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                      OVERCOMING DEPRESSION

          We live in a new age and things happen so fast. Life is full of bustling and hustling; people have to struggle to survive. The struggle is so fierce that only the strong survive and the weak extinct. Unknown to many, struggle is part of our existence. Biologically, the spermatozoa that are a life, strong, and runs fastest that effects conception. In sports, only the athletes that are strong, tactically fit, more focused and runs fastest that wins the race. In Christianity, those who keep faith and run well to the end, receive the crown of life. In attempt to survive in the battle of life, so stressful and demanding, one may develop some blues or get so worried and most time became depressed.

        As the year 2005 begins, it’s not out of place to evaluate performance for the past year. Some might’ve had an eventful and fruitful year while others failed to meet their goal, aspiration, and expectation. Some failed in their resolutions and vows, not only to God, their families and even themselves. They find no acceptable answer to the why question. This could provoke depression. MOST DEPRESSION RESULTS FROM DISAPPOINTMENT. WHEN HOPE FAILS TO MATERIALIZE, FRUSTRATION SET IN. HOPE DASHED BREEDS DISENCOURAGEMENT. Little wonder the scripture says “hope deferred makes the heart sick” [Pro 13:12]. Funny enough many suffering from depression may not recognize it’s treatable, so are reluctant to seek help while others just live in denial. Experts adduce, “Women are almost twice as likely to become depressed as men, due to hormonal changes, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.” Other factors include boredom in the house, stress associated with children’ care and meeting other household activities. On the other hand, ‘men with lower risk of depression are less likely to admit it because they are raised to be strong and depression may be misconstructed or misperceived as a weakness or character flaw.’ Most people attempt to handle so many things at the same time, however not without stress and sometimes panic. Unfortunately not everyone can handle stressful conditions. Those who may not cope with the stress could develop some anxiety. Positively it could hasten efforts to do the needful and/or meet up datelines. Negatively they could slip into depression.

           Depression is not a weakness; it is not as passing into blue mood. It’s neither a condition that can be willed, wished away nor merely pulls together. It is not something to be ashamed of or “toughing it out” in silence. Depression is a real disease, much like diabetes, asthma, high blood or heart disease. The National Institute of Mental Health {NIMH} defines depressions as a serious medical condition that affects the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way one eats, sleeps, one’s self-concept, and the way one thinks about things. Depressive illness often interferes with normal relationship functioning and cause pain and suffering not only to those who have them, but also to those who live with them. A depressed person may be easily angered and everyday he passes time by praying for relief; feels not only helpless but also hopeless, and may even contemplate suicide.

            Depression can strike anyone regardless of age, ethnic background, socioeconomic status or gender. Depression comes in different forms. Some people experience a few symptoms, others many. However if someone experiences at least five of the following signs and symptoms, for most of the day nearly every day for more than two weeks, a professional help should be sought. These symptoms include:

*Feeling persistent sad, anxious or ‘empty’ mood or irritability;

*Feeling of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness;

*Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and usual activities that were once enjoyed, including sex, decreased energy, fatigue, being slowed down;

*Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions; trouble sleeping, early morning awakening, or over sleeping or not sleeping at all;

*Change in weight; thoughts of deaths, or suicidal attempts and

*Persistent headaches, digestive disorder and chronic pains not responding to routine treatment.

              Some studies have shown that depression is triggered by chemical imbalances of the brains, but its real causes are so complex that even professionals are still researching into it. It may result from a combination of factors, which one is not aware. Causes may include: 1] marital conflicts, loss of loved one or divorce. 2] Financial difficulties – loss of job, living above income or in huge indebtedness. 3] Personal failures-low self-esteem and negative look, guilts and holding grudges. 4] Serious medical conditions-like stroke, heart failure, cancer, or HIV; sexual dysfunction. 5] Generic transmission and early life experiences including stressful life events. Life’s major stages and changes may bring in episodes of depression: the transition from teenage to adulthood, relocation from third world countries to advanced world. People experience changes in culture, life styles, communication pattern, segregation and coldness etc. Testimonies of Africans relocating to US reveal some suffer this common cold of psychopathology. Almost all professional counselors associate depression with human response to painful life situation and losses.

         Depression comes in different forms like other illness. Three most common types of depression are: (1) unipolar: – a. major depression, – b. Dysthymia. (2) Bipolar disorder (or manic depression), classified according to symptoms, severity and persistence.

