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INTRODUCTION: I welcome all to this gathering. We are gathered each time our beloved passes on to pay respect to the deceased and in show of sympathy and support to the deceased family.

I thank the organizers of this gathering for including “devotions and exultation” in the program. It is not only a good thing to do but it is a proper thing to do. I would want us to cease the opportunity of this wake keeping reflecting on a very critical question: Man, who are you?

PREAMBLE: The topic introduces a personal question. Each person’s answer depends on his thinking, exposure, and perspective; of course, his knowledge of where he is, why he is here and where he is going to after here. I would expect responds like I am a human being, I am mazi, chief, Amadi, prince/princess; I am a General, Senator, Pastor, Doctor, Farmer, and so on. Some may say I am who I think I am, while others claim I am a child of the living God. Even so, others may still answer I am a sojourner on earth, or I am a visitor/stranger here. All the above is good and well taken, but I am in love with the last two answers.

THE EXPOSITION: One would have thought that everyone is conscious of this fundamental fact – that we are strangers here. Surprisingly, many are living as if one shall remain here forever; amazing wealth as if we shall carry any back. We have become so earthly minded that we are easily intimidated by any little thing such as shadow, flying creepy-crawly etc. While many are aware of our temporary and expectant of Christ return, some have lost sense of urgency and fear of the end. Sometimes we appear so complacent and grown too comfortable with life and have lost sense of perspective, such that we dread mere mention of the word “death.” One pertinent truth is: amid life, there’s death and is a necessary end. It is appointed unto man once to die and thereafter judgment. The world is in-permanence, of course nothing on earth is. This recalls one old song titled, “This world is not my own”. This song is not known by young folks because it is no longer aired nor sung; it is considered old fashioned since we live in an “instant world” but it may not be irrelevant.

A good life does not depend on how long but how one lives. There are 4 stages in       life (known as 4 Rs }.

  1. Stage of Rascality  2. Stage of Romance  3. Stage of Retirement. 4. Stage of Rest (death).

Some people complete these stages while others may pass from 1 to 4 or from R1-R2-R4. It is in this realization that the psalmist exclaimed in Psalm 89:44-49, highlights;

                                 ** My glory ceases one day, and throne cast down.

                                 ** Shortened days of youth and cover it with shame.

                                 ** Hide yourself and allow wrath to burn like fire.

                                 ** How short is my time, all man are vanity.

                                 **What man shall not die, and soul deliver to grave.

The import of this passage is that our days are short, one’s life could be cut at prime; death has always won the battle of life and soul delivered to grave.

Little wonder why David in Psalm 90:12 requests: “so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” That speaks volume. This request for mercy is also reflected in Psalm 8:3-6 saying, “What is man that God should be mindful of him.” At this point, I would bring in the prose of a Christian hymn composer and writer – Richard Baxter (1615-91) who wrote: (Reversed Church Hymnary 549)

  1. Lord, it belongs not to my care

Whether I die or live

To live and serve thee is my share

And this thy grace must give

  1. If life be long, I will be glad

That I may long obey

If short, why should I be sad?

To welcome endless day

This hymn becomes very necessary, expedient and a food for thought. We should ponder how dwelling is the place we live that we should rest in it.

 In where we read, Psalm 39:4-7, the psalmist made further request for mercy:

                                                _ Teach me my end-for life span is few/short.

                                                _Teach me the measure of my day

                                                _Teach me how frail life is

                                                _My days are confined to hand breath.

                                                _My age is nothing/stupid

                                                _Man at best is a vapor/vanity

Brethren, if we knew how insecure, uncertain, and unreliable this stage is, we would apply wisdom in how to utilize/spend it. It is a common knowledge that wisdom comes only from God. At this passage exposes the emptiness of life, it also calls foe a return to God, accepting his grace in Christ Jesus- savior and redeemer of mankind. Many are conscious of the limited span of life and have insured their lives with a large sum of money, built estates and mansions, and have amazing large amounts of money in investment and savings. As good as all these are, none can stop one from dying. Ps 49:10-20 offer a very thoughtful exposition/truthful so riches without Christ. Jesus Christ is the ultimate security. He’s the resurrection and life, even if one’s dies, he lives forever in God’s bosom. There are 4 groups of people:

  1. Wish borne- wish for, long for but will rarely act.
  2. Funny borne- lives a life of jokes.
  3. Jaw borne- jaw, rave, cry, and long talk and do little.
  4. Back borne- seek, seek, seek, until he gets.

