This is YOUR Time and YOUR Season!!!

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This day, I bring you good news, “This is your season and this is your time!” You may wonder what season, what time? The scriptures say “there is a set time and a set season for everything that the Lord has for you in life (Eccl 3:1, 17; Psalm 102:12; 105:19-20); a time to every purpose under the heaven and for every work. You are stepping into a new season and new time but you may not feel it or see it; it may not look like it. The essential thing about God’s kingdom is how to under-stand your time and season with the Lord. The physi-cal changes may still be unfolding but the spiritual has already emerged. It means you need a revelation of the Lord to understand where you are and what is either happening or about to happen. However, faith believes God’s promises and the word of knowledge and act on them. This explains why Abraham left his father’s city or comfort zone and headed to an unknown place to obtain God’s promises. It is also the reason why while David was in the bush caring for his father’s sheep, God had already pronounced him a king to replace his mas-ter, King Saul. It’s now your turn for celebration!!!

You may still be doubting and wondering “If this really is my new season, why am I still going through difficult situations? Why this delay and frustration? Why I am not yet experiencing the unusual? Can God say a thing and will not do it?” God can put certain protective bar-riers to keep you from stepping outside His will and His timing or making mistakes that will cost you the prophesied future. It could take some months and years for you to step into your prophetic fulfillment. “Nothing is impossible for God,” (Luke 1:37). Some have run ahead of their season for failure to discern God’s timing or waiting for the right time and end up in frustration and defeat. For example: God had predestined Moses a leader from birth but he took the leadership into his hand and ended up killing an Egyptian who had a fight with an Israelite. This singled act brought weariness and sore distress to his life.

The Gospel of Luke 1:5ff relates a story of a man named Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth. Both lived at a time when King Herod reigned over Israel. They were righteous before God; walked in obedience to all the commandment and ordinances of God; were blameless but had no child because Elizabeth was barren; they were advanced and stricken in age. This couple was still childless in an unusual ages and time. They might’ve lost hope of having a child from their own body (loins). They prayed to God all their life time for a child but the situation remained adamant to their most important singled need. Medical science insisted that Elizabeth was barren and could not bear children, however the word of God assures fruitfulness to every living thing. More-so, God’s first blessing to mankind was to bear fruit, multiply and replenish; subdue and have dominion….. (Genesis 1:28). Even in areas where adverse situations persisted over time, God promised to take away barrenness in the land. The High Priest, Zachariah, had blessed and fostered many chil-dren in the course of his duty but not one from his body. Isn’t this embarrassing? No wonder Elizabeth described her situation as a reproach (Luke 1:25).

The childless situation had prevailed for almost a life-time, yet God’s promise didn’t change or reverse; it simply experienced a delay but not denial. The God of the universe blesses, fulfills and satisfies. Understand-ing the season and times of God like the sons of Issa-char help to keep confidence alive, make wise deci-sions, and never give up. It will also prevent one from making wrong turns or desperate moves that end in huge mistakes and self blames. They had spoken to this mountain year in year out but it just did not move. When such a situation arises, do not chew yourself up or accuse your spouse for wrong disposition but ask God for direction. God could be preparing for some-thing uncommon beyond your imagination. When you have done all you know and could, wait and hold on. You may be just some steps away from your break-through; you never can tell. I lean on the insight of William Cowper, hymn writer who wrote, “Behind a frowning providence, God hides His smiling face……..Blind unbelief is sure to err and scan His work in vain…..” Zachariah faced a time of uncertain-ty in his life yet he never stopped worshiping and serv-ing God. Daily he seemed to be running into more un-imaginably closed doors and insurmountable pressures. The unfavorable aging reality did not help their expec-tations.

Unknown to him, a new season had emerged and a change had come. In the hour of Incense, God decided to surprise him. An angel interrupted the routine of the service in an unusual manner. Zachariah became sore, afraid, and confused. It was in the place of divine wor-ship and fervent and consistent prayer that God showed up with unusual and uncommon message. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zachariah! God has heard your prayers. Your wife Elizabeth will have a son and you must name him, John.” (Luke 1:13). Zachariah no longer prayed for a child; his prayers focused on the coming of Israel’s Messiah. This message brought new hope that was both terrifying and embarrassing. “At what age and in what manner, giving that I and my wife are advanced in age?” The angel observed the doubt and confusion in him, reaffirmed that he was Gabriel from the Lord presence, and sent to bring him glad tid-ings. The angel told him that because he didn’t believe his message, he would be dumb and would not speak until its fulfillment. The angel shut his mouth to protect and prevent him speaking vain or unbelief against the good news.

Brethren, it’s your time, your season and your celebra-tion. When the set time of heaven came, God remem-bered Noah and all who were in the boat calling runa-way Moses who committed murder, Abraham in his father’s native home and called him, Jephthah, a son of a prostitute, the rejected made a king by his relations; while Joseph was in prison, lifted up to the palace was David, who had been in the bush caring for his father’s sheep, and made him a king and later, a virgin gave birth to God’s son. It does not matter what the physical situation – body disposition, medical prophesies, eco-nomic downturn, length of disability etc. – God’s power breaks yokes in the physical and brings restoration. When heaven’s throne commands a thing, the earth obeys and complies. It is your season for break-through, turn around, and fulfillment. You have suf-fered a while. It’s time for establishment and settle-ment (1 Pet. 5:10). Your doors have swung open and nothing shall again shut it. Enjoy this season of Thanksgiving and advent; your expectations include Jesus coming!!!!

Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: Email:;

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Houston, Texas, 77272. Phone: 832.881.3929©.

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