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Following Peter’s confession, “You are Christ, the Son the living.” Jesus said, “….I will build my Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” [Matt. 16:18]. The statement means the Church is built by Christ through his life [death and resurrection]. The Church does not belong to the Pastor [or Board of Trustees]; he is only an under shepherd. Similarly, the Church does not belong to the congregates. It does not matter what position one holds in the Church. By sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus became the Lamb of God and through Him both the Jews and Gentiles have access by one Spirit to the Father….; Jesus Christ, Himself being the chief cornerstone [Eph 2:18-20; Heb. 3:1;Matt 21:11]. Jesus Christ is also the Shepherd [Overseers of souls] and a Rabbi meaning Teacher [1 Pt 2:25; Jn 3:2]. Jesus had laid the foundation with His body and life [Lk 1:32-33].

The Church is not a material building, not an organization or denomination but a Spiritual organism; borderless community of believers. Believers are Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. We should carefully note that Jesus said My Church, not my Churches; neither the Pastor’s nor overseer’s Church but solely Christ’s. It’s possible for someone to register a non-profit business that suggests he/she has a business enterprise but the mere fact he/she names it a Church gives God the ownership. A couple of these denominations are led by people [zealots, if you don’t mind] who are not afraid to call ChristChurch, “my Church.” They have reduced ChristChurch into personal enterprise for them and family.

Just like you become a member of your human family through physical birth [or adoption], you become a member of God’s family by Spiritual birth – being saved or born again [not born against]. It’s God’s pleasure to bring us into His family, so He designed a plan which accomplishes that through new birth. By the same token, every human being is created by God but not everyone is a child of God. You become a child of God through putting faith in Christ Jesus [Gal.3:26]. God becomes your Father and you become His child. Other believers become your brothers and sisters [Matt. 12:49-50]. The Church becomes your Spiritual family [Eph.1:5;1Jn. 3:1]. The best thing you ever done in life is to choose to be a Christian; member of God’s family.

The Church is the only thing God ever had to buy. God paid in full for the Church through His son [Jn 3:16].TheChurch cannot be shaken [the gate of hell cannot prevail against her] because Jesus is building His Church. The Church is built on message, not on man. Men live and die, succeed and fail but the true revelation of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Church [Matt. 16:16] – ‘Thou are Christ.’ A Church is built on the blue print of God; not on membership constitution and bye laws drawn by human beings along side secular unions. Jesus ministry is all about teaching and doing [Acts 1: 1 ; James 1.22; 1 Tim. 4:16]. Now is the time to restore the glory of God’s House by returning to worship God in Spirit and truth [Jn 4:23-24]. Becoming a member of ChristChurch is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you will ever receive.


A Church is a body of believer while worship is an act of showing honor and reference to God. Again, a Church worship becomes a gathering of believers to celebrate and worship God, the Father in truth and in His Spirit.  It’s called corporate worship. Some people do not believe in Church worship service. They say they have personal relation with God but are not part of any Church denomination. Others simply watch worship service on television and listen to radios and prefer to spend their Sunday mornings in golf courts and football fields. A number of them were hurt in Church politics and prefer to stay out. They have not been able to reason beyond human weaknesses and look unto God whom they came to worship. Even more are those who are non-Christians who have not entered any Church building except when a close relation is have an event like wedding or Christening a child. There are some who walk into the Church either on Christmas or New Year Eve for Special Thanksgiving celebrations. Among them some donate money to the Church to support the work of God. They believe in God but not in the Church.

The Scripture says, where two or three are gathered together in His name, His presence is there. The writer of The Book of Hebrews admonishes, “Do not forsake the gathering of brethren.” In this place, we learn more about Jesus, the Head of the Church; how to trust Him; accept His saving grace and believe in His word, even when we do not see outcome, immediately. We learn to pray, meeting in fellowship and Bible studies as well as stewardship our relationship with God and other beings: time, talent and treasure.

The Gospel of John Chapter 20 verses 19-24 contain this exposition. On the first day of the week, in the evening, the disciples were assembled as Jesus asked them, “tarry and wait”. They shut doors for fear of the Jews. After a long while, others were still tarrying, Thomas felt bored and stepped out and Jesus stepped in. Jesus passed through closed doors and stood in their midst [just as He promised that where two or three gather, his presence is assured]. His presence brings His present – uncommon gifts, unusual favor and turn around blessings. Firstly, Jesus noticed that His disciples were fearful and greeted them, “Peace be unto you.” [Vs 19]. The peace that passes all understanding liberates fears and gives assurance, hope and security.

Second, He then showed them His hands and side evidencing crucifixion. The disciples were glad to see their Master again. On the strength of this revelation, I prophesize that there shall be evidence of our faith in God, of our suffering and of our relationship: be it with our Lord, our spouse, children, etc. The disciples rejoiced and their fears were alleviated and vanished. They then believed in the resurrection of the death and strengthened their hope that they too shall rise on the resurrection morning [Vs 20]. Third, Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” – The anointing needed for power and service. Forth, after the anointing He commissioned them, “Whosoever sin ye shall remit are remitted and whosoever sin you shall retain are retained. [Vs 23]. But Thomas missed the blessings because he was absent in the gathering of the brethren. Jesus is still present in the gathering of the brethren to bless His people and give them uncommon gifts and favor.

When you miss the gathering of believers, whether worship service, fellowship meetings or bible studies, you miss: [i] His grace- the peace of God. [ii] To see evidence of His death and resurrection [Communion of Saints]. [iii] The joy of reunion and reassurance of His pre-eminent and testimony [iv] The anointing for power over life challenges and for service [to live an overcoming Christian life] Here the experiential knowledge of Christ revealed [v] The commission and empowerment. In the Church, we are equipped and empowered to go out there into the world and live for Christ; witness the goodness and the unfailing love of God and our experiences of His grace. Also the unseen heavenly guest [Spirit and angels] come to share in worship. The corporate worship emerges with much blessings and synergies that inspire believers to go there and do the work of Christ. Therefore, determined today to attend the fellowship of believers and obtain your blessings.


