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Dominion Chapel (The Redeemed Christian church of God), 1203 Cravens Road, Stafford, Texas  was a melting pot, right place, for a week long crusade spearheaded by  Destiny International Mission Commission and committee of Pentecostal Ministers in  Houston. The annual event featured as its point man, a renowned Evangelist Rev Uma Ukpai, his wife, Mrs Philomena Ukpai. Others were: Bishop and Mrs. Peace Okonkwo of TREM with Pastor Cletus Bassey of Destiny International Mission Commission as coordinators. In this place, God’s awesome power touched down on many souls. God’s oracle commanded His favor and visitation upon worshippers and broke chains of curses and dominion of the evil one. Many people bagged new degrees BA (Born Again), while other people were delivered of their illnesses and pains. There were also sessions of joyous worships and praises. Yet many folks in Houston heard, read and missed out the event.

Kroger has a sales slogan “Right store, Right Price”. Our world is built around places; indeed events happen in places. Some places are significant while others are not. There are good and bad places as well as right and wrong; there are places of sorrow and places of joy. We have palaces and prisons, homes and houses, cottages and colleges, true gospel and another gospel. The earth rotates in seasons, on time. Most people desire to be in the right places at the right time but incidentally they are either in right places at wrong time or wrong places at right time.

Others have missed their blessings by seconds. Some have moved from frying pan into fire either in desperation or ignorance; quit the right place for lack of patience and perseverance. Yet, “many people are in the right place at the right time but don’t know it.”

Thomas was one of Jesus apostle, a twin commonly tagged ‘doubting’ because he openly doubted Jesus was risen (John 20:25). Surprisingly, Thomas was not the only doubter of Christ resurrection but all the disciples did according to the scripture (Luke 24:11, 25, 41; Mark 16:11-14; Matthew: 28:17; John 20:27). However, Thomas was simply not with others in the place during Jesus’ first post-resurrection visit. He was missing in the fellowship and assembly of other disciples. This is still happening today. Hebrews 10:25 admonishes, “do not forsake the gathering of fellow believers.” Thomas absence caused him to miss four (4) fold blessings of the risen Jesus Christ. (John 20:19-23):

 i) The benediction; peace be unto you (vs. 21).

ii) The commission; as my Father has sent me, even so, I sent you (vs.21).

 iii) The anointing – special gift of the Father: Receive ye the Holy Spirit (vs.22)

iv) The empowerment to forgive, bind and loose and do the work of Christ (vs.23).

The Risen Jesus came, blessed His disciples and gone. Then Thomas showed up after the blessing and power was dispensed; wondering what had happened, in his natural mind – blind, lost, doubtful, faithless, unbelieving, lack understanding, fearful and intimidated.

Thomas lost patience of waiting and hope of Jesus resurrection. He stepped out and missed the breath of God, the anointing, the empowerment and the peace of God that passeth all understanding. Notwithstanding, Thomas was a good follower of the Master with an open zealous heart.  In John 11:16, Thomas urged other disciples to go with Jesus and see Lazarus that was reported dead even if it meant dying with him, for Jesus enemies were after his life. In John 14:5, Thomas was uncomfortable with Jesus tales; he boldly asked Jesus to explain where He was going and which the way was He taking. He was frank and outspoken, had inquisitive mind and burning zeal.

The good news is, Thomas was not gone for good. On his return other disciples told him, “truly the Master is risen, He came here while you were gone; showed us His hands, His feet and blessed us. He pierced through the closed doors, walls of fear and intimidation with His presence while we watched and prayed (Mark 13:33). Thomas may have noticed their boldness and persuasion; had missed to catch a glimpse of the risen Christ for not being in the right place. Bad as it was, he did not hide in emptiness, shame or deterred by the excitements displayed by other disciples. In the midst of the crowd he cried out “I need a personal experience not here say. I may have missed out but not lost.” An adage says “he who has no opinion of his own but depends on the opinion of others is a slave. Again, the best way to convince a person of miracles is to make him see or experience one.”

Little wonder when other disciples said to him “we have seen the Lord”. Thomas replied “except I see in His hands the prints of the nails and put my finger into the marks of the nails and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe (verse 25). Thomas was in daring need of personal encounter than head knowledge or hearsay. This was not new; after-all, the Scribes and Pharisees asked for signs and evidence to believe (Mark 12:38).

Today, many Christians flood crusade grounds looking for signs and evidence of God’s power but doubt the Sonship and Lordship of Christ and His risen power. Some do not belong to any Church; others are long in Church; some born again but have no experiential knowledge of Christ. These folks need a touch of Christ that comes with His risen presence and the power of His Spirit.

Jesus knew His disciples needed the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes only from the Father. Jesus experienced that precious gift during His baptism, transfiguration and in each meeting with His Father. It was this gift that gave strength to mission, power in His ministry and every intervention. This gift would empower the healing ministry of His disciples; the same gift the Father had endued on the Church. The early churches were born through the manifestation of God’s Spirit in their meetings. Any church without God’s Spirit is a ritual house; it is not the right place and you have no business there.

The right Church is where the word is held supreme and where the unadulterated word of God is preached and taught. Where the Holy Spirit leads, instructs, reveals, manifest and is acknowledged. God performs surgery; gives new hearts, new ribs, new feet and bones, brand new eyes and ears etc. The healing power of God flows. The right Church expects God’s visitation in every gathering. They believe that wherever two or three gather in Jesus name, His presence is there with them. In His presence, miracles happen but someone needs to be present, patient and persevere. We don’t quit seconds to our breakthrough. Perseverance is the result of strong will while stubbornness is the result of strong won’t. Never think God’s delay is God’s denial; hang on some minutes longer. We must learn to be obedient and expecting, trust in God and give glory and praise to Him. Be careful to return thanks. We need to be in God’s presence, in His house, in the right Church, right place at the right time; not when praise worship is over or after the sermon or after Jesus had passed by and the Church-in-communion ( tarrying and studying) is over.

Whether you are desperate and afraid of your life or medical sciences have written you off as hopeless; feels it is impossible because the doors are closed, the judicial system has found you guilty. It does not matter. God’s presence in the place makes everything possible. Don’t be quiet; stand up right on your feet, speak, shout, cry unto God for help and keep your confession strong (Romans10:9-10; Mark 9:22b, 10:46f). The Blind Bartimeaus, The Syrophenician woman and even the penitent malefactor on the cross, all spoke out. The Psalmist says, this poor man cried, God answered. Cry out today, Jesus will answer you.

Jesus came back and stood in their midst while Thomas was in the right place, and again spoke peace to them. He then challenged Thomas preconceptions and doubts (verse 27). Thomas had the privilege of a personal encounter with the risen Christ, became the first to give Jesus the title of God for he submitted “My Lord and my God” (verse 28).

Christian literature opined that Thomas was the first disciple to carry the message of Christ to India, where through his labor made many converts. This angered the idol priests who captured and tortured him with red iron, cast him into an oven which had no effect on him. They then pierced him with spears while in the furnace until he died. Thomas’ conviction was beyond feelings, doubts and negativities. All we need is personal encounter with Jesus. God has no pets or superstars but only believers who are in the right place at the right time. Jesus is always there to meet with them.

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