The message of Easter

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The Message of Easter – Jesus is alive

He’s not here but is risen” [Luke 24:6]. Impossible, unbelievable, indeed inevitable. Jesus was arrested, appeared before Herod and Pontius Pilate and death sentence passed on Him. He was seen nailed to the cross and died. His lungs were no longer breathing and the heart beat had stopped; the hands and legs stiff and rigid while the body had grown cold. Even the greatest Physician would have confirmed Him dead. It was all over. The man who had caused the Scribes and Chief Priest sleepless nights over the past few years were no more [Luke 23:46b, John 19:30]. What a relief!

The Roman officials confirmed His death [John 19:33-34]. On remembering His pronouncement that He would rise on the third day, they obtained permission from Pilate and fortified the sepulture, sealed the tomb and set watch of a contingent of heavily armed soldiers over the tomb [Matthew 27:66]. They were assured by the laws of nature that every dead creature [human or thing] returns to dust and remained dead. Death appears man’s greatest foe and enemy. It had conquered all men. No creature no matter how strong and wealthy had ever outwitted death or destroyed its power [Psalm 49:10]. The grave had always won the battle and every person sooner or later has a price to pay with death. Human beings are not alone, animals and plants die; cities and nations fade away; homes, automobiles and apparels wear out and return to the dust, just like their owners. The universe is not static but already moving towards the end time.

The Resurrection of Jesus is one of the most miraculous, astounding and yet controversial facts ever known to human history. “If Christ did not rise from death, then our preaching and faith are in vain and we are still in sin and mankind is without hope, we are of all men most miserable”[1 Corinthians 15:12-19]. Jesus Christ is alive; it is true He died, was buried in common with all other men – [Buddha, Mohammed, Krishnan, Kurumaraji etc] but unlike other men, He emerged from the tomb, resurrected, His own body and became the first of them that slept and alive for evermore. It is amazing to note that of all the religions of the world, only Christianity had her founder and leader alive. All great and holy men are born and die [with the exception of the likes of Prophet Elijah who was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven and Enoch]. Little wonder the surprise, what seemed impossible was actually inevitable. “For it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Jesus” [Acts 2:24]. “O death where is thy sting? O graves where is your victory? Apostle Paul pondered and concluded, thank be to God for giving us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” [1 Corinthians 15:55, 57].

At this juncture, let us define the word Resurrection? Resurrection in New Testament Greek is anastasis which means literally ‘standing up” [stasis-standing, Ana –up] or rising up. Chambers Twentieth Century dictionary defines it as raising from dead, to restore to life or to revive. God raised Jesus up from dead which means from the corpses into a new life.

Evidences abound that prove this fact of Jesus’ Resurrection but constrained by space and time I shall mention only but a few:

  1. 1.The Foundation of Christianity: Christianity would have been an empty and hopeless religion without Jesus’ Resurrection. His disciples who were utterly confused and afraid for their lives upon the demise of their master could not have been bold enough to stand before the same rulers and people to declare Jesus’ resurrection. But the assurance and conviction that Christ was alive [as He still is today and forever] they went forth everywhere proclaiming the Resurrection and the multitude followed them and eventually became believers. Despite the persecution, up to the point of death, they upheld the truth [Acts 2:32-26]. That was why Peter and James [Jesus’ Brother] all affirmed to that fact and became servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. 2.God’s confirmation that Jesus is His Son: The Bible records in John 19:7 that Jesus was condemned to death because He “made himself the son of God.” God therefore delivered Him from the grave. The resurrection was God’s signature confirming that Jesus is in fact His son and Jesus is God.
  3. 3.The Empty Tomb Sensation: If Christ did not rise from death, what became of His body? The Guards were bribed to lie that His disciples stole it from their hiding [Matthew 28:13]. The disciples were so afraid that they could not come out of the room that they were assembled. None of them expected Jesus to rise. They did not even believe the women who announced to them that Jesus was alive [Luke 24:11] while some still doubted Him when He appeared right in their midst [Luke 24:37]. It seemed to them so shocking, so inconceivable, and so impossible. Some opined that His enemies stole Him. If so why have they not produced the corpse over years to counter the claim of His disciples? Others framed up that Jesus only fainted on the cross and was presumed dead, while some others said that the women confused Jesus’ tomb with one that was really empty. The evidence of the empty tomb stands conclusive to the glory of the Father Almighty.
  4. 4.Post Resurrection Appearances: The Bible records that Jesus on resurrection appeared to His disciples on different occasions as infallible proof. He appeared to Mary Magdalene [Mark 16:9], to the other women [Matthew 28:8-10], to Peter [Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5]; to two on the road to Emmaus [Mark 16:12]; to ten of the disciples [John 20:19-20], to all eleven disciples eight days later [John 20:20-29]; to seven disciples by the sea of Tiberias [John 21:1-23]; to five hundred followers [1 Corinthians 15:6]; to James, Jesus’ brother [1 Corinthians 15:7]; to the eleven at the Ascension [Acts 1:3-12]. There was no doubt that He was seen by Stephen [Acts 7:56] and Paul [Acts 9:3-5, 1 Corinthians 15:8] and by John [Revelations 1:12-18]. The disciples were so fearful and doubtful that they could not recognize Him at first. He invited them to touch the wounds of His hands [John 20:27] and also ate with them [Luke 24:21-45].

Interesting enough most of them were alive when more people testified of His resurrection. It would have not been possible for falsehood to be perpetuated to the level of apostles preaching under deep conviction, witness instantaneous changes in their lives from fearful and highly intimidated people to bold spirit-filled proclaimers. Such witnesses cost them loss of their possessions, radical persecution and even death. Something must have been responsible and the only answer is the power of the resurrected Christ. Today that power is still available to you and me, if we so desire and believe.

Significance of Christ Resurrection: By His resurrection, God vindicated His son Jesus Christ. Christ conquered death [Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:22, 26]; became immortal [Romans 1:18, 1 Timothy 6:16] brought grace to reign through righteousness [Romans 5:21]. He fulfilled Old Testament prophesy [Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 9:2, 53:11] and His predictions [Matthew 16:21, 17:23, John 10:16]; proved His deity [Romans 1:14] gives hope to all believers [Hebrews 6:19], sits above all principalities and powers [Ephesians 1:21]; is the Head over His body – the Church [Ephesians 1:22]. Jesus becomes High Priest for ever and King of Kings [Revelations 19:16] and gives everlasting life to all who come to Him [John 5:24].

In conclusion, the message of Easter centers on Christ Resurrection. It goes to prove that the scripture cannot be broken [John 10:35] and that God is not a liar. Also since Christ died for all, those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again. Just as Christ was raised from death, we too may live a new life in Him [Romans 6:4]. You cannot belong to the risen Christ and remain the same old person. Today, Jesus invites you to repentance and to new life in Him. Jesus is Alive and He is the Lord of all.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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