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I am pleased to associated with AROSON, Lagos Branch beach outing. This had become necessary since we are a social club but for reasons that are not far fetched, we seem to have neglected that aspect of our existence. As part of the Beach Outing, I have decided to share with you this talk which I believe shall stimulate deep reflection on the attitude of Arochukwu people in relationship with their GOD.

In every ancient city or town around the world, there is still evidence of idols in every nook and corner. History even has it that Africans worshipped various gods before the coming of Christianity loosely referred to as the white man’s religion and Islam; associated with the Trans-Saharan trade of the 14th century. As you drive past any ancient city such as lle-lfe, Benin and of course Arochukwu, just to mention but a few, it is easy to find idols. They appear in form of graven images, monuments, stones, trees and shrines dressed in white, red or new purple garment.

In Arochukwu, hardly could you pass by any village without seeing evidence of these idols. Each idol has group of worshippers. Funny enough, many do not worship them publicly but believe in their existence and dread their powers. These unseen worshippers provide animals secretly to their family heads or priests to offer sacrifices on their behalf in reverence to their ancestors. In the process, they ask for favors such as prosperity, protection, and gift of fruit of the womb and even good health.

Undoubtedly everybody accept the concept of a supreme being/power, who is the maker and controller of the universe. Also different people know Him by different names in accordance with their dialect or language and religion. This Supreme Being Christians call God Almighty (Jehovah). Moslem calls Him Allah, the Buddhists call Buddha and some others maintain Jehovah. In Nigeria, the Igbo tribe knows God Almighty as Chineke (Chukwu), the Efiks – Abasi, while the Yoruba’s call Him Oluwa and the Hausas/Fulani call Him, Allah. This is the Living God and the God of all creation.

It is also a fact of history that after the Arochukwu expedition between1901 – 1902, Arochukwu was pacified and become a fertile ground for evangelism. In 1903, the United Free Church of Scotland (presently known as the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria) under the leadership of a great worker and friend – Mother Mary Slessor, found their way into Arochukwu from Calabar. They came preaching against the killing of twins, human sacrifice and idolatry. Astonishingly, idolatry with its associated ills had been accepted as a culture norm and tradition. Today, the town is still full of idols. These include: ibinu-ukpabi (the long juju), nkume-asa, ukwu-ofor, ugwudike, inyama avia, Oji-ago, and so on. These names and others, those who belong to “Arunsi Fraternity” bear as titles, which one think would influence their behavior and life style but this is not so, as many amongst them behave like any other Aro person in the city. That is Aro for you.

Among the Aros, many do not doubt the existence of the living God but they still believe in other gods and approach them through sacrifices and pouring of libation. There appears a mixture of paganism and “Churchanity/religiousity: It is now common place for the Aros to commence any social gathering by praying to God Almighty (Obasi dina elu) while libation of kola and wine are poured to Ala, their ancestors (Ndeiche). To them it is a matter of giving to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s. But I wonder how one can serve two masters at time! The belief that all roads lead to God and it does not matter which way you follow is deceitful, unscriptural and ungodly. God is a jealous God and does not share His praise and His Glory with lesser gods. He’s the Devine Creator of all things; if He needed to feed on any of this creation He wouldn’t consult and ask man.

Permit me to liken the Aros to the people of Athens. The Greeks were scientists and people of great learning – Philosophers and the alikes. The Aros have intellectuals, knowledgeable and enlightened; widely traveled, and exposed people. They were dreaded by other Ibos for their unique disposition. Today, they are still the Okeigbos from whence our noble club took her name thus ARO-IKEIGBO Social Club. The people of Athens had one of the world’s best Universities where best brains rubbed minds and exchanged ideas. They were blessed with best athletes and intellectuals such that their artists, sculptors, and architectural wonders of the time were ranked among the best. The Aros also have one of the oldest and best secondary schools in the country- AggreyMemorialCollege. In academics, profession and career service, we have had very learned people like the late Dr. Alvan Ikoku, late Mazi Ochuchu Oti, Mazi Lancaster Okoro, Senator Udoh and Professor Oji Umezurike and a host of others too numerous to mention.

The Aros are rich in culture and many among the enlightened ones still have great respect for our values, tradition and culture. They dress in both English and cultural attires to Churches and in African attires to awada, ulo-nta, mgbana and so on.

In fact we are fondly called “beke mbu”- the early white man and “Umuchukwu” meaning God’s children. Our cultural designs and architecture are among the best world wide and are preserved in Museums (ulo-nta) and in cloth such as “Omu Aro” and “Ukara Ekpe” and so on, for generation to come.

Over the years, there have been under-current efforts to repackage or modernize our culture but not much has been achieved in this regard even though this is an on-going exercise. However, the global change has affected our new tradition and Culture, which we are battling to retain. How successful this would be is a guess.

When St. Paul visited Athens as recorded in the scriptures (Act17) what caught his attention was the presence of many idols. Verse 16 reads “Paul was greatly distressed to see the city was full of idols.” He was upset and disturbed because false religion dishonours God and destroys the people. The scripture (Jer. 44) condemns ancestral worship and pouring of libation to gods. They are reproaches and abominations to our great God.

The same could be said of Arochukwu town. A visit would convince any doubting Thomas that the town is ancient and dull of idols. Hardly is there any traditional play and/or masquerades that the people do not perform one act of idol worship or the other. Animals are slaughtered or and libation of kolanuts, alligator pepper and wine poured to the gods of “Ala.” Yet the scripture warns that God is not interested in our sacrifices, ceremonies and feasts, but in worshipping Him in truth and spirit, Ps.50.

