Topic: Teaching on Witnessing (Evangelism)

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Topic:            Teaching on Witnessing (Evangelism)

Definition:         What does it mean to witness?

i.                     Literally the concise English dictionary defines WITNESS as one who sees, or

present or have direct knowledge of a thing or evidence; one who gives evidence or testimony. It could involve personal experience or revelation or an encounter.

ii.                   Renowned Authors and spirit filled new testament  writers- Michael Green and

David Watson define WITNESSING as declaring and affirming to be true, things or events which are known to us through personal experience or revelation (John.3:11; 1 John. 1 :1-3).

What is Evangelism

One of the best definition derived from Archbishop William Temple says “to evangelize is to present Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit that men come to put their faith in God through Him, to accept Him as their Savior” and to serve him as their King in the fellowship of  his Church.” It is a matter of the Christian Community sharing Good News of a Savior with those who do not know him.”

Dr. J.I. Packer in trying to redraft ArchbishopWTemple’s definition stated “to evangelize is to present Christ Jesus to sinful men in order that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they may come to put their trust in God through Him”.

Why Witness:

A call to witness is more relevant today, than ever before; in the world of “religiosity” and “churchanity” called another gospel. In a world of moral decadence, sordid state

 of affairs where what is today is not sure tomorrow; reincarnation of old pagan/idol worship dressed in new robes; of hallow and deceptive philosophy and principles. In this era of unscriptural practices in churches; strange teachings in our institutions of learning, the message of Christ crucified is very relevant. It does not matter your social class, privileges, your condition, financial status (favorable or not); whether you are in prison or enjoying freedom, you are called to witness for the Lord in tireless devotion. It is a vocation much talked about and of deep concern for God but most neglected by men. It is a job avoided by most people yet the Lord Jesus Christ makes it a command.

No man can witness sincerely who have no encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. We speak of what we know is the essence of witnessing/evangelism – to persuade men (2Corinthians 5:11) – to call them to obedience to the faith (Romans1:51). People are not saved by admiration of Christians, or by entertaining messages but when they hear the truth (the words) spoken under anointing. It persuades and convicts those who believes and respond to it in repentance and faith. But how can they hear without a preacher?

What do we witness: (message?)

–                     Depravity of man and God saving grace

–                     Lordship of Jesus Christ; man shall be judged by Christ (2 Cor. 5:10).

Significant of witness: God witnessed:

Sharing Good News is not only a New Testament concept: Isaiah 40:9, Jeremiah 52:7; Galatians. 3:8- God preached/ witnessed to Abraham.

–                     God sent Moses to Israel to tell them that “I am (Yahweh) has sent him (Ex. 3:11-14)

–                     Demonstrated God’s power by miracle, plaque over Egyptian Exodus 5:12…..

–                     God sent Moses to Pharaoh Exodus 5:1…. “Let my people go”

–                     Jeremiah 39:17-18- deliverance and healing

–                     John 3:16- God sent His son to evangelize

–                     Isaiah 6:8-9- God sent prophet to declare His will. God sent Himself, Son –Jesus Christ and others to witness His love, power and glory.

ii.                   New Testament: Witness by Jesus Christ

Mark 1:14-15, 38-39 – Jesus witnessed

Matthew. 28:19- Go and make disciple of all nations

Mark 16:15-Go in to the world, preach God’s goodness to all creation.

Luke 24:47-48 – And repentance and forgiveness of sin shall be preached…………… you are witness of those things.

John 20:21 – As the father has sent me, I am sending you.

Matthew 9:35 – Jesus went about all the cities teaching, preaching and healing.

Matthew 10:5, 7, 16 – Jesus sent his disciples

                  John 16:7-8 – Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower witnessing

iii        Witnessing – by Holy Spirit

–                     The Holy Spirit sent Philip to Samaria to preach and heal; and to Ethiopian Eunuch- Acts 8:4f.

–                     The Holy Spirit separated Paul and Barnabas for witnessing Acts 13: 2.