The Church is a melting point. The Jews and Gentiles shake hands, the Romans and the Greeks sit together; the rich and the poor partake in a common meal and the righteous and the sinners praise one God. The believers and believing unbelievers embrace each other while the circumcised and the uncircumcised share the same faith in Christ. There’s none righteous, no one wise enough to worship God in truth. At one time or the other we all do some wrongs and speak vain things. Our words are full of deceit and lies. We speak threats like snake’s poison and bitter curses, filled with hatred, quick to condemn, hurt and sometimes kill leaving ruins behind and destructions everywhere we go. Indeed we have not known the way of peace or how to accept forgiveness. All have done cruel things and yet live in denials. We have no peace of God in our lives. Yet as   dissembled people we assemble in one accord looking up and asking for mercy and pardon. We gather as a Church in praise and thanksgiving to our God.

We gather not in our righteousness but in the sufficiency of His grace; attempt to do some rights but end up in doing wrongs. We sin because we are sinners. We give excuses trying to explain away our shortcomings but that does not make us right. We then point accusing fingers on other people while the other four fingers points back at us. We seek help from wrong quarters and build mountains of laws and rules but these only show our weaknesses and failures. But God understood long ago what our problem is and had fixed it. Our real problem is sin. And the solution is found in putting faith in Christ Jesus whom God sent to set us free from it. This was fulfilled through his sufferings, death and resurrection from death. The bible explains that while we were still in sin Christ died for us [Rom 5:8]. This is the grace of God.

In the Church we appear to make friends with everyone. We drop the pride and ego of feeling superior and smarter than other people. We make friends with ordinary people, the low and high [Rom 12:16]. We see other people as God sees them, appreciate their talents and give them opportunities to practice their faith, by using their gifts to worship and serve the Lord. The friendship in the Church flows from the friendship with God, the one who first loved us. When you become God’s friend, you will meet with His son Jesus Christ and have a personal experience of His hospitality and unflinching love. He teaches that God had already befriended us even before we know it; when we were unlovable and deep in iniquities. As a matter of fact He’s the totality and completion of God’s agape love in us. His disciples were in one accord sharing what they had with one another and the radiance of their love attracted outsiders. That was then; how I wish that could happen again in our time.

The love of God’s community transcends to the outside world through us that those who do not know God get attracted and desire to experience Him as well as belong to the fold. Friendships among believers are commendable but we are required and urged to extend our friendship to unbelievers. Our fellowship should not be only for believers. We must follow the footsteps of our Master and Lord Jesus Christ who came to our world to seek the lost and deliberately became friends with those who needed friendship with God. We should not be afraid of being criticized of doing our Master’s desire and vocation. The Pharisees took offence and criticized Jesus for keeping fellowship, eating and dinning with the unclean. Some Pharisees asked the disciples, why does your teacher eat with outcasts and tax collectors? Jesus overheard them and asked who need a physician: the healthy or the sick? Jesus came as a shepherd of God’s sheep and not after religion. It does not matter what the disposition of the sheep is, the shepherd cares and continually nurtures the sheep. As matter of deep concern the scripture says the shepherd will go after one of the sheep that is astray just to bring back to the fold [Matt 9:10-13; Luke 15:!-7]. Pastor Jon Walker says Jesus came to invite outsider not coddle insiders.

Jesus knows himself; God’s designed plan and purpose for being here on earth. He pursued that plan which glorified the Father and gave Him good pleasure. Was He accused and criticized by the religionist? Indeed, He faced stiffer accusations, criticisms and persecutions than we face today. Jesus said to his disciples that because of Him they shall be criticized and persecuted. But Jesus ignored the folly of these unbelieving believers and distracters. He didn’t allow the accusations of these people He came to save to worry or weaken him. He was focused executing the plans and the will of the Father [2 Corinthians. 5:20]. Jesus knows that Satan comes with deceits, distractions, discouragements and disappointments. We shouldn’t be ignorance of satanic devices and strategies.

Today our Churches are busy doing religion; saving the saved and building financial empire while neglecting mercy and justice as well as the lost. Like the social clubs, they have fenced out the outsiders and provide only for insiders. Unfortunately and disappointingly, the Church is the only organ that cares and sustains the interest of outsiders. Today Churches are busy listening to the opinions of crooks that surrounds the temple. The critics of Church leaders than what the word of God says threaten Pastors. These folks were selected to Church leadership because they are pastors [men’s] pleasers and say what he wants to hear. They’re Church supporters and pastors praise singers. They are in leadership to play the politics of church religion. It could be a cultural thing. They write the Church constitution to benefit the insiders similar to what obtains in secular associations. They visit those who visit them and check on those who belong to their groups and class. The Church is so isolated and detached from our source that we have lost balance inside and disconnected outside. We have created chasms between us and secular world that the vision of the Church is blunt and doubted.

We are in Church playing ‘churchanity’ while souls are perishing outside. We are engaged in status and position war that evidence our lost of focus and vision of our callings or vocation. We are so busy with activities that we hardly have time for quality worship with our Master. We’re so engaged ill-feeding members that we careless and perhaps think little about non-members. We neither have meaningful discussions with them nor extend our friendship to them. The Church has become a religious social club set up to cater for interest of members. They build a tall fence around them that people outside do not see or feel their warmth. The tendency is to become a member of a church that will meet your social and cultural needs than one that satisfies your spiritual calling. How can the Church rescue the perishing that Jesus calls them to do while they have closed their doors to them? They neither reach out to the world nor care for them but they still bear the signpost of a church.

The gospel becomes meaningful and effective when you relate to friends. Witnessing to non-believers starts with passion of friendship. It does not matter how unkempt they are, their physical disabilities and class disposition. The old saying become even more relevant here that, “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” If we must relate or witness to non-believers, we must show them first true friendship [1 Corinthians 9:21-23]. We must find a common ground as an act of friendship. It guides us to see the non-believers as the purpose of the gospel and thereafter meet their needs. These folks have needs just like believers. By their disposition, the outsiders look for deeper true supportive friendship than those inside. It then becomes more compelling and expedient on the Church to learn to be positive and affectionate with people outside the faith than they do with members.