Whichever group you belong to, the preciousness of life demands that we number our days, despite life shortness if wisdom is applied, we can put a lot of living with it. “For we live in deeds not breath, in feeling not figures on a dial.” “He lived long who lived well, all else is but life flung away.” We should realize that time deals gently with those who use it but harshly with those who abuse it; also “the road of by and bye leads to the town of never” says a Spanish proverb.

CHALLENGE: having learned about the fewness of our days, and how frail it is, what shall we do? Proverb 27:12 say a wise man foresees problem and hide himself while the “foolish” pass on and got up with it. Reacting to this truth, another hymn writer Ella Sophia Armitage wrote: (RCH 355 vs. 2)

                                           “It’s never too late while life shall last

                                            A new life to begin

                                            It’s never too late to leave the past

                                            And break with self and sin

                                            And we this day, both old and young

                                            Would earnestly aspire,

                                            For hearts to nobler purpose strung,

                                            And purified desire.”

Man and woman, death is real and shall come one day. Brood no longer but desire to return to God, the Creature. “Yesterday is done, tomorrow is yet to be, today is mine to live; therefore, grab it, not before it arrives or after it passes, but moment by moment as it becomes reality, today is the day of salvation. A day to act, the lord is anxiously waiting for your return. You need to come to your senses and do something urgent and life here and thereafter. The choice is yours.

Let me remind you that what happened to our late brother can happen to anyone. Realize that death is necessary end. It is a process whereby man is taken away from the surface of the earth for life beyond. An artist had once Sang “everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die” this is physical death. The second is spiritual death, whereby we may still be living physically but has no life with God. He has not regenerated. He is still living according to his wishes. Such people are described as “living corpses”. The third is the eternal death. One who is hell bound if not repented and has no assurance of eternity.

We need to prepare for the Lords coming. The Bible in Amos 4vs12 say “oh you people, prepared to meet to your God.” One day everybody will be required to give an account of his/her life. Regrettably we live in a world where the word “accountability”’ is unpopular. Be-ware, only those whose lives have been transformed and renewed shall see heaven. It is equally necessary to know that “heaven is a prepared place for prepared people”. If death strikes today, would you make heaven? The choice is yours. The bible in john 3:16 says: for God so loved the world (the entire, whole world, all mankind, not selected people, nor peculiar tribe) that He gave His only begotten son (the lamb of God, king of glory, savior, redeemer) that whosoever (poor, rich, sad, joyful, old, young; any trade, religion, tribe, noble, sinner) believe in Him (his birth, death, resurrection, redemption) shall not perish, but has everlasting life. Why are you refusing this great gift of God? Why does it not matter to you? You cannot afford to be adamant nor complacent, for this gift is for everyone (whosoever). Brethren, life is short and frail, our days are numbered, death is a necessary end and comes any time. Do not be caught in the web. You may not have any other time to repent. Procrastination is a deceased that many are suffering today, and its end is regrets (had I know) and destruction in the pitiless habitation of hell. God created man as a freethinking  being,  with  ability  to make  choices  and  be  responsible  for  its results/consequences. Man’s chief end is to glorify and serve God. Any thing short of this, is a deviation (sin) and give no glory to God. It’s therefore very important we live to meet the purpose of our creation. In times of ignorance, Gods mercies prevail, but we have heard and known that Gods kindness is inviting us to repentance. If you had wandered off the road, stop where you are, and be still and sober, you will hear the voice of the spirit saying “return, here is the right way, follow it”. Do not stay in emptiness any longer. Accept Gods great call today and make peace with him.

It may interest you to know that you are not alone. Many who were lost at one time or the other, in His mercies, had found the new way, and now enjoyed Gods goodness and walked in Gods spirit. Gods loves and cares about us. “It is not His wish that any should perish but to enjoy continuously His goodness.” Gods love demands that we love God with the whole of being and share his love with fellow humans especially those in the household of faith. God loves implies that there should be an incarnation of love to God and His creation. (1jn 4:11), In Paul’s letter to the Galatians 6vs2, he urges us to “help carry one another’s burden, and, in that way, we will abbey the law of Christ.” God loved and gave his only begotten son. If we love, we will give our all.

Today we are gathered not only to pay respect to our beloved late brother Collins but also to help bear the burden his sudden departure has created. This show of love is made meaningful by the way we voluntarily give to alleviate the problem at hand. God loved a cheerful giver. Proverbs 11vs24 reveals that one who gives prosper while one who withholds suffers lack.