–                     The Holy spirit fell on the apostles to strengthen their witnessing Acts 10:36-46

Today the Holy Spirit is urging the present day Church even the “church in delusion” to proclaim the Good News of the Lord Jesus.


Acts 1:8: ‘But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses of ME in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth”. The implication of the statement is;

            If you have received Holy Spirit power, you must witness.

            If you have the urge to witness, you must be prepared for inescapable

            involvement with the Holy Spirit.

    Where/when witnessing is energically undertaken, it suffers:-

                  -Preaching is half truth

                 – Methods are stereotyped

                  -After care is negligible

–                     Relying on efficiency and techniques rather than on the holy spirit

–                     We live in the age of Holy Spirit

–                     The Spirit convicts men of sin – John16:8-11

–                     Through the Spirit, men are born again to new life in Christ – John.3:3-8

–                     Releases those under bondage to the over-bearing disposition of sin – Rom. 8:2

–                     Quicken men who are dead in trespass and sin 2 Cor. 3:6; Eph. 2:1

–                     Enable men to genuinely acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives 1 Cor. 12:3.

–                     Open our entrance with faith and into the family of God John. 3:5

Other Reference:          Romans 15:18-21; 1Cor. 2:1-5; 1 Thess. 1:5.


Witnessing was the priority of early church.

–                     They devoted themselves to prayer and ministry of the WORD.

–                     Prayer was a priority to witnessing

–                     EXPOSURE OF THE WORD – When those who preach and teach wrestle with the scripture; test what they hear; regularly studying the Bible – see the WORD as a guide to lives and powerful instrument to explain the faith to others. Such is a witnessing church

–                     The WORD is alive and powerful (Heb. 4:2; 1 Thess. 1:5); it attracts people, challenge people, build people and send people out on mission.

–                     Holy spirit and witness bearing go together Mark 13:10-11;

–                     Feel concern for non-Christian, transparent love and dedication. Acts 5:32, Acts 20:26-27; Acts 11:19ff.

–                     New people – their quality of life. Those who followed Jesus gradually became like Him, called after Him YOU CANNOT PRETEND TO BE A CHRISTIAN. They lived such life that could transform people; such lives intrigued and cause a desire to want to know the source of such life.

–                     Once their lives catch fire with Christ then they were set for witnessing.

–                     Wherever they were/went, they talked about their new found love and many of those who were converted in the first week brought or led someone else to the Lord the next week.


 In these days, we have found renewed emphasis in praise and worship. Also we’ve found a new release of the spirit anointing. Worship not only adores God for the worth of His glory and being, but declare/testify to the things He had done Ps 19:1f. Witnessing is an act of worship. A living church is a witnessing community or else it becomes a deep-frozen religion or bricks of blocks and not a living stone.

Witnessing occurs each time the Gospel is preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. Each time you declare the impending doom or calamity for not knowing God or worshipping Him – watchman Ezekiel 33. Each time a man tell his neighbors about the goodness of God. We are chosen people – that we might declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2: 5, 9).

What witnessing (Evangelism) is not?

–          Not individualistic – Even though on a personal note, as a beggar tells another

           beggar where he may get bread, the ultimate purpose is to bring people into

           fellowship of those who have also found the living God through Christ.

–          Not a system – they may be helpful tools in witnessing but there are no system.

           The Lord Jesus is no system but a person. Witnessing is aimed at bringing

      someone face to face with the person of Jesus Christ.

–          Not optional – for those who like that kind of thing or vacation. Is sharing the

Good news of what God has done for us all. It is the sacred duty (a command) of every Christian.

–         Not shallow – A lot of the thing called witnessing appears shallow. It is intended

to be the Good News of God’s saving grace – God takes sinners and builds them      into a new society. This message affects the intellect, the outlook and the relationship – I mean everything.

–         Not a task only for ordained Ministry. No ancient record anywhere says that

    witnessing was a task of the leadership of the church. They preach and teach the

    faith. All are called to witness; it is a way of our calling.

–          Not finding pew fodder – when a Church has tried everything else and failed; they

     reluctantly seek for ways to remain in business – thus organize evangelistic

     campaign. It is an every day’s activity.