It’s important to caution clearly that friendship with non-believers without first knowing who you’re or being matured in faith may drift into sinful behavior. They could become bad influences, thereby resulting into backsliding and dwelling in wrong doings. Apostle John warns believers not to love the world and its ways. The love of God cannot dwell together with the love of the world; one will squeeze out the other [1 John 2:15]. Jesus loves sinners but hates sin. We could love people but hate their values that conflicts with the word of God. Some African Christians in attempts to become more Christian than Christ abhor not only our cultures and values but also our people. In the name of Christianity they build walls and become isolated from non-believers. They’re so comfortable inside that the passion for lost soul is dimmed. These people don’t know when and where to stop. Little wonder the effect of the cross is not felt among believers and the church has no positive influences on the society. What obtains in the Church is similar to happenings in secular world but in different perspectives and with a different nametag

Some of us claim we love but such love is only fake; our love must be genuine and honest. Genuine love is transparent and transcends. It requires a zeal and passion for seeking lost souls and winning them back to Christ. We must deliberately relate to them as friends; talking courteously with them and finding ways to spend quality time with them. They may be blind and deaf but they can feel real love and respond sincerely to respect. They must first belief in you before they believe in what you say. Yet we have Churches that neither have programs nor make deliberate efforts to reach the outsiders. These Churches may be increasing in membership through transfer of membership from other Churches. They may be follower of pastors who had severed relationship with their mentors and finding new greener home place. In our community they are many floating pastors who only invite out of town men of God for revival. Apart from using the occasions to woe members they also do the seed sowing business and share the proceeds. Some others design programs that gather ministers together with undisclosed agenda. Thank God the God we serve is not only the God of love but also the God of justice.

Churches no longer seek non-believers, the unsaved or making disciples of all nations but play membership and religion. Little surprised many people love God but hold issues with the Church. In the Church wrong doings are multiplying daily. There are in churches more petty jealousies and grudges, competition and unhealthy rivalries; covetousness, man’s worship and pleasing, status symbols and position warfare, noise and mimicking and lack of quiet time and sacrificial worship. People just go to Church as a routine, for gain and ego. Unlike the early Churches that help to sanitize the society, the New Age Churches only seek to build financial empire using the name of Christ to exploit people. As they enjoy the gains of their greed and exploitations strategies, people are starving; divorce rate is spinning high even among Church going people, crime rate is souring to high heavens, corruptions and pen robbery competing for position.

Our society has lost sense of decency, so also is the Church. Our testimonies are filthy and wealth driven as well as open ended because there are not straight. We give thanks when our dubious ventures and greed driven deals go through. Some pastors’ give thanks when they purchase personal cars and mansions from tithe payer’s money while the tithe payers content with leg wagon [trek] and live in trailer houses or rented apartments. These people don’t know when to stop. Little wonder our community can boast of numerous pastors yet they cannot influence the society. The Church has ignored Christian virtues and values; joined the greed dance of the ill-faded society. The Church is called to wake up and see that the field is ripe but the true laborers are few. Like Apostle Paul opines, our blessings is to see them come to know Christ very personally and to tend the sheep, standing in the gap until He come.


Is today’s Church really a common ground?

In Loving God, Author Charles Colson writes, “The Church is an organism not organization, a movement not a monument. It’s not a part of the community; it’s a whole new community. It’s not an orderly gathering; it’s a new order with new values often on conflict with the values of the surrounding society. The Church does not draw people in she sends them out. It does not settle into a comfortable niche, taking its place alongside the Rotary, Country, People’s Club or Lord’s club and the Eko club as well as the Senate clubs. Rather, the Church is to make society uncomfortable. Like yeast it settles the mass around it, changing it from within.  Like salt it flavors and preserves that into which it vanishes. But as yeast is made up of many particles and salt composed of multiplied grains so the church is many individual believers. For God has given us each other; we do not live the Christian life alone. We do not love God alone……… This is a new commitment ……a new companionship, a new community established by conversion…………..”

Today, the Church has become an organization owned by individuals or group of persons. You often hear pastors who are not afraid to say ‘my Church.’ Like any other business they claim they established the Church and are the entrepreneur [business owner]. Such organizations obtain registration from the state and do business alongside other society institutions. They operate according to state business laws in the interest of its owners and founders. They hardly serve the widows, save orphans or give help to the less privileged. They neither care for strangers nor non-members. The message these types of churches send out is to call outsiders to become members of the Church, pay tithe and give bountiful offerings. These Churches often condemn nonbelievers and are quick to tell them they are hell bound.

Brethren, if there’s one truth that I know, it’s that the Church belongs to God and her head is the Lord,Jesus Christ. No individual or group of people owns the Church. Another truth is that the Church is different from a Church building. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for the Church and redeemed her with his blood; became her head, her judge and her attorney. Through his death and Resurrection, Jesus Christ bought back mankind and sanctified them in his righteousness and grace. Whosoever put his/her trust in him lives a glorious life. It’s the assembly of these people that Christ has redeemed that makes up the Church. They gather as saints of God for worship, instructions and to be equipped to go out and witness the love and grace of God to the outsiders. They come together to sharpen themselves, reload and being sent out to make disciples of all nations; reach the unreached with the message of God’s love for the hurting world.

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well [John 4], He talked to her about natural and common things like water, family and relationship. These things they had in common with other human beings than their differences. That got her attention and she listened with great interest. The woman was puzzled when Jesus talked about a different type of water: the water that gives eternity that will quench her taste for life [Vs.12-15]. The question that came next about her husband revealed further another difference between the man before her and other men she had dealt with.  She was compelled not only to become Jesus friend but also invited her friends and family to meet with Christ. Jesus in another instance revealed He is the Living Water. She asked Jesus for this water of life that she shall not come to the well again. When the woman replied she had no husband, little did she know that truth took her to the next level in her search for the Living water? This was similar to King David’s search for the truth in Psalm 139:1-2.

What message is the Church sending across? How is this message imparting the people? Apostle Peter spoke to the elders of Israel nation and their minds string and hearts cut; they asked what shall we do? In the days of the early Church, a message won 3000 souls. It was the message of salvation in the power of the Holy Ghost. It turned the heart hardened Jews who conspired and killed Jesus and all the early prophets into hungry souls seeking the truth of the Gospel. That same message stripped naked the Samaritan woman, all her friends and relatives. That message brings any heart hardener to his/her kneels before the cross of Christ because it comes with anointing and conviction of God, the Holy Spirit.  The Church must return to basic gospel, the nucleus and foundation of God’s truth. Only then shall she build friendships that attract souls to Christ. That message was about God and His son Christ Jesus and not individuals. The message spoke about God’s sacrificial love to mankind and the power of his grace. The Gospel says God loves us no matter what; when we failed him and when we become unlovable, nevertheless He loves us the more. God hates sin but loves human beings. Where our wrong doings multiply, His grace increases. Notwithstanding it will be evil and dangerous for us to dwell in sin so that grace may abound. The God of love is the God of justice; He’s no respecter of persons.

