The Evil and the Upright
In our world, we have both good and bad people. Both are God’s creation made in His image and likeness; allowed self-will that enables them make choices. Whether we are tagged good or bad, “we all experience a struggle that we ourselves deal with in our own ways because we are all products of heredity, environment and other life circumstances.” The News Today referred to Tim Harford’s book titled, The Logic of life, where he wrote, “No two are exactly the same and no such thing as ‘extremely bad’ or ‘extremely good’ people. Thus, most people are not a saint and most are not the sons or daughters of the evil as well. We are all in the middle of the extremes, thus we cannot judge people as simply good or bad.” Kathy M. Villalon of News Today thinks that “people simply make good or bad decisions or actions. The scripture said everything God created including man is good. The ‘goodness’ or ‘badness’ of people amid us may also be caused by our own deeds; ….Also a bad and good person depends on our judgment.” To be classified as evil or upright depends on our judgment on the choices and behavior a person puts out at a particular time; the struggles, pressures and situation the person faces at work or at home and may be an influence. However, there are codes of conduct and behavior pattern expected of us in private and public places that help in our determination, whether one is upright or evil. Our actions reveal our thoughts and the choices we make as well as our judgment of right or wrong. These determine the good and the bad or evil and upright.
Good people are upright, make good choices to fear God and obey His commandments; work with the system and obey the rules. These people contribute to the society. The bad people are evil, may have some element of religion, pretend to fear God but don’t obey His commandments; make wrong choices and infringe on the right and freedom of others who help the society. The bad people live life on the edge without care or concern for the good of other people; being dishonest, lying and cheating, using their position of trust for dishonest gain and lack integrity. Evil people are disloyal by virtue of subversive behavior and traitorousness; have increasing want, greed, selfishness and personal gain as well as sinful nature. On the other hand, upright people are law abiding and keep to the safety and peace rules. They abhor dirtiness, filthiness, deceits, fraud and disloyalty. They could be easily manipulated, exploited and cheated upon by the evil people.
Nevertheless, the Psalmist in chapter 37 urges the upright neither to worry of evil doers nor be envious of the workers of iniquity; those who prosper in their own ways. He added trouble not yourselves over those who succeed by perpetuating evil schemes, cease from anger and forsake wickedness for they only cause harm and destruction. Evil doers can only exist for limited time and a little while shall be no more. They plot evil against the just and righteous. They draw their sword and bend their bows, to slay the poor and needy and those who live in righteousness but God shall cause their sword to pierce their own hearts and break their bows; upholds the righteous. The Lord knows the days of the righteous and shall keep their inheritance for ever; He shall protect them in evil time and satisfy them in famine. The evil people are wicked; shall perish because they are in enmity with the Lord and shall vanish like the splendor of meadows and the smoke into the tin air. The wicked people borrow and do not pay back. Do not be jealous of the prosperity of the wicked because it’s just for a season and then cut off. The Lord laughs at him because his days are numbered.
The uprights are righteous, fears and trust the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and feed on God’s faithfulness. They shall delight in the Lord and God gives them the desires of their hearts. The uprights commit their ways to the Lord and He shall fulfill them. They shall rest and wait patiently for God, for their season of performance and shall delight in the abundance of peace. The little the righteous has is better than the many riches of the wicked for the Lord multiply the wealth of the upright. The righteous shows mercy and gives generously and shall inherit the earth. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights on His ways. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down because the Lord upholds him with His hand. “Since I was young and even now in old age, I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants beg for bread.” He’s ever merciful and lends generously and his descendants are blessed by his benevolence and generosity.
Therefore depart from evil and do well for the Lord loves justice and does not forsake the saints. They shall inherit the land and be preserved for ever. The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom and his tongue talks of justice; the law of His God is in his heart. Wait on the Lord and you shall see the wicked cut off. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their strength in the time of trouble and the Lord shall help them and deliver them for the wicked. He shall save them because they trust in Him.
Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.