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                                      THE FAILURE OF MORAL POLICE

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods” by Albert Einstein

In our age and time, our society is blessed with so many noble men and women. They have shown successes in academia, in industry and commerce; some among them are most respected and honorable members of congress and representative of the people. As veritable members of their respective communities, they have assisted many in their communities and demonstrated compassion on those with various needs. Among them are pastors of Mega Churches and crusader of love and unity in our counties. They are magnanimous in their love of the law and respect for humanity but sometimes like the Pharisees, miss where to draw the line of mercy. Yet they are simply human and not exonerated from wrong doings. They see themselves as the custodian and champion of the moral truth and justice. Some among them live in glass house and yet throw stones. The tragedy of their outward successes is that some show too obvious stains of failure on the family level and among closed friends. A legacy of success with a spot of failure to lead the family aright is not a wholesome legacy.

Morality has always been a subject of priority interest in our world. Our society upholds high standards of morality and tries hard to enforce it by making laws and rules. Any law that has no enforcement is as good as non-existing. Also the law should apply to both high and low people equitably but in some cases, has been circumvented, especially among those who impose the rules and hold others accountable. This is where we have problems with the activities of self imposed moral police. They are like the biblical Pharisees who washed their outside and left their inside dirty. They’re like those pots calling kettles black. They make the laws and are learned in the laws but are above the laws because they connive in disobedience.   They are quick to point one finger at the faults of other people but fail to realize that the other four fingers point at them. They flag the symbols of truth and righteousness, justice and peace but dirtier than the pigs in their corners and full of flaws in justice and equity. They live “dip and skip” lifestyles and in double standards. In their mouth they call upon God but their hearts are dominated by selfish gain, ego and power as well as evil pursuits.

These moral police circumvent the laws to suit them. However depending on your class and color, they determine your case. Some get triple jail term than the others for committing the same crime.  Some live in religion and enjoy the pews and pulpits but teach heresy. These police put forth the cross before them and the grave behind them [Matthew 23:27]. Outside they criticize gay, abortion, same sex marriage and adultery but keep concubines, some prostitutes and others house wives and sexual mistresses This malaise cuts across men in high places and positions in government and corporations, they live constantly in the public eyes; but what happen behind the closed doors of their lives and families are nothing short of catastrophes and hypocrisies. [Matthew 23:23-29]. Do not be deceived by their high offices and dignified titles or how tall and smooth their speeches are, their moral standards are very low and indecent; can not play a home run. They stand always to say, I ‘m not like the other person…..because in real sense, they are worst than other people.

Thanks to the ‘State Father’ who may have found himself on a tight rope and has decided to push behind the past and move forward. While we watched, financial corporations collapsed, vibrant industries failed, World street bail out stimulus package disappeared and flew to the unknown; our 401k was crippled and banking industry crushed. Where were the moral police? Before then did we really fight a war we were not suppose to fight? Apart from tons of billions spent, most importantly we lost great manpower; parents especially fathers [young men] and leave families in disarray.   Who then cares for the repercussion of the economic clash on middle class, working families and retired citizens?

Less I forget, monthly the working families’ wages are taxed at source because they are in paid employment but some in high public offices and echelon of industry find ways to circumvent taxes. Indeed, these ‘do as I say’ privileged citizen do more great harms and injustices to the society they claim to protect than those who rob convenient stores or banks outlets. Those who steal five dollars [or worth of goods] are prosecuted and jailed but highly placed pen robbers in high offices of the land are under no-touch list. Whose standards should we follow and emulate; who should be our competent guide?

When it comes to moral issues, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God is the answer. He is the only one who lived in righteousness, holiness and perfection. He is the way, the truth and the life. He came as human being to the world but lived sinless. Even when we try to live right, we find that our righteousness is daunted and tainted; it cannot satisfy God’s standards. We often end up living in the letter of the laws and not the Spirit. We pretend we could make it on our own, living in obedience to moral laws but we always fail. Yet character is what we do when no body is watching. It was to share this human failure that the Psalmist writes, “If thou, Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? [Psalm 130:3]. Apostle Paul, a Pharisee, so passionate of the Jewish laws and fought vigorously to keep to its letters but was arrested by Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus to destroy the people of the way. He avails us with the ingredients of his human experiences, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God…..being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Are the moral police better than those they claim to police? No, in no wise, for all both the police and those they police are under sin. There is none righteous, no not one. [Romans 3:9-10, 23-24].

However Jesus had warned against the moral Police: Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in flowing gown [suits and tie]; greeted and treated with respect in public places, who chose reserved seats in worship places and best place at feasts. They take advantage of widows and less privileged and rob them of their income, taxes and privileges. They present their credentials as a way to make us vulnerable and catch our trust; weep up our sentiments and put up cheerful deceit in long prayers. God has promised to expose their deeds in the dark and their punishment shall be great [Mark 12:38ff]. That is what we hear and read in the media and wonder is it true? “Remember Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns whose people acted as those angels did and indulged on sexual immorality and perversion….These people had visioners who made them sin against their own bodies; they despised God’s authority and insult the glorious beings above…..The Lord….shall bring judgment to all, to condemn the hypocrites for the godless deeds they have performed and for all the terrible words that godless sinners have spoken against Him. These people are always grumbling and blaming others; they follow their own evil desires. They brag about themselves and flatter others in order to get their own way” [Jude 7-16].

Thank God because of His unconditional love towards mankind through Jesus Christ. Salvation is therefore found only in Him [Acts 4:12]. God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn the world as moral Police do but that the world through Him might be saved [John 3:17]. God Looks down from heaven at people to see if any is wise, or fear Him but found all is bad and have turned away; not one does what is right [Psalm 53:2-3]. Who then gives pots the right to judge kettles? God is asking: But why should you recite my commandment and talk about my covenant in vain and disobedience? You refused to let me correct you and reject my instructions; become friends and defender of every thief you see and associate with adulterers. You’re always ready to speak evil and accuse people you should protect; finding faults with them. I, God now reprimand you to come in the open and speak the truth’ [Psalm 49:16-21].

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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