As human beings repent and quest to have communion with God, they often derail into sin. Yes its human nature to sin and it’s the primary condition of our fallen nature. But it’s our responsibility to live above sin. We may not commit physical murder, adultery or fornication but we lust and covet, gossip, backbite, grudge and jealous. We idolized human beings, money, wealth and institutions. These sins are rampant in the Church especially among Church leaders. Church leaders are unbelievably jealous of one another. The level of jealousy, grudges, petty gossips and backbiting among them is but dangerous and destructive. They are afraid to invite one another to their pulpit; when they are constrained to do, they are jittery and uncomfortable throughout the sermon and ministration. When a younger minister under their charge demonstrates uncommon talents and prospect, he/she is reassigned or given a back seat instead of encouragement and up-liftment.  They will give a good dog a bad name just to hang it. You will hear that even though he/she preaches and teaches with conviction but lacks the qualities for good leadership. If God has anointed him/her to the calling God has called him/her, it’s the job of a leader to train him/her to meet the demands of such calling. You are not training the person to be another you but what God called him/her to be. “A leader who wants the credit for success must take the blame for failure.” There are 5 fold ministries in the Church. Even with the gift of an evangelist or deacon, many in the church just want to answer pastor. In most Christian communities we have so many floating pastors that may not understand their callings.

Little wonder, in Overcoming Spiritual Blindness, James P. Gills, M.D. opined, “Jealousy is observed between Church congregations and organizations, as well as among individuals. For example, when success is measured by the size of a congregation, there is a desire to grow faster and build more effectively, than other Churches, fostering an unhealthy competition with other gatherings of the Christian body. These jealousies that divide us from one another are sin against God.” In some Churches evaluation of commitment is based on giving. The high money givers are regarded as committed members not minding how the money is fetched. This system promotes unhealthy competition among members and Church groups. However the beneficiaries of these gifts enjoy their games.

The route to one’s well-being is found in selfless giving to others. There is blindness of ingratitude in our communities and Churches. We claim we love God but we cannot love God while we hate God’s creatures. The person you hate is created by God. God saw what He created and said it was good. It’s not that person’ you hate but He who created him/her. The grass is always greener on the other side. We often say if only we had the other thing, way or person. God put people on our way for a reason. You may not like it but cannot help it. Jesus Christ had disciples that were simply human; they were different in professions, character and abilities. But despite their failings He loved them, trusted them and trained them to continue with the gospel after Him. We need to cultivate the spirit of gratitude, bearing one another’s burden and esteem others as greater than ourselves [Gal.6:2; Phil2:3].

The Church is a movement that brings in people to equip and send them out with the message of God’s love to the world. Nowhere in the bible did they exhort people to come in and register as members and enjoy benefits of membership like worldly organizations.  The Church was not set up for members but for outsiders; those who have not known Christ or the love that God offers to the world. Jesus came to the world to seek lost souls, failures, non-starters and backsliders to give them new hope, new beginning and new life. Christians have no other vocation than to do the work of the master.

In Let’s start over, Pastor David Makechnie writes, “You realize that the Church is one place where we are all equal; we are just a bunch of sinners in need of God’s grace.” He added it does not matter the extent of your influence. It does not matter the extent of your roots………………… The only characteristic that draws us together is our need for God’s grace in Christ Jesus……….. Only in the Church of Jesus Christ do we have common ground.” The common ground has the following ingredients: All have sinned and deserved God’s condemnation. God knows human beings can not save themselves, so while we still bath in sin God send Christ Jesus to die for us; paid the price of our sins and redeemed us from Spiritual death. Whoever believe in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is saved. Whom the Son of man has set free is free indeed and there is therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.  Finally, only Jesus can save [Acts 4:12].

What type of Church do we have today? Since the emergence of new era of technology, we have witnessed emergence of New Age Churches; individuals and group of people float Churches just like business ventures that compete with financial Institutions at Wall Street. The purposes of these new ventures are purely gain, power and ego. Their goal is to build the most successful financial empire alongside other businesses at Madison Street in New York.  They adopt business strategies to run and evaluate their performances. As we drive past the street of Houston and other major cities of the world, we witness so many Churches in shopping complexes. Their business is to acquire wealth and not souls; to seek membership and not make disciples.   They draw people in and do not send out. As these shops increase in number, unfortunately, so are crime rates increasing in Christian communities; they have no positive influences on the society.  They cannot have until the effect of the cross manifested in them. No one calls Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

Even when you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you need maturity and wisdom to deal with life’s problems. We have many who speak in diverse tongues in Church and act very immaturely in society. We have so much pretence and fakeness in the body of Christ. The world is waiting for Christians that will live the life of Christ. They are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of men. They have heard so much preaching and now waiting for the character and wisdom that portray the life of Christ. What message is the Church sending out? Until the Church sends messages that had power of conviction, they will not compel people to look in; until their characters reflect the life of the master: that is guided with compassion, it cannot appeal to outsiders. More especially, until the church messages match the character of members, the world will not take her serious. We should uphold our beliefs, keep our confession strong and practice what we preach; show compassion and more love inside out; be not afraid to speak the truth, be real, condemn wrong doings lovingly and expunge hypocrisy and pretence.

THE CHURCH, A COMMON GROUND: God’s fellow workers

Preamble: In this part, I shall attempt to look at God’s fellow workers. They are stewards and ministers of God’s mysteries [1 Corinthians 4:2]. They are God’s carriers, God’s representatives, and God’s servants; God’s laborers, God’s reconcilliators and TempleRebuilders. Apostle Paul went further to call them God’s workmanship, vineyard workers and God’s ambassadors. Who are these people and who do they represent? What does their calling entails? What is the source scope of their operations: strengths and weaknesses? Are there perfect people or just forgiven people? Despite their shortcomings, how do God relate with them and how do they answer to God’s commands and follow His leadings! These people are members of ChristChurch, it does matter their denominations. They are God’s servants who are saved by grace and chosen by grace to serve God; bear his name, emblem and serve His kingdom. They are just forgiven people who are determined to tell the news of their redemption and testify to the daily goodness of the Lord. They can say like Apostle Paul woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.

