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In a few weeks time, the world and Christendom shall be celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ popularly referred to as “Christmas” The word “Christmas” comes from two Latin words – Christ and mass (feast) meaning Christ feast: or “mass of Christ”. It is an annual commutation of the birth of Christ – the only begotten son of God and prince of peace. Incidentally neither the word “Christmas” nor the actual date of Christ birth is found in the Bible. In just happened about 2000 years ago, on whatever date –December 25, October 6, March 15, a savior, Jesus the Christ was born. The scripture put it thus: At the fullness of the time, God sent His son, born of woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law that we might have full rights of son ship (Gal 4:4-5). The date therefore becomes incidental; obviously at appoint in history, the son of God Jesus Christ was born into this world.


The birth was necessitated by the fallen state of mankind. God formed man in His own image as a moral free thinking agent having ability to choose what appears good to him but shall bear the consequence of his choice. Man choice a lesser good (disobeyed God) and was deformed by sin. By so doing man became a slave to sin and lost the ability and capacity to become what and do things in the way God had predestined him – He missed the mark and lost the glory of God. God was grieved and regretted creating man. Despite the fall of man God still desire fellowship with him, as it was dangerous to abandon man in sin. God planned to transform man and reconciled him to his glorious state. When and how that would happen was unknown. God in His wisdom, decided to send His son Jesus into the world for the rescue operation. His birth was prophesized by prophets – Isaiah 9:1-7, Micah 5:2-5, Zachariah 9:9 and others in the Bible.

After this time, came a period of “death-line”-God did not communicate with man for about 400 years. However, it still pleased God to announce the coming of His son by sending a forerunner – John the Baptist, son of Elizabeth and Zachariah. By this time the Israelite under Romanic rule were anxiously expecting a king who will liberate them from physical bondage. They waited and some lost hope of the coming savior.

The gospel of Luke 2:1-26 gives a very good account of Christ birth. Preceding that, an Angel Gabriel appeared to a virgin known as Mary who was already betrothed to Joseph – a man of the family of David. The Angel referred to Mary as a highly favored woman who has been chosen among woman…. Eventually Mary submitted herself to be used of the Lord.

Further the Bible says “while they were there in Bethlehem, a time came for her baby to be born and she gave birth to her first child, a son”. This happened in Judea when King Caesar Augustus was the Roman Emperor. A special star glorified the birth of Christ. By this birth God brought the infinite God to the reach of ordinary persons.


Like in most African countries especially in Nigeria, the birth of a child is heralded with joy, singing, dancing and presentation of gifts. Ti is usually a time for people to sink their differences, bury hatches, break wall of malices and enmity. Consequently create an atmosphere of friendship, fellowship and jubilation. The arrival of a new baby is good news because: the new child especially a boy brings hope for replacement and survival of the family. The new baby adds to the wealth and enrichment of the family especially in a large family setting – “the more the merrier”. A new child also project hope for security for when children grow up they have covenant duty to take care of their aged parents. Births also attract respect and fulfillment to the marriage and family especially when they later became prominent.

Beyond the above importance, Jesus’ birth brought the WORD to flesh, became hope for lost world, a messiah to save his people from sin and a restoration for the lost. It also ushered in liberty for the captive, healing for the sick fainted and distressed; man now had a substitute to die in his place. God’s greatest love for mankind was manifested. The church had a Head and He was a light unto all nations and of course in common with Jewish custom, every first male child was to become a priest consecrated.


The date of Christ’s birth is incidental. No specific date of birth is found in the Bible. But it couldn’t have been December 25 because:

–           the shepherd could not be feeding their flocks by night in an open field in the winter period

–           it is opined that king Caesar Augustus of Rome could not have issue a decree for census (counting of Tax head) in the depth of winter


History has it that long before the birth of Christ there existed a festival among the heathen on December 25 in honor of God. It was observed that new converted christens were joining the heathen in the fetish celebration in keeping with the tradition of men. Though controversial among many scholars, it is highly upheld that the birth of Christ was assigned that date of the winter solstice, December 25 to OPPOSE the pagan feast of the birthday of the invincible sun. Early Christian pre-chose that date and initiated worship at the temple to preoccupy and prevent christens from the lure of the cult of the sum worshippers which was then very strong in Rome. Subsequently, about 4th century the church then adopted December 25, to mark the birthday of Jesus Christ in further opposition to the Heathen worship. Over the years Christmas day celebration had spread and received general acceptance of various Christian sect, government and people and have won many souls to Christendom. This is true because in the name of Jesus every thing even the sun God has bowed and Jesus, Lord reigns over dominion and principalities and power.


Christmas should be a period of sober reflection over our fallen state, wrecked and sinful life. We must ponder over God’s free gift of love and salvation in Christ Jesus that God in Christ having known our nakedness and helplessness became man and dwell amongst us so He could feel us, react to our situation and circumstances. Jesus is omnipresent and is still available and real to us today. Christmas is a time to worship God and mention His grace and love to other persons thereby witnessing for Christ. If Christ was not born, He couldn’t have become man to live amongst us. He came to teach us the mind of God, heal the sick, raise the death and tree those in captivity. He came to give us life and eternity. What manner of love!

In this days where the gongs of wars are resounding every where, there mute fears, despairs and uncertainty in the minds of people. In this worldly sea of storm and great waves, Jesus birth brings dazzling, ray of certainty, everlasting hope and unshakable assurance (Hebrew 6:19)

Talking about the relevance of Christmas celebration, it will not surprise us that it has its cultural and commercialized influences on the society. Even though Christ feast is purely a Christian affair, non Christian argues that Christ came for everybody and especially for the lost world. And even government of nation and states declare public holidays acknowledging the importance of the celebration. They further contend that Christ came for all cultures, so they are equally entitled to share in the celebration in their culture. Is this true? A food for

The Christmas is usually celebrated during harmattan season and surges certain funfair and excitement. Shops are decorated with gifts items; media agencies announce its arrival with funfair while Christmas music fills the air. Get-together, banquets and family meeting on one hand while crusades, retreat and revival meetings on the other hand and host of other activities are organized to mark the season. It would be surprisingly to know that many who are share in this celebration do not know Christ experiemicially nor have they made decision for Him; resulting to being carried away by the associated activities thereby missing the mark – celebrating Christmas without Christ. Lack of true meaning of Christmas had led many into quest for shopping spree, show of affluence and materialism, drunkenness and involvement in do or die wealth pursuit. This desire for new dress, new this and new that at Christmas has led some in dubious business deals which is against the spirit of the birth of Christ.

In conclusion, I desire that we learn to celebrate Christmas with Christ (and not with the world) thanking God for His amazing love to mankind. Like the Biblical wise men, whom the heavenly star let to worship Jesus the Savior at birth, we should offer love offerings and tangible gifts to God through His church, His servants and share our blessings with the less privileged among us without forgetting various missions. God gave His son as a true act of love; we must also give Him our all as a true act of worship, praise and thanksgiving. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given (Isaiah 9:6-7). So let’s celebrate; forgiving one another, breaking wall of barriers and differences.  We should be showing the spirit of true love. Mark this season; receive Christ and enjoying the difference.

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