As the continent of North America celebrates motherhood I make bold with great sense of humility and honor to congratulate my mother and all mothers on the occasion of Mother’s Day celebration. I join with Abraham Lincoln and pray fervently, “God bless my mother…….all I am I owe to her.” Apostle Paul’s writing to the Saints of Ephesians said, “Honor [esteem and value as precious] your father and mother. This is the first commandment with a promise: That all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth [Ephesians 6:2-3; Exodus 20:12]. We honor our parents while they are alive and after they’ve passed. On this Mother’s Day we reflect on the joy of having a mother [or mothers]. A mother could be a woman who gave birth to us – biological or a female in our life that has helped to raise us into outstanding citizens. They share their experiences and knowledge with us along side with mentoring us into holy living and the reality of life. Some are still living and others have passed into great beyond but still live in our hearts. We salute and appreciate them.
Moses admonished the Israelites, respect your father and mother [Leviticus 19:3]. Whoever hit or curses his mother [and father] shall be put to death [Exodus 21:15, 17; Leviticus 20:9; Proverbs 20:20]. Despise not your mother when she’s old [Proverbs 23:22]. Why were such hard laws concerning mothers [and fathers] made? I may not have all the answers. My mother often said, “If God did not want me to be your mother He won’t have put you in my womb or you would have died before I gave birth to you.” This explains the special place mothers occupy in children life. Again these laws were made for those who strike, beat, rob, grieve, abuse and even murder their mother [and father] for manslayers [1 Timothy 1:9-10]. The hand of the law usually catches up with them and put them behind bars where they remember the unheeded advices of their mothers, mentors and teachers. They failed to listen and act when the light shines. Today they are in a dark world leaving their moms in agony and tears. However a woman’s tender care never ceases towards the child she bears.
A godly mother advises her child in godly fears and righteous living. Her teachings improve the child’s character; keep away from bad people and from violence [Proverbs 1: 8, 15, 19]. Godly moms untiringly correct their children and do not hesitate to discipline them [Proverbs 13:1; 23:13]. She strives to provide the genuine needs of her child and does not give the child everything he/she cries for. Her children emulate her behavior than her instructions. She behaves politely and respectfully even before her child. She is not disrespectful towards others even when her patience is tested. She commends her child for good behavior and rebuke for acting rudely; keep her promises and maintain rich family values.
A godly mom is a virtuous woman. Prophetic Awareness and Healing Ministries teaches that a virtuous woman is one who is obedient, radiant in her works, majestic in her speeches; who uses the word of God to address her people and circumstances. She neither waste time declaring her grounds when it comes to area of her faith nor compromise anything at all whether her body, soul or time. A virtuous woman is woman of faith that triumphs after a very long walk with God through the shadow of death. She holds unto God when it seems the word of prophesy concerning her life shall not come to pass. She musters courage even when it seem meaningless to those around her. She thinks of people around her: her husband, children, family and friends. She shows mercy and compassion as well as loving kindness through her works and the world sees and come to know Christ very personally.
A godly mom is a praying woman who finds time in her busy schedules juggling to seek the face of God and learn at the master’s feet. A story goes like this: A Christian mother had a son who after High School traveled to a far city but was not communicating with his mother. He got married to a strange woman and blessed with nine children but did not visit home. His mom constantly prayed for her son to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ. This appeared illusion. The woman died and somehow the message reached her son. Two days to her burial, the son returned with wife and nine children. His returned ignited joy and celebration. During the funeral service, after a powerful sermon, a clergy stood up to pray but asked if anyone would want to be remembered that on the funeral day of this great woman of God he/she gave his/her life to Jesus. Following a quiet moment his only son step forward and received Christ. There was tearful joy. God answers mom’s prayers in his own time and way. Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth, says, “If God had said yes to all my prayer requests I’d have married the wrong man- several times.” Let’s devote ourselves to prayers and learn to be satisfied by his judgment; being watchful and thankful in his answers. We should teach our children the Holy Scriptures to make them wise and how to depend on God’s decision [Col 4:2; 2 Tim.3:15].
A godly mom is a hard worker, strong and industrious. She is concern to meet her family needs; brings home food and get up early to prepare food for the family. She’s generous to the have nots; provide comfort for her husband and children. She speaks wisdom and her tongue is seasoned with kindness [Proverbs 31:14-27]. Susannah Wesley was a busy mom with 19 children yet she set aside time [an hour day] to meet with God and pray for her children. Our Daily Bread of May14, 2006 opined, “Being a mother is hard work Indeed it is. The labor to bring a child into the world is only the beginning.” A godly mom involves her children in Christian activities; teaching them godly love and values.
A godly mother is a respectful wife. She respects her husband and honors him. She does him good and not bad. Because of her industry her husband is well known and highly respected among leading citizen. She has high regards for her husband and holds him as an icon in the presence of her children. Little wonder her children appreciate her and her husband praises her. [Proverbs 31:11-12, 23, 28]. She does not only respect her husband but her good deeds are extended to her in-laws and people in the city know she’s a woman of strength. She is capable, loyal and trustworthy [Ruth3:10-11]. Moms aren’t perfect. Sometimes they are fair; favoritism and deception can skew their judgment.[Gen 27:13]. St Augustine wrote God can hit right even with a crooked stick. God can still bless moms and uses their flaws in decision for gainful good. Their passions are understood by God. Thank God for using them to fulfill perfect purposes in our lives.
People in different countries of the world celebrate Mother’s Day on various days of the year because of different origins and history. The British and some of her ancient colonies in Africa like Nigeria celebrated Mothering Sunday on the fourth Sunday of lent [March 18, 2007] while North America and most countries in South America celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May [May 13, 2007]. There’s no better time to revive the Mother’s Day Proclamation of 1870 and call for peace and disarmament than now. Join me to appreciate our mothers. They are awesome and wonderful. God bless our mothers, give them good health and long life that they may live to see their children’s children and be cherished and appreciated for their untiring love to us. Amen.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill can be reached by email: gkapin53@yahoo.com