The Church: is a gathering or assembly of those whom God has forgiven and saved, bought with a price – the life of His son, Jesus Christ; so that through them God shall be revealed to the world. It is a spiritual organism, a borderless community of believers. Believers are Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior and Lord. Just like everything in the universe, every human being was created by God but not everyone is a child of God. You become a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ [Galatians 3:26]. When you place your faith in Christ Jesus, God becomes your Father and you becomes His child; other believers become your brothers and sisters and the Church becomes your spiritual family [Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:1]. The Church is the only thing God ever had to buy. This beautiful bride cost God the life of his beloved son, Jesus Christ. We are privileged beyond measure to be part of the Church of the living God. The Church is the only thing that cannot be shaken. Individual saints slip and fall and local denominations may err or have problems but the Church is as solid as the Rock of revelation she’s built upon. But the Church cannot be shaken; the gates of hell cannot prevail against her because Jesus is building the Church [Matt 16:18-19].

The Church is a Spiritual hospital with Jesus Christ as Chief Physician. Some patients are in Critical care units, while others are in Psychiatric units and Maternity wards, etc; however some are just Outpatients. Attached to the hospital is a Mortuary unit that houses the dead. Every patient in the Church came for a particular care or more concerns. If you evaluate the Church from a denominational viewpoint, your finding may be erroneous.  Again if you do assess her from the outward behavior and disposition of those in critical care or psychiatric unit, then your statistics are wrong. You dare not judge the Church from the disposition of the moving corpses in mortuary, they are done. You could mistaken the Ushers or Pastors for the Church, especially those who are not afraid to call the Church, my Church. The Church is bigger than individual saints or denomination/ local assembly and all the people she house.

A Christian: is someone who has accepted Christ as Personal Savior and Lord and in whom Christ is manifested. The life of a Christian is a replica of the life of Christ so people should see Christ in the life of a believer. Believers were first called Christians in Antioch because they were practicing the life of Christ; preached about Christ and great multitude believed and turned to the Lord [Acts 11:20-21, 26]. These disciples were called Christians because they manifested the life of Christ and further the vocation of Christ. These disciples were stewards of God and ministers of the Gospel of Christ.

A Steward: Literally a steward is a person who manages the affairs of a household or an estate of the owner. In a Christian sense, a steward is the manager of the affairs of God on earth. God has put in our possession the care of all His creation to give His glory as the Creator and God. Stewards are God’s ministers and ministering servants that manage the resources of their Dad.  “ So then let a man so accounted of us as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God ………………….be found trustworthy and faithful [1 Corinthians. 4:1-2]. Stewardship is more than money; it involve time, talent and treasure [3 t‘s]. These three are inseparable and supportive of one another.

God’s Fellow Workers: [1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; Ephesians 2:10].

When Jesus was here on earth, he saw the multitude and was moved with compassion towards them [Matthews 9:36]. Jesus came to this earth to reconcile people with God and reveal God, the Father. Jesus came to this earth to preach the Good News. He came to teach the will of the Father [John 6:38; 8:28-29]; had pity and healed the sick [Luke 13:10-17]. He was not indifferent to people’s predicament [Luke 13:16]. Jesus devoted His life to saving and serving people; was touched by the cry of the people and wept with them; He instructed and rebuked. Even before his birth, an angel informed Mary that she will give birth to a child and his name will be called Jesus for He will save the people from the curse of sin [Matthews 28:19-20]. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself [2 Corinthians 5:19]. He strengthened the disciples [Acts 18:23; 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 14:20] Jesus called believers to the ministry of Evangelism and Reconciliation. God has already forgiven us; we need to acknowledge and confess our sins, renounce them and we will experience the new life in Christ Jesus.

The greatest task of the Church is the harvest of souls. The ultimate assignment and great priority of any Christian activity is to bring people to God, through knowledge and relationship with Christ Jesus. Whether you sing in the chancel choir or a member of prayer band or serve as an usher or cleaner or a gateman of the Church; whatever you do in the Church is planned towards winning people to the Lord. Surprisingly, many are busy growing their ministries and forgetting the chief goal of the Church. The ministry is to serve the Church and bring people into the Church, furthering the course of God’s kingdom. Many Christians have taken the ministries out of the Church in pursuit of selfish ends; personal gain and power control as well as seek increase personal wealth. They’ve diverted synergies and talents meant for the Church into their individual enterprise.

When Christian assemblies begin to chase more wealth, more possession, God’s signs and miracles ceased. No wonder we find many Churches and ministries holding meetings in mansions and auditorium but lack source of faith, avenue for soul winning; demonstration of God’s power and glory. In some of those meetings and activities, the true gospel is hardly preached and misrepresented; it is simply an avenue for tax or revenue collection – [seed sowing, first fruit, and special tithe and appreciation offerings]. The Gospel message has been hijacked by the rich and the less privileged that cannot compete in sowing and giving game shown the way to the gate.  Special prayers offered and great attention paid to high money givers while those who are rich in other virtues are passerbies. This practice that has become common place seems to suggest that the gospel that Christ paid with his blood is for the rich and wealthy. In our era men of God talk big, live outrageous even out of the reach of worshippers. Surprisingly, the early leader of the Church, Apostle Peter confessed, “silver or gold I do not have but what I have I give you: in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise and walk [Acts 3:6]. They had no money but had the manifestation of God’s power. This disparity is so open that some people often feel lonely and inadequate in the Church unnoticed.

Stewards/ministers: “Christians are not called to defeat Satan. Jesus already defeats Satan 2000 years ago. We are called to enforce his defeat.” We do this in thanksgiving to God for great things He has done. Apostle Paul writing to the Church in Colossi said that Jesus Christ disarmed Satan and made a public spectacle of Him at the Cross [Colossians 2:15]. When Jesus died on the cross and resurrected on the third day, He stripped Satan of his powers, snatched the key of the kingdom out of his hand and declared, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go therefore……. [Matthews 28:18-19]. It means go in His power, go in His authority, go in His name, go in His dominion and go in His victory. The name is Jesus, a name above all names in heaven and on earth [Philippians 2; 9-11]. The power we need is in the name of Jesus. Everything that has a name must bow to the name of Jesus. Every kneel shall bow in worship while every tongue without exception confesses that Jesus is Lord. The power of Jesus is now endowed on us so we can go and represent Him, speak for Him and make exploit in His name for His glory and kingdom.

