The Living Child is mine

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The month of May every year brings with it the second most celebrate event in the continent of North America. It is Mother’s Day celebration. It is the second most popular event next to Thanksgiving; being an important moment in the life of every human being. It’s assumed that everyone has a mother [living or dead]. The role nature assigned to mothers is that of care and tenderness. The nurture that mothers give is critical to a child’s wellbeing. I’m bold to salute all mothers for being carriers of the conceptions, groom and nurture pregnancies, struggles and pains of deliveries and every day care, comfort and being there for their children. Little wonder, the saying, “a woman’s tender care never ceases towards the child she bears.”

In this year of the decade – a year that ends with the number ten; two digit number, I shall be inclined to illuminate our minds on the lessons on the story of the two mothers in the book of First Kings, chapter three verses 16 through 27. These two women were prostitutes who lived in the same apartment and slept in the same room. They had new baby boys each about the same time, within the same week. Within that week, they had no visitors. They had an ugly incident, a peculiar problem, so disturbing that they came to King Solomon for justice. While they slept in the night one of them accidentally rolled over on her baby and he died. When she observed the baby had died, she woke up and swiftly exchanged her dead child for the other woman’s living child. Could you imagine how such mischievous thought came about? It’s nothing less than the manipulation and manifestation of demonic influences. This is how Satan enters into someone’s mind and the result is havoc. Have you wondered how she could do such hurt to her colleague and co-tenant [room-mate]. This is the attitude and behavior of unfriendly friends.

In the morning, the next day, the woman who had the living child got up to feed her baby only to find out he was lifeless. She put on the light and looked at him again; she knew he wasn’t her baby. She then raised an alarm. The woman whose son died and stole her colleagues’ baby insisted the dead son belonged to her room-mate while the living son belonged to her. She shouted, “The living baby is mine; my son is alive.” These two women yelled at each other again and again and argued front and back, even in front of King Solomon. The woman whose child was living suspected a foul play and tried to justify her suspicion. The stake was on the living child. In our world today, because of the advancement of science and technology in medical services, the King could have ordered a DNA examination be conducted to determine the right mother.

However, King Solomon asked for a sword to be brought and ordered that the living child be cut into two halves. The real mother of the baby screamed, please do not kill my son, I love my son and he’s my blood. Rather give him to her, when the child grows up he will know his mother. The other woman whose child died shouted, go ahead and cut him into two halves; then neither of us shall have the baby. The bad sleeping habit woman who rolled over and killed her son had no feelings and sympathy for the living son. This was a great test that exposed the wisdom of the king to the world; that enabled him make a difficult decision that amazed everyone in Israel and beyond. It was evidence that God was with him.

As we celebrate this year’s mother’s day, we examine the attitude and actions of these two prostitutes [women]. Even though they lived in the same room and practiced same trade, one was a mother and the other a murderer. The murderer portrayed a knife; killed her son, stole the other woman’s son and lied to cover her misdeed. She was inclined to cutting the living child with a sword. They are many knives in our marriages today and like their sender, Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. However, the mother of the living son expressed deep sense of love and care for the child she bore. Her DNA was in the living child. She is a good wife [not a knife] and wonderful mother [not murderer] for her offspring. She trusted God that when the child grows up he would know his mother. She was honest and truthful; full of tender care for his child. She said, “The living child is mine.”

Child theft is not new; it’s common and rampant even in hospital settings. Most rampant these days are the news of mothers killing the children they bore. In spite of the fact that God and society abhors these crimes, they happen daily and receive stiffer condemnation and sanctions. Funny enough, Satan will try but with God on our side he cannot quench our light. “The evil shall bow before the good and the wicked at the gate of the righteous” [Proverbs 14:19]. Be aware of unfriendly friends; they are like internal enemies and know your weaknesses and are ready to exploit them. They may smile but it’s just cheerful deceit. Keep your loins girded and your lambs burning [Luke 12:35]. Beware Satan is about to steal your child, your crown and your destiny. Decree today that nobody steals your crown, kill your child and destroy your future. Pray that your best friend is not eying your spouse or thinking of destroying your home.

In this year of your laughter and celebration, you will not work for another to eat. The season of fake union, miscarriages and suffer of reproaches has ceased. You will not suffer loses, weeping, mourning, mockery and castigations anymore because God has remembered you. The living child is yours. God has removed your shame and bad news. The devil is a liar and God has exposed his secret plans. His efforts to steal and destroy what belongs to you have been aborted. God shall scatter every jealous and covetous inclination of your unfriendly friends. Every Satanic arrow shut to destroy your marriage, your pregnancy and relationship is returned to the sender. The dead child does not belong to you. The dead marriage is not your portion. Every spirit of destruction: gang, witchcraft, marine and stubbornness as well as depression are rooted away in Jesus name. May God bulldoze every stronghold of internal enemies in my life in Jesus name? May your enemies announce your promotion? May God reveal the secret plan of your enemy? Enjoy your year of uncommon favor and unusual happenings. Congratulations; Happy Mother’s day celebrations.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P O. Box 720035, Houston, TX, 77272.

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