The power of Instructions

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The power of Instructions

As we read the scriptures, we often ponder on one word that describes the Holy Book; the word is INSTRUCTIONS. Literally, to instruct means to teach, educate, inform, to order or direct. The book of Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel in chapter 1 verses 1-3 states: to know wisdom and understanding; to receive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment and equity. Verses 8-9 give the admonition: “My son, hear the instruction of your father and do not forsake the laws of your mother. For they will be a graceful ornament on your head and chains about your neck.” If one should ask: what are the reasons for these instructions? Verses 4-7 give undiluted answers: i] to give prudence to the simple; knowledge and discretion to the young. ii] to increase learning to the wise and attain wise counsel for a man of understanding.  iii] to understand proverbs and an enigma; the words of the wise and their riddles. iv] create knowledge of the fear of the Lord.

At the toddle ages, we learn instructions from home. Mom and Dad coach us on how to call names, say few words and response to calls. As infant, we learn to obey commands: sit, stand, eat drink, sleep, be quiet; say you are sorry and thank you, Excuse me, good day and night etc. We grow to be able to read, write and record information. As we start Nursery and proceed to Elementary [primary] education, instructions become a way of imparting knowledge and learning. Through this process, we impart/receive knowledge, cultures, traditions and trade as well as sciences and developments etc. We also learn religion and of course Christian Faith. Through instructions we are taught how to stay away from evil and differentiate between good and bad as well as live for God. Instruction to the wise makes him wiser; learning makes just man increase in learning [Proverbs 9:9].

In Christian faith, we study the instructions; learn how to read and meditate on the word of God, how to confess our misdeeds and pray and fast to obtain result and enjoy open heaven. We learn perseverance, patience and how to prevail in battles of life. It also deals with how to conduct our behaviors and live good Christian life [Psalm 119:11; Jeremiah 15:16]. We learn daily as we live and grow in understanding and commitment; maturing and preparing for the kingdom of God and experiencing what and how to live a Christian life in an  unchristian world. As long as we learn and obey, we grow and mature in knowledge and wisdom evidence in our behaviors and reactions to various situations [Hebrews 4:12; Deuteronomy 29:29]. The wise in heart receives commands but a prating fool shall fall [Proverbs 10:9].

In Wisdom from the Bible, Dan and Nancy Dick wrote, “Attempting to live a good Christian life can be just as frustrating sometimes. It seems like it should be easy but as hard as we might try to live as God would want, we find that we can’t quite do it. We need help; we need instructions. God gives us those instructions if we seek it. Through prayers, the scripture and supports of fellow believers we can gain special insights which make living the Christian life much easier and more fulfilling” We are not alone in Christian journey; we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as a companion and God had also given each of us one another for help, comfort and sometimes to confront and challenge us.

The scripture contains the saying of the wise and testimonies of God’s goodness and redemption as well as stories of persecutions and challenges. Listen to the few examples: “My children do what your father tells you and never forget what your mother taught you. Keep their words with you always, locked in your hearts. Their teaching will lead you when you travel, protect you at night and advise you during the day……..” Proverbs 6:20ff]. Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans and indeed all Christians, “But God has shown us how much he loves us – it was while we were sinner that Christ died for us. By His blood we are now put right with God……” [Romans 5:8ff]. Some instructions may prompt care and concern, “We have a young sister and she has no breast. What shall we do for her when a young man comes asking for her hand? [Song of Solomon 8:8]. The Psalmist says, “Happy are those who live according to the laws  of the Lord; who obey Him with all their hearts……if I pay attention to all your commands then I will not be put to shame……” [Psalms 119:1-6]. The scripture equates love to obedience and if one observes God’s laws, he prospers. You have to meditate on it day and night and make a good success [Joshua 1:8].

 God has entrusted to parents the awesome responsibility of raising children; by being good role models and instructing them in the right way to live their lives. Parents most times ponder and question times without number the decisions they make and pray to God to enable them make good choices for their children. Parents always want something better for their children. Their choices may be based on their up-bringing, the word of God or on their experiences and exposures in life. Even when they had made wrong decisions and failed severally while growing up, they want to guide their children right [1 Kings 2:1-4]. God orders children to honor their parents such that their behaviors shall not bring dishonor to dad and mom as well as everyone that God may put on their way to help or be helped by them. In a similar way, our heavenly Father, wants the best for us. He gives us instructions not for show of power or might but to guide and to direct us to live well, such that He will be honored and glorified [I Timothy 4:15-16; 2 Timothy 3:16-17]. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge but he who hates correction is stupid [Proverbs 12:1].

Finally, instructions inform us of who we are and the unconditional love of God; His sacrifice in His Son, Jesus Christ; help us to live a successful Christian’s life by the power of the Holy Spirit. It encourages us to face life challenges and be strong; expose us to the experiences of our founding parents and the struggles they faced. It gives us knowledge of life and the differences between good and bad; teaches our rights and liberates us from ignorance, fears and mediocrity. Instruction educates us on the pit falls and devices of the enemy and how to prevail and live an overcoming life. It’s our choice to find it, study, meditate and most importantly do it; in this lays prosperity and success.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at:  or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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