When Jesus sent the seventy to go and make discipleship, He only lent and shared His power with them for that specific assignment. That was why they could make such great impart and perform great miracles in the name and authority of Jesus. But far beyond that, the Savior died for us and redeemed us; thereby bestowed His powers and authority on us through His Spirit. His powers back His authority we now have in His name. What the seventy disciples had for a short period we now have a lifetime for eternity. “To who much is given, much is therefore expected.” We are therefore better equipped to go out there and demonstrate God’s power in the precious name of Jesus and obtain excellent results. Many ministers have a lot of talents and abilities inbuilt in them but do not know and hardly make use of them. They are quick to identify their weaknesses but scarcely talk about their strengths. Whenever God calls you, He shows and buttresses your strengths and empowers you to utilize them for His purpose.  God is our creator; He created everyone in a unique way. You may not even know all your strengths; some will only pop up when you are passing through difficulties and trials or when you have been pressed to the wall or even knocked out. God knows things in you that neither you nor others see or know. Human beings see things in the present state but God sees things in their complete /ultimate state – include your falls and victories.

God’s stewards have no excuse not to make discipleship. God is not asking His stewards and ministers to serve without equipping them. Stewardship should be a way of life, a priority for all Christians. God called Moses to go to Pharaoh and cause the release of the children of Israel. Now therefore, go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.” [Exodus 4:12]. Moses first remembered his weaknesses, so he made excuses. “Oh my lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since you have spoken to your servant: but I’m slow of speech and slow of tongues” [Exodus 4:10]. Moses said to god, you know Lord I stammer, I’m a murderer [unclean], and runaway from Egyptian palace. He forgot the mightiness of hid God. “Our impairments, our disabilities and handicaps are not accidents; they are God’s designed. God uses every one of our flaws for His glory.” God endows our weaknesses with strength and use them for ultimate good.  He may not take away our limitations but energies and put them to use. God can do anything He decides to do and He has the whole world in his palm. He is the Creator of the universe and has sovereignty over it.

Again Gideon was afraid when the Lord appeared to him as he was threshing wheat in secret, hiding from his Midianites enemies [Judges 6:11].  The Angel announced to Gideon that God had chosen him to lead His people in battle [vs. 12-14].  God had already seen and known Gideon’s strengths and abilities; He then called him “a mighty man of valour.” God who is ‘the I am that I am’, knows his end from his beginning.  Gideon, son of Joash, a native of Abiezrite after being assured of God’s presence was still fearful and losing breath. He asked God, “If the Lord is with me, why are we being defeated by our enemies?”  Gideon reminded God; you delivered our forefathers from the land of Egypt but have forsaken us now.  And God looked upon Gideon and said, go in this thy might and you shall save Israelites from the hand of the MidiantiesGideon said to the Lord, how can I deliver the Israelites, when my family is the poorest in Manasseh and I’m the least in my father’s house?  Gideon asked God, if you will deliver Israelites through me, show me a sign to believe. [Judges 6:11ff].  God responded and reassured Gideon’s request.  The Israelites were successful in the battle against Midianties and then enjoyed 40 years of peace.  Fears do paralyze groom men from taking their rightful position and action.  We have fears of all sorts and they constrained us from activities.  Gideon was intimated and discouraged by his imperfections and inabilities, but forgets the dependability’s and capabilities of God.  When God of all creation go with you, the heavenly host accompanies Him.  Those who are for you are mightier and powerful than those against you. It does not matter whether you see them physically or not.  We tend to believe what we see than what is of faith.  Seeing becomes our believing.  Yet what is unseen is mighty and permanent.  We should keep our hope, not on what we see and trust God and not in sight.  God who has asked us to do something will give us the strength and power to do it.

            Apostle Paul whom God arrested on his way to Damascus and turned into his mouth-speak suffered many infringements and referred to them as “light affliction” and/or “thorn in the flesh.” He had repeated asked God to take them away from him.  But God responded, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness [vs. 9].  Paul has to learn to take pleasure in his afflictions and troubles and ended up saying I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecuting in distress for Christ sake: for when I am weak then I am strong [2 Corinthians 12:10].

The implications of being God’s steward/minister: Pastors and ministers are people [men and women] who are called to manage God’s resources – human, labor, capital and relationship etc. They are people saddled with the responsibilities of care, whether Spiritual, social, physical or financial. Despite their imminent predicaments, they are challenged to provide these cares to their families, Church folks, and colleagues as well as outside world.  They have the problems of trusting God even when they feel less of His presence and when they do not know the outcome. These stewards have the responsibilities to balance between times and season in their management of time, talents and treasures. They speak for God without knowing the outcome; twist God’s hand in perseverance; some results may appear delay in coming. They are exposed to and being daily inflicted by Satan in the course of discharging their duties. They are often being betrayed by those whom they have trusted as co-partners and served in faith and honesty. These stewards manage their ministries and callings that may interwoven with their household responsibilities; at the same time attempting to satisfy as many people as possible especially their follower-ship- household of faith. Since these servants live in the same capitalistic environment and buy from the same market, they work to meet up with their bills, make purchases, and pay mortgage, care for themselves and household and extended families as well as the less privileged member of the Church and society.

Even when they are depressed and going through some issues either in their family life or ministries, they are expected to encourage others and counsel them. Sometime when they are deeply challenged, it could seem as if they have failed but they are no failures. They think of how to pay their bills and make ends meet and yet people come to borrow from them. They do not believe them if they say they don’t have. They see them as a computer icon, when you click it. They see them as a computer icon, when you click it, it bring forth many programs. These people see them as God oracles and representatives who speak for God and should lack nothing. There’s the challenge of growing their ministries and keeping themselves in check; most importantly, having or creating time to call home, to be with the Lord. How do they react when things are not going their ways? Some are battered and distorted by the results of other steward’s activities; trying to compare themselves with other ministers. They appear to be a rat race or competition within the community of faith. Others try to balance between walking with God and satisfying men; who unfortunately are very insatiable.

                    How do they feel that they stood on the word of God and proclaim the truth of the Gospel; yet it appear there are not forth coming. They pray for people for healing and some keep coming back because they claim to have had no healing yet. The summer is gone and harvest is over but they people are not healed. Thy servant’s hearts are crushed because the people are crushed. They begin wonder: Is there no balm in Gilead? [Jeremiah 8:20-22]. The people may be tempted to put God to test saying: can God supply food and water and provide protection in the wilderness? [Psalm 78:18-20].  Do not forget most fathers of faith lived in obedience without knowing the outcome. They lived trusting God even when physical situations say the contrary. Our work as stewards is to pray in obedience to God’s word and God’s work is to answer prayers at His own time in His own ways in fulfillment of His promises and purpose. Servants should trust their master and put their faith to work. Do not allow few backfires to pollute your minds and weaken your faith. Their congregations look forward to them for encouragement, even when they’re saddled with greater/ heavier problems. Be strong and courageous; and do not loose your focus.

