Welcome to November, the third EMBER month.


Welcome to the month of November, the third EMBER month and the eleventh month of the year; has 30 days. In the original Roman calendar, November was the ninth month from where it obtained its name, (Latin word “novem” means nine). It is the last month of the fall season and often thought of as a somber month because it signals the beginning of winter. By the end of November leaves have fallen off the trees. In sports, American Football is the main game played and watched in US during this season.

Some Notable Events in the month of November: 2nd – All soul’s Day; 3rd– Housewife’s Day; 4th– US General Election Day;11th – Veteran Day; 13th– World Kindness Day; 14th– World Diabetes Day; 15th– I love to write Day; World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic victims; 16th – International Day for Tolerance; 17th– World Peace Day; 23rd– National Cashew Day; 25th– International Day for the Elimination of violence against women Day; 27th– Thanksgiving Day; 28th Black Friday; 30th– Advent(For Western Christians). American Indian Heritage month; Good Nutrition month; National stamp collecting month andAmerican Diabetes Awareness month.  TO DO LIST: Go out and Vote; it’s a civic duty. Our veterans fought for the freedom we enjoy. They deserve our love, care and prayers. In Thanksgiving, remember those that God has put on our way to care for and help. Pray for our nation and leaders.

Many people out there are hurting badly, living in frustration and disappointment; thinking seriously of throwing in the towel (quitting). Others have lost hope of anything good coming their way. Some have lost their jobs or dear one; others are passing through marital disharmony and divorce. Some have no gainful employment and cannot put food on the table. Others are disconnected with their Maker and family and some going through spiritual attack from demonic kingdom, etc. I want to assure you, no matter what you are going through that God has not given up on you yet.  That in itself is not an end because it shall soon pass away. God is not done with you; He still has the final say in your life. He promises to do a new thing and cannot fail.

Discipleship Digest brings to you good news. It shares with you the topic: “This is your season and your Time.”It may not look like it or you may not feel it; that does not means it shall not happen. This season God shall surprise you. He shall interrupt your negative routines and bring forth good tidings – New season of manifestation and refreshment. Be in expectation and anticipation! God is about to do a new thing in your life and ministry that will surprise even your enemies. Do not allow some good things pass by without being in readiness to receive it. You will see all the right doors opening for you in uncommon manners. Take your time to read and reflect on the attached write up; believe that your new height has come and walk in it. Even if you are in disbelief like Zachariah, God can place some protective measures to keep you from stepping outside His will and His timing. Kindly pass it to at least ten loved ones. Remember you’re too blessed to be stressed.

We take the opportunity of this season of Thanksgiving and thank all our readers and supporters for not giving up on us. This is a big oneIn this eleventh month, an eleventh minute’s miracle shall happen to you. . The Lord that remembered Zachariah and Elizabeth in the hour of incense shall likewise remember you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and anticipate Jesus second coming!

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill,                                                                                                                                     Director of Affairs, Weefree Ministries.


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