Brethren, we can’t assume that “kindness is an inherited trait, it is a learn behavior”. Also, “we need a spirit of community, a sense that we are in this together, if we lack a sense of community, we have lost not only our heritage, but love and whoever lacks love does not belong to God.” This evening as we reflect on the dead, we should rededicate our lives to God and the service of helping one another. By so doing God is glorified and our confession of oneness is evidenced. Rev. D De Haan in challenging us to be a channel of blessings wrote: “Lord, help me fell the hurt that others fell

 When life inflicts some bitter pain

 And use me in some loving way to heal

  The wounds that in their hearts remain”

BERAED FAMILY: I imagine how devastating this sudden demise had turned you. Let me quickly refer you to Genesis 21vs8-21. This is the story of Hagar-an Egyptian maid of Abraham’s first child- Ishmael. One day, tension (calamity) developed between Sarah and Hagar and Hagar was thrown out with her son into the wilderness. In despair, she lifted her voice and cried unto God. Her cry and that of her son reached the throne of mercy and attracted help. In this world full of sin, Calamities, shocks, tragedies still exist. In some way death has thrown you and son into wilderness. In your despair, confusion, hopelessness, lift your voice and cry to God, your maker. God works best in such situation (Psalm 40vs 1-4 & Psalms46 ns 1). God is your refuge, strength, and ever present in troubles. In Matt.28vs20, Jesus promised “I shall be with you always, ever end of age”. God has never failed in His promises. Even if it tarry hold unto Him for it must surely come to pass.

THE REALITY OF TIME: At time life is not fair. It can be “a riddle wrapped inside a puzzle; it can be random and haphazard, why me? Why this? Why now?” but do you want it dribble away, insisting this or that should not happen to you? Since it must occur, perhaps you can but wish your enemy, or offer a condolence to a well-wisher. That’s unfair and disturbing. As good as such wishes are, sometimes they fail to materialize. It must happen to someone, but whom? You must not allow this “missing piece” to control the rest of your life, less you forfeit the pleasant part of life. What we want significantly influences our inner attitude. Our wants are contained in our beliefs, wishes, and expectations. But life is not always fair. “Reality has no regards to our wants. There are gabs, rubs, and sore spots; there are unexpected twists and sudden turns. We do not get all we want.” Surprisingly it is in this state of unfairness and hopelessness that attract God intervention, kindness and power. God uses the waves of a trials and difficulties to draw us nearer to himself. God chooses what we go through, while we choose how we go through it. Therefore, think less of the power of thing affecting you and more of the power of Christ in you, for we are more than conquerors. Little would we wonder why Dr. D De Haan wrote:          “God’s unseen presence comforts me

                                               I know he’s always near

                                               And when life’s storms besiege my soul

                                               He says, “My child, don’t fear.”

When we are battered by the storm of life, we may be tempted to give in to a feeling of hopelessness. But if we look to our sovereign captain, and commit our ways to him

(Psalm  37:5), we can trust God to carry us through the storm.

CONCLUSION: I would like to recap that; we are stranger in this world; that death is a necessary end. Our days are few and frail and man at best is but a vapor (vanity). We need God’s wisdom to teach us how to number our days and live through it. It is also common knowledge that life is sometime unfair, and every succeeding day comes with its trouble and hazard. We need God’s grace and spirit to weather though this turmoil state and storms of life. The words of duet hymn writer, Thomas Moore & Thomas Hastings (RCH 688) offer comforts:

                            “Come ye disconsolate, where’re ye languish;

                             Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel;

                             Here bring your wounded hearts; here tell your anguish;

                             Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal”.

Brethren, let your testimony be, in the wake and praise night of our beloved brother, I made peace with God in Christ Jesus and made love offering to help the deceased family. I therefore welcome you to special relationship with the Lord and Master, Jesus Christ and to the service of his kingdom. Remain blessed and fruitful.

IF YOU DECIDE TO MAKE PEACE WITH JESUS THEN Pray with me: I come to You with a repentant heart, acknowledging my sins and imperfections. I am grateful for Your forgiveness, which I find in Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Savior and my Lord. Please cleanse my soul, renew my spirit, and empower me to extend the same forgiveness to others. As I accept Your grace, may it flow through me, shaping me into a vessel of love, compassion, and mercy. Grant me the strength to live a life that reflects Your love and help me forgive others as You have forgiven me. Amen.

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