The consequences of stewardship: Apostle Paul said, it is a requirement that those whom God has called as stewards and ministers should remain trustworthy and faithful. [1 Corinthians 4:2]. The Lord Jesus said those who have responded to this call and backslide are not worthy to live. An author once wrote that being called to become a Christian means to come and die they way the Master died. It implies: come to know Jesus very intimately; die to the flesh and live a new in the Spirit. It means follow Me, I will make you a disciple, fishers of men. You cannot do it yourself because you do not know it and have not been walked this way before. You have to abide in Him who had died and risen and to whom God the Father domiciled in Him all powers in heaven and on earth. When you follow Him, He will direct your steps and guide you into the mysteries of servant-hood.

Jesus had early advised His disciples and Christians today that following Him will provoke persecutions, and enmity. The kingdom of darkness in which we were redeemed from will attempt to fight back to repossess us. They shall pose like angels of light to cause distractions, deceit and discouragement; could send arrows of sickness, procrastination, frustration, confusion and even delays as well as death. The underworld could send emissaries from the kingdom of hell through their agents: marine spirits, witchcrafts, monitoring spirit, evil enchanters, and destiny killers after us. Ministers and servants of God pray for people, lay hands and cast out demons. Some of these evil agents could turn around for counter attack, torment and afflict God’s co-workers who had cast them out or pursue members of their families. These are symbols of spiritual warfare servants of God face in their walk with God. It could be frustrating and disturbing at times but those things in themselves do not change or equal the choice to become God’s servant/minister. The devil can win a battle but not the war.

Christian Victory: The Church has better assurance in Christ Jesus than the world has in Satan. The Bible assures of Jesus’ confirmation: “All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth” [Matthews 28:18]. It did not say limited power, some power, situational or circumstantial power but all power; all means without exceptions, total and complete. A Christian is not just only one whose sins are forgiven and granted the Holy Spirit power but more importantly one whom Christ lives in and behave like Christ. You then becomes God’s mouth speak, laborer, representative and ambassador. Because Christ lives in the servants, they can do what Jesus do. Jesus did not fear demons or backslides in the face of trails and persecution but in all things He sort the face of the Father whom He represented and obtain power and favor to overcome all difficulties including His death and resurrection. Jesus also said, “Fear not little flocks; for it’s your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom [Luke 12:32]. The kingdom has been given to us and we are servants and co-laborers in it. We therefore possess the kingdom authority and power to pull down every stronghold. Persecution is no victory; just like temptation is no sin.

If Indeed Christ had given us victory, shall we also suffer persecution and hatred in this world? Of course, yes; the world hated our master and automatically transferred the hatred on us.  Because we are not of this world; God had chosen us out of the world therefore they hate us [John 15:18-19]. Again Apostle Paul expanded on the source and type of hatred we shall suffer when he said, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against Spiritual wickedness in high places” [Ephesians 6:12]. Some of the things we fight physically have spiritual roots and undertone; the spiritual determines the physical. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken with you that in me ye might have peace. In the world, ye shall have tribulations but be of good cheer: I have overcome /conquer the world” [John 16:33]. Apostle Paul added, “ Nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors [have complete victory] through Him that loved us” [Romans 8:37ff]. We have victory because of what Jesus did on the cross. All we do is not to fight Satan; he has been defeated by Jesus and we who are Christians [followers of Christ] enforce the defeat each time we acknowledge Jesus Christ as The Lord of life and make a step of faith in His name. We do this in praise and worship, in speaking and believing God in boldness and living in righteousness.

The writer Of Hebrews concludes, so that we may boldly say, “The lord is my helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” [Hebrews 13:6].

Everyone has a sinful nature from birth.  All who live without God go to hell.

I know I’m a sinner; I can deal with them myself.  Why do I need God when I can go to a good doctor?

Good doctors can cure people but only God can heal the soul, quickens the spirit, deliver from sin.


Power source comes from God, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God [Gospel] [Acts 1: 8; John 6:63; Eph 6: 17]

4 types of unsaved non-believers [All need Christ].

  1. Moral sinners – nonbelievers who feel they are righteous.  Self righteousness [Isaiah 53:6; Rom 3:10, 23; Gal 2:16; Rom 6:23; James 2:10].
  2. Righteous sinner – People who go to Church take communion but continue to live sinful lives.  They had given their lives to the Lord and minister in churches and are leaders of some sort in the church but all the same live in sin.  A person can have an anointing and work miracles but without holiness in one’s life; no one enters the kingdom of heaven. They can know the bible by heart, know everything about faith, about power and anointing of God, but God has his priorities: His children should have righteous life.  People ruled by fleshly, sinful desires, etc.  Saved person who continues to live according to these desires will fall into sin and are ruled by sinful desires and flesh except he/she repents [Matthew 7:22-23; Romans 8:1]

Some Churches do not even preach against sin so as not to offend some people –    the mini gods and sponsors and high money givers. Some Churches cannot afford to offend certain people talk less of loosing them. They do not use the word sin because it will be offensive and embarrassing to some people. They call it mistakes, lapses, errors, etc. They hear sermons on faith, love and prosperity [about success stories] but nothing about sin and righteousness. They dip into what they want to hear and skip what God wants them to hear [Hebrews 12:14].

  1. Besetting sinners: Besetting sin is something you do repeatedly but it’s something you want to be set free from and you have confessed them before God. God sees the desire of your heart; He sees that you still haven’t gained victory over those sins.
  2. Rebellious sinner: These people are open opponents of the Gospel. They say I know what to do; I do not need your advice. I can deal with my problems. They openly contradict every word you speak about the Gospel [Proverbs 12:15; 14:12; 29:1; 30:12; Psalms 10:4-5; 53:1].