The Aros believe so much in superstition and consulting the spirits of the death so much so that nobody is believed to die a natural death. When death occurs especially in the young, it is either an enemy, gods (juju), or something else had killed the person.

There is no gainsaying that Arochukwu people are very religious; many among them are spirit filled Christians but hold very tenaciously to our culture and traditions. Such that even though you may not be part of the sacrifice during events like new yam festival (ikeji), you are required as a rule to share in the final/at the height of the ceremony on Eke-Ekpe day or stand to be penalized by your village head. In fact going to Church and worship is our way of life. We worship God with our lips, our sacrifice of praise, our sacrifice of possession and bodies. In the course of worship, we clap and lift up our hands, shake our bodies and dance before the Lord, observe ceremonies like Christmas, new yam festival and Easter, etc. our giving life is on course. Some are celebrated Churchgoers. I mean just like fun or as routine and perhaps when they are chanced or persuaded by situation (funeral or special thanksgiving service of a very close one) to attend. For those who attend regularly, many belong to the choir or other Church groups or Associations. In effect, many are servants in the household of faith and at the same time are members of Ekpe Society and so on. Many do not mind saying, after all it does not matter, we are all children of God. Our fathers who were privileged to meet with the white men who brought the church and co-founded the church here in Nigeria were also both in Ekpe Society and also belonged to the church. After all cultural society is no hindrance to church membership.

Permit me to ask, do we really know the God we worship? If we answer in the affirmative, than how well? Over the years I have come to know that many Christians do not really know the God they claim to worship. It is very possible today for people to be busy in the service of a Church denomination without knowing who owns the Church. The Church is one foundation with Jesus Christ as the Head. The Church is the army of Christ and each solder must know and satisfy who enlists him. Let me ask again, do you know Jesus Christ as Lord?

Many worship God but have no true knowledge of God, They simply talk about God and do not know God. Their relationship with Him is academic or mechanical. Others think they know Him when they belong to a particular denomination. Some in further search of God have jumped from one church to another. They see Him when things are going well with them and where signs and wonders reign. After all the bottom line is to get problems solved, seek protection, desire fulfillment and happiness in life. A part from church membership, many take pride in their natural birth, parental background, intelligence, education, class and at time, association. They are children of Abraham in lip service but their hearts are far from Him. Hee man! You need a spiritual birth. Unless you are born again in spirit and water, you are not one of His. St. Paul realized that there were no gains in all these earthy achievements. He called them rubbish and quit them to know God and the power of His resurrection. What about you?

The Aros like others in liberal and plural societies are free to hold a wide variety of beliefs and privileged to belong, worship and practice any religion of their choice. Indeed, even though “everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial” (1Cor.10:23). Many amongst them believe in towing a middle line “live and let live.” After all they claim there is one God –“Obasi dina elu” and all religions lead to Him eventually. They also claim that Jesus Christ is no doubt the Son of God but argue that God has also revealed Himself in different way within different culture.”

This concept has left many confused and consequently they find it difficult to differentiate between the Almighty God and other gods. For this group of people, therefore, anything goes. Apart from denying themselves the true fellowship, knowledge, power and love of the Trine God, they have degenerated to the point of doubting their self existence while still alive and are easily frightened by the shadows of their brothers. However, the attributes of the living God are well spelt out in the scriptures. Joshua was facing a similar situation in Israel when he declared “I and my household shall worship and serve the living God.” In Isaiah 44 Verses 4-6 the Almighty God boasted” I am the first and I am the last, beside me there is no god; who is like Me. let him proclaim it? “There’s no rock, I know not any.” Also Jesus Christ is the gospel of Mark chapter 12 verses 28 to 30 says “There’s no God but the Lord, my God and thou shall love the Lord thy God with the love of your whole heart.” St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians chapter 8 Verses 5-6 proclaims “there’s only one true God nobody doubts the existence of so called gods of heaven and on earth…….yet for us (Christians) there’s one God and Lord Jesus Christ.

The existence of these gods is indisputable. King David (a man after God’s heart) records a revelation of these gods in Psalm 135 Verses 15-18. They are mere imagination of man’s heart and designs of his hands and must not be worshipped, feared or offered sacrifices.

In the name of upholding our tradition and culture, many have reduced themselves to bats, belonging to neither of the two worlds. Just as it is not possible to be begotten by two earthly fathers so also can you not serve two gods faithfully. It may please you to know; “ONLY the Christians God leads to Salvation, to heaven and to eternal life. All other gods are the devil”. This is truth and only the truth you do can set you free. Beware therefore of hallow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and worldly principles.

The Aros should take advantage of our early embrace of Christianity and forsake all forms of idolatry, ancestral worship, sacrifices and pouring of libation to the spirit of the dead (Due 18:10-11)

This author is in no way suggesting total abandonment of our rich cultural heritage and values but urges Christians to flee from every act of idolatry (1Cor: 10:14, 20 – 22) and stand sentinel against any tradition or culture that is in conflict with our faith and the will of the Almighty God. Beware of compromise. God is too busy to recognize halfhearted people. He does not tolerate lukewarmness nor condone double standards. “Ponder on these things and decide which way to follow. Remember the end justifies the means.

Thank you for listening. Many God guide our thoughts to a deeper understanding of this message, which is to the Glory of His name, Amen!

Being text of talk presented by: ELDER G, N. OGBONNAYA at AROSON, Lagos Branch Beach Party at Takwabay.

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