As widespread as depression is, it has become one of the most prevalent afflictions knowing no territorial or national bounds, yet it is a war that many have won. More than 80% of people who suffer from depression recover and enjoy blissful life.

These are three main treatments for depression:

1. [a] Talk Therapy (or psychotherapy): This therapy helps patients explore behaviors and modify patterns that contribute to their depression. Basically it aims at identifying possible situations or events that might’ve prompted the depression, understand them better and learn how to avoid them in the future. It may take place in individual, group or family sessions. Its important one open up to the professionals, even if it could be embarrassing, but it is right they know. You also have to be determined to set realistic goals and meet them.

   [b] Spiritual Counseling: Most religion engages trained counselors to chat people out of their problems. God is a healer and his inspired word is eternal. The Bible is the most powerful source of combating all human afflictions including anxiety and depression. The Bible acknowledges that depression could be debilitating. “A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? {Pro18:18}. Here the phrase “crushed spirit” opines a broken will, loss of vitality, despair and emotional pains. The Scripture contains various persons who experienced depression and with faith in God they overcame it [Psalm42:4; Jonah3:2-3;]. No matter what we pass through or the mountain we face, God is our help in trouble.  For example, King David in Psalm 103:1-5 reassures that God forgives sins and heals all our diseases. No matter the nature of sin; how cruel, complicated, misgiving and harden our actions could’ve been; how miserable and guilty we feel, and what people talk about it. The Bible assures that if we confess our sins; God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1John1:9]. The scripture teaches “blessed are those whose sins are forgiven and not held against them”. Jesus calls us “come to Me, all you who are weary with heavy burden and I will give you rest [Matt.11:28]. Come those who are stressed, anxious, depressed or worrying; I will you peace. “My joke is easy and burden light,” Jesus cautions, ‘do not worried about earthly things- food, drink and wears, be not anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” [Matt 6:25-34]. The scripture becomes our sources of spiritual strength. Karl Marx was fairly close to mark when he described religion as opiate for the masses. Religious belief can be a very powerful way of coping with adversity.

(2) Antidepressant medication: These are medications often used to treat or help relieve the symptoms of depression. They are neither addictive nor do alter your personality. Sometimes Physicians may have to try a variety of antidepressants before finding the most effective or a combination of medications that give adequate relief. Professionals often used medication and counseling therapy or a combination of both. The result is patients often feel better but no one knows how or why. Prospective patients should be aware that medications do have side effects. Many of the generations of antidepressant affect the level of serotonin, one of the brain’s neurotransmitters.

(3) Apart from medication and therapy, peer led support group is very helpful. Psychologist Dorothy Rowe wrote: “you have people to confide in, and you have to overcome the habit of keeping things to yourself”. Strong bonds are critical to happiness. Two are better than one, because he/she helps hold to avoid fall. Even if you fall, one will lift up by his companion. [Eccl. 4:9-10]. Studies have shown that people who provide support to others are better off themselves; they even live longer.

            In conclusion, even though depression is a terrible crippling feeling, and makes one feel thoroughly discouraged, emotionally unraveled and overwhelmed, but it’s not incurable to God’s power. There’s nothing impossible with God. Mary Magdalene felt depressed when she visited Jesus’ tomb and did not find His remain. She stood outside the tomb crying miserably and uncontrollably. She was a close follower of Jesus after the delivery from seven demons.  She loved Christ and completely yielded to Him. Even though Christ was dead, she could recall the memories of Him and His saving grace. But her life changed when she suddenly realized that Jesus was alive and standing just before her. Jesus’ presence turned her depression into rejoicing [John20:11-16].

            Again while Jesus was praying in anticipation of His hour of betrayal, He cried to His Father, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” [Matt26:38]. Jesus himself experienced depression overcame it and can save us from it. It does not matter what medical sciences opine, what caused the disorder or how long you have suffered it. Jesus heals without side effects and it’s permanent. He heals all manner of diseases.  Rick Renner once said, “The only thing that will keep you from the will of God is if you look at your self and say, I’m not so much among so many.” What you believe is the force that determines what you accomplish or fail to accomplish in life. Finally, Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Jesus died so that we may live and enjoy life, but the clue to joyful life is to abide in Him.                      Elder Ogbonnaya G. can be reached by email: gkapin53@yahoo.com


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