Hypocrites: They think themselves clever but they are held by a spirit of contradiction. If you tell this group of people they are sinners, they would respond: you are a worst sinner. You should remove the peck in your eyes before you seek the peck in another person eyes [Romans 14:12]. They are full of pride, ego and do not humble themselves to accept the truth of the gospel. Yes all have sinned, we are sinners saved by grace, I mean just forgiven. [Romans 2:1-5; 2 Corinthians 5:10-11]. Repentance is turning away from a sinful lifestyle, turning to Jesus Christ, and changing our way of thinking


I’m privileged to visit different places of worship or gatherings of Christian fellowship; listened to teachings and messages as well as prayers. It’s fast becoming obvious and certain that the reason most Christians reference God is because of what they get from God. These benefits include: good health, prosperity, breakthrough, miracles, and good fortune. Almost every Christian has become conversant with passages of open doors, open windows, open heavens, supply of abundance, prosperity and good successes. Worshippers are urged to tithe, give fat and generous offerings, and sow seeds: first fruit, sacrificial, love, pastor’s appreciation, first lady wall robe and so on. The sad thing about all these is that many do not even understand the theology behind what they ask people to do and what they are asked to do. The most important thing is to make sure the store house is full and the financial empires are built. That explains why we find Churches in every shopping centers and the product of “Churchanity” making waves in the market.

Some are so much driven by the money passion that they do not know where and when to stop. For example: I attended a special thanksgiving service in a Church in Houston and the lady “Apostle” preacher demonstrated her sales skills and in her persuasion said, “ if you do not dip hand into your pocket and give, you have the DNA of Satan.” And I said to myself, is that so! This appears a new lesson in the sales field, just to squeeze money out of people’s pocket. Little wonder, she has the title of ‘an apostle.’ If you are a guest minister and you end your sermon without urging worshippers to give generously or raise additional fund for the Church, you probably have sealed your door. Every Christian is praying for riches and wealth and prosperity. We are in the era of materialistic theology. It’s all about what they can get from playing Church. Religion was never supposed to be a source of making riches and acquiring wealth but materialistic theology has introduced a new dimension to the Church; it has become a huge profit-making business competing with the businesses of fallen World Street. Every Dick and Harry is setting up a Church business and even when some barely passed their high school, are now gurus in the tactics of brain washing, hypnotizing, and manipulation; into the cheerful deceit and pretentious business of religion. Religion has become a soft avenue for manipulating the minds of God’s people,   make fortune and amaze wealth as well as build financial empire.

As I see all these religion of buying and selling return to the Church, the question that bothers me most time is: Why do we reference God? The book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13 says, “After all this, there is only one thing to say: have reference to God and obey His commands because this is all that we were created for. Another version says, “The conclusion of the whole matter is: Fear God and keep his commandment, for this is the whole duty of man.” It’s a terrible feeling to believe that we worship God for what we get from God. If we must give to God it’s because of what we expect to receive from Him. They tell you God gives to those who give to Him and hold your offering high and speak to God through your offering. Some “Apostle/prophet” preachers will adopt Old Testament doctrines that the coming of Christ had nullified, just to brainwash their hearers.  If you dare raise a question against these greed and idolatry that has become norms, you’re tagged an unbeliever and can even be attacked by other means.

The questions not often answered are: what did we give God for creating us and for daily sustenance? What did we give God for offering His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the entire world? The scripture says, while we did not know God, Christ died for us. Human beings are setting up and running Churches as chattel and appoint “sales men and women” to every sales outlet to sell their wares and Church businesses are booming. The motive is to make gains, power and ego for individuals and family; just season your motive with “god” and passion for cash.  Are you then surprised that at every shopping center of our cities, you will find shops in the name of Church? Worshippers are becoming used to the ‘near truth’ of these do and die religious zealots whose passion is nothing but money and sharp ways to acquire it. Venture to ask, apart from passion for money would you go into Church business? It was for this reason that Satan asked God, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? He added, ‘you have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does and you have given him enough wealth. But now suppose you take away everything he has-he will curse you to your face’ [Job 1:9-11].

Brethren, do you worship God for nothing? Can we worship God for who He is, even when our prayers is yet to be answered? Can we reference God when we feel less of His presence? It’s possible that we worship God for what He has already done? The Psalmist says, “Remember His marvelous works which He has done; His wonders and the judgment of His mouth” [Psalm 105:5]. Can we get back to the old spirit of worship, where we worship God first, because of who He is; second, for what He has already done and shall continue to do? We do not worship God for what we desire to get from God. We can not bribe God with gift or force Him to give us. He has already blessed us with heavenly blessings in high places. Worshipping God because of gains we get from God constitutes idolatry. God is being worshipped by heavenly bodies and by every other earthly creature as the Lord of life, King of kings and Lord of lords, etc. God can raise stone to worship Him if human don’t. It’s in the nature of God to give and that is settled in heaven.

 Without our misguided giving, God will still give us. There is no trade by barter with God. Who gave us the entire good and perfect gift we have? Human beings can’t pay for the air we breathe, for the foundation of the earth we live in, for the cloud that brings rain, for the sun, moon and stars we enjoy, vegetations and depth that breeds our fishes, etc. How about the arrows that fly in the day and the pestilence that walks in the night or the enemies of our souls that all surround us? Little wonder the scripture says, “If it had not been the Lord who was on my side……when men rose against us…” [Psalm 124:1ff]. We can do nothing without God. He’s self sufficient God but loves his creation. All He asks is to appreciate His glory, grace and mercy. Giving is supposed to be cheerfully, willingly and generously but not out of compulsion.

God does not even see our gifts; what he sees is His Son, Jesus Christ that is the once and for all greatest sacrificial gift and the blood covenant with Him. No human being or human gift can satisfy God because we are all sinners and so are our gifts. Our righteousness before God is like filthy rags. It is a high time we stopped worshipping God as if God is an idol or human being. God says, “If I were hungry, I would not ask you for food, for the world and everything in it is mine” [Psalm 50:12]. Our gifts can never redeem us and we can never redeem ourselves. We cannot pay God the price for our lives because the payment for human soul is too great; what we could pay would never be enough……. [Psalm 49:7-8]. “For the Lord is the great God and the great King above all gods. For He is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of His hand” [Psalm 95:3, 7]. “For The Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the people are idols but this Lord made the heavens? Honor and Majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His presence” [Psalm 96:4-6].

Giving is good and wonderful and should be encouraged but the love and passion for money has driven many into manipulating people and ripping them in the name of God. Materialistic theology is nothing but idolatry. That’s why they go to any length to get what they want – straight or crook. They love you, become their friend when you are giving but the moment, something happen to you and you can no longer give, you’re forgotten and hardly being reached. This may be unpopular teaching but the truth.  This could explain why some people love God but can’t stand the Church. The scripture still urges us to worship God in Spirit and truth. If we really do, our love and focus on money will shift base. It’s high time we stopped robbing God’s people by playing all tricks in the book because judgment shall start in the Church. Don’t forget God created our inward part and watches our motives.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.                                                                                                                                          

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