–         Not man-made propaganda. The True God is involved in it. God – the Father got

involved when he sent his only Son. Jesus Christ deemed it a priority that he made it subject of His last command. The Holy Spirit was specifically given to equip the

    Church for bearing witness.

Witnessing is not only Christian proclamation but also Christian presence. If the gospel must be real it must not only be heard but seen.  The message can only be meaningful when, emphases on preaching cause feeding, healing, caring educating, teaching, and liberating all fellows/beings. There’s only one Gospel – of a God who reaches people in their needs, rescue them, builds them into a new society and is concerned with every aspect of their lives in this world and the world to come.

Marks of witness:

(a)       Have a first hand experience of God. Hear say is never accepted in the court of law and in the court of this world’s opinion. People listen to what is real, seen and heard.

(b)         Able to express it in words. Though we may witness through our lives, our

              works, our relationship, our attitude, these do not override the importance of

        witnessing through words The authority in the words is God, not ours.

(c)         Confidence in the power of God. The power of the gospel, the power in the

              message of Christ and Him crucified, the power of the Holy spirit. Without

              God, one can do nothing but with God all things are possible.

(d)        Compassion for those who are spiritually lost, burden and care for God created

               image, redeemed by His son, bought by Christ blood to be indwelt by His spirit.

Why do people not witness?

1.          Lack of true knowledge/encounter with Christ – 1 Sam. 3:1, 7. It is possible to

             be busy in the service of God without knowing Christ as Savior and Lord.

2.          Received no power – God uses man to witness while the Holy Spirit give power

             and produce deep conviction – Luke 4:31-32, 1 Peter 1:12.

3.          Unrepentant – Remorse is sorry but not true repentance – Mark 1:14-15.

4.          Unbelief – Even though you have forsaken sin but may not believe in God’s

saving grace and power of the Holy Spirit. John. 11:40: Mark 9:28f .No matter who ministers to you nothing would happen until you believe.

 5.        Believe but do not act – many believers do not act, respond or react – Matt. 12:13.

6.        Religiosity – occupy self with Church programs instead of the supreme function of loving and maintain relationship with God and witnessing

7.        Not bold – Stephen was murdered for his boldness but suffering gave courage to

     the Church. Peter and John experience: Acts 4:2-4, 8-12.When they saw Peter’s

     boldness, they marveled (v. 13)

8.    Lack of Deep conviction of sin:-John.4:28-30, Acts 8:4-8 one sermon, 3000 converts.

9.      Decionism– only truly born again

10.    Lack of basic message: knowledge of the word, barren on the truth, and shallow

        about the word, Jer.23:21.

11.    Lack of passion for lost soul 2 Cor.5:14; Luke 19:10.

12.    Occupy self testifying/uplifting the devil than the goodness of God.

13.    Lost of axe head 2 Kings 6:5.

14.    Fallen prayer life.

15.    Misconception that witnessing is only for specific people or for Jehovah witness.

16.    Hidden sin in church and lives of members.

17.    Lack of willingness to witness.

18.    Fear of the Holy Spirit- some believe in the Holy Spirit to exist in the Creed, the

         Grace and the Lord’s prayer. If allowed to anoint congregation, could cause chaos.

         Some also fear of what will become of them if gripped by the Holy Spirit.

Failure to witness

–          disobedience of  Jesus’ Great Commission

–                     dishonor God

–                     grieve the Holy Spirit

–                      souls perishing and many imbibe new wrong teachings.

–                     Discipleship deficit

–                     no growth in the Church

Finally, if all may know Christ, then we are challenged and called to witness. Those who are in faith should tell the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ to the outsiders. You cannot tell and defend what you do not know or experience. You must first know Christ (being born again) and enjoying Him (yield surrender completely). Many Christians accept Jesus as a Savior but not as Lord. Christ now dictates your pace (step) and control your life before you can go out to tell others. Our command and responsibility is to speak/ tell/witness and the Holy Spirit shall convict people.




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