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                              THE STORM IS OVER [MARK 4:35-41].

Definitions: Literally, a storm is a strong wind, with rain, snow, thunder and lightening. It could include heavy fall of snow, rain or shower of object such as missiles.  Also a storm is described as a strong emotional outburst or excitement or any strong disturbance or upheaval as in political, social or domestic affairs.  It could also be sudden strong attacks on a fortified place that could be violent, rage and vigorous. Storms could be grouped into two main categories: a] natural – product of nature such that fishermen often deal with; b] un-natural (or supernatural) – Satan behind the storm or Jesus allowed the storm; fishermen can’t deal with this type of storm.

Different kinds of storms: a. Doubt; b. Distress; c. Disappointment; d. Depression; e. Discouragement; f. Disillusion; g. Delay; h. Defeat; i. Death of loved one.

Who created the storm? [Psalm 107:23-30; Col.1: 15-16; Isa. 45:5-7].

God is Elohim, the Supreme God, the Creator and Sovereign – He created all things and has control over all things [Isaiah 43:7, 45:7, 18; Eph. 3:9b]. God is before and behind; an end to every storm of life. He may allow it or send it [Col. 1:16, Rev. 10:6].

Mark 4:35 – Jesus suggested, let us cross over to the other side of the lake.

Job 2:3 – Have you considered my servant Job…….

Job 1:12 – God actively restrains Satan. Satan can do nothing without God’s permission

                  [Read Job 1: 6-12].

Why did God create storms? [vs. 40 – Why do you still lack faith in Me?

Jesus deliberately asked the disciples to cross over to the other side of the lake:

 i] to test their faith;    ii] to strengthen their resolve.

The disciples were with Jesus all that time and saw Him do great supernatural things. They talked about the Kingdom of God but did not grasp what it was all about. It was a hard learning experience for them. The Kingdom is within you [us]; storm pull it out, the strength or faith to use it [Luke 17:20-21].  The storm was not for enjoyment or dance in pleasure; not in word but in power [Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 4:20]. Again, the storm was to prepare them for what shall confront them as they cross over to the other side of the sea [Mark 5:1ff – a man with unclean spirit in the city of Gadara].

The storm puts us in hard seats or situations of life and teaches us how to discover and resolve ourselves from what we have lost or about to loose; know more about Jesus and His powers over all creation (Romans 8:28; 2 Corinthians 4:17). How could anyone prove he has the strength except by being put in a position to exercise it? Few biblical examples of men of faith who also exercised it – Moses and the Pharaoh of Egypt, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, David victory over Goliath, Daniel and den of lions, the 3 Hebrew boys – Sha’drach, Me’shard and A-bed-ne-go and king Neb-u-chad-nez-zar’s idol, Joshua and the crossing of the Jordan. Stephen was a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit and did great wonders and miracles among the people [Acts 6:5-8]. Apostle Peter and John with the lame at the beautiful gate [Acts 3]; the prison gates [Acts 12:5], and Paul and Silas singing inside the prison wall [Acts 16:25-26], Paul in the ship headed to the Island of Melita [Acts 27 & 28], etc. The Lord often allows the storm to continue in our lives until He has accomplished his purposes.

HOW DOES THIS WORK? God speaks to man through His words and events. If His words are not heeded, He allows events [storms of life] to try us out. Such storms could be tragedy, painful and even devastating; reminds us of past warnings from God’s word.

–          Subdue and have dominion (Genesis 1:28)

–          Blessed be the Lord my strength, who teaches my hand to war, and my fingers to fight (Psalm 144:1).

–          Many are the affliction of the righteous but the Lord delivered him out of them all (Psalm 34:19).

i) STORMS OF LIFE ARE INEVILABLE! It is unpleasant experience but it is imminent and real. The storm will come anywhere. Things may be going great at present. I want you to know that it takes a split second for everything to change, and flip downward (Job’s experience). It could be losing of job; accident of a family member, a Tornado may rip apart your apartment/home, shooting at the Mall or apartment complex, etc. When the disciples left the duck that evening, everything was fine. There were no worries about their safety or any danger. They may have crossed that lake several times before then. Some of them were expert fisherman who lived their lives in the sea. There was something about that storm beyond the ordinary such that expert fishermen could not handle.

ii) We trust in God alone. Every storm reveals who we are and the strength of God in us. If we know the storm will come anytime, how do we deal with these storms when they come?  Get ready to breast the storm. The storm is a trial or test to see how firm we are in Christ. Take your eyes off the circumstances and put it in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Be aware that lack of trust (faith) results into fears of life.

iii) Be focused. When times are hard, hold on and stick to your resolve and do not loose focus but put your trust in Jesus Christ. Avoid every kind of distractions and discouragement.

iv) The storm has expiry date; it shall not last forever. When we have snow, it is cold and miserable outside. The sun comes out and the temperature rises and the snow melts. The storm shall pass no matter how hard it is. The Son (not sun) of righteousness calms the winds and waves; the storm we were worried about is over.

v) Jesus is always there in the storm of life. That does not means we shall not experience storm or we shall not look for Him; whether in good or bad times, Jesus had promised I shall be with you always even to the end of age. He will reveal who He is in the midst of storm.

vi) Hold onto God’s promises. God is a promise keeper and we see the rainbow after the storm; His promises never fail.

vii) Affirm to His presence (Vs. 38). Know who is in the boat with you. His presence brings His present – uncommon, unusual and unexplainable.


God allows storms in our lives for purposes beyond our understanding and there come in various forms and shapes. Since God allows the storms, only Him can quench and calm it. The lightening may flash, the thunder crashes; the winds blowing and the waves dashing. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the worst storm, keep your eyes on Jesus Christ for He knows all your struggles and He’s in control of everything. Invariably, you have to keep your eyes off: i) the situations or circumstances; ii) the crowds; iii) the conflicts; iv) the compromises; v) the condition you are going through. vi) be patient and hold to your conviction and resolve. The Psalmist urges, be still and know that He’s God and that He will deliver you (Psalm 46:10).

a)      The REBUKE: Jesus rose and rebuke the storm, peace, be still and the storm went away (Matt 11:28; 1 Peter 5:7).

b)      The WIND ceased at the command of Jesus and calm restored.

c)      The RELIEF: awe and amazement (second fears) in the presence of one greater than self and storm. The first fears came in verse 40 when the disciples became so fearful – meaning timid and afraid to the point of giving up.

The greatest storm came when Jesus was arrested at Gethsemane; tortured and eventually nailed to the cross at Calvary. That storm swept through Jerusalem on Friday. On Sunday morning, something grand emerged, something more than what had happened, beyond our imagination and understanding; something impossible to believe. Everything old had to pass away and everything became new (2 Corinthians 5:17). After that deadly Friday storm that took the righteous life of the Son of God, the Sun rose on the Resurrection morning. The storm was over and a new life begun. Are you ready for a new life after the storm? You have to forget and put behind you all you went through during the storm and focus on the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. In the words of Apostle Paul, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means, I may attend to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10-11).

*Know that you never had a problem that God can’t solve. *You’ve never prayed a prayer that God can’t answer. * You’ve never seen a person that God didn’t love. * You’ve never seen a promise that God couldn’t keep. * There’s no storm that Jesus can’t calm.

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