the Sherman Antitrust (an Act to prohibit trusts) was passed by the United States congress. July 5, 1971, Amendment 26 was proclaimed which set voting age at 18 in the US. July 6, 1854, the Republican Party held its first state convention at Jackson, Michigan. July 16, 1790, the District of Columbia was established. July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong had the honor of being the first man on the moon.

HOLIDAYS and MONTHLY OBSERVANCES:  July 4, 1776, the birthday of the United States or Independence Day; the Declaration of Independence was signed by John Hancock on July 4, 1776. Parent’ Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July. President Bill Clinton established Parent’ Day in 1994. National Ice Cream Month; National Hot Dog month; Baked Beans Month & Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness month.

Discipleship Digest congratulates President Barrack Obama and all the citizens of the United States of America on our national birthday celebration. An anniversary is a time of reflection on the journey so far. We give thanks to God for the freedom and unity we enjoy as a country. We appreciate who we are as a people and those God has put in our ways. We celebrate the various uncommon achievements we have made and the unusual strives our gallant soldiers’ daily make, fighting to keep the freedom we enjoy.  We are living in a season of unimaginable changes and have to accept the challenges these bring.  We reaffirm we are still God’s own country or does it just exist on our currency? We don’t seem to have forgotten the God who brought us to greatness or do we? Are we still holding to the ideals of our founding fathers? God bless America.

Discipleship Digest deliberates on the topic: Christianity Today: Has Christianity Failed? Nope, Nay and never!!! Her foundation is on Christ who never fails, but the practice of it has.  Jesus is the incarnated son of God who came ….to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Lk. 20:28). All the writings in the scriptures support that fact and even today it’s same. Her followers have failed in obeying and emulating the Master while some practice the faith in their own selfish terms. Jesus was not a deceitful Phony. Evidence does support that He certainly wasn’t a charlatan, one who tricks people to get their money as in common with what obtains today in Churches. He was not portrayed as self-deceived or self interested. His words and actions do not reflect the behavior of a person who was mentally unstable or greedy. Jesus also did not preach a popular message or promised instant fame and fortune or considered himself wealthy in the world’s evaluation of prosperity or success.

Hopefully, our theme this month as attached shall bless your life and those of your friends you forward it to. Do not forget, “it is by grace that we become Christians and it is by grace that we live the Christian life.” You are too blessed to be stressed. We thank those whose comments have improved our ways of serving you. We are always glad to hear from you.  Kindly send the attached to at least 10 persons.  God bless you and your loved ones.


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