Welcome to the Month of February 2015



Welcome to the month of February 2015, and we can feel love in the air. I bring to you once again the warmth message of love. Valentine!!!Yes and no! Yes, because God is love. No, because love is not God. “Agape” is different from “Eros.” Agape is a compassionate love that gives, while Eros is physical that takes. Both are kinds of love but different in dimension. Agape manifests inside out while Eros is just outside or physical. Agape reflects the unconditional love of God; this kind our heavenly Father has for His children. He demands we share this love.

Falling in love with God is a choice. God loves us unconditionally and sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for us and freed us from the curse of sin and the law. We receive this love by accepting His grace, cherishing and appreciating what He has done for us and sharing this love by loving others, the way God loves us. Some of the ways we love Him back are through: worship, Prayers, studying, meditating and obeying the Word as well as serving community of faith. More Importantly, God says love your enemies and do good to those who hate and persecute you

In our prayerful moments, we humbly come to God in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, grow in our awareness of His presence and love and receive His warmth embrace; this experience transforms us. This transformation begins in the heart of those who accept Him and reach out to Him in faith. It’s this transformed heart that is able to love (agape) others and forgives without waiting for apologies. Let’s share real love around.

Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic, “PRAYER IS FALLING IN LOVE WITH GOD”(copy attached). Hopefully as you find time to peruse it, it will bless your life; share with at least ten loved ones. MAKE TIME OUT AND BEGIN EACH DAY WITH THE LOVER OF YOUR SOUL.  It will amaze you the depth and wide of His love for you. REMEMBER YOU’RE TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED.                             HAPPY VALENTINE TO YOU ALL.


Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill,                                                                                               WEEFREE MINISTRIES

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