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                                                                     PREAMBLE   OF OBCA CONSTITUTION

The OLD BENDE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION {OBCA} was formed in 1988 in Houston.  Its primary purpose then and now is to provide a platform for persons of OLD BENDE ancestry residing in Texas and other parts of the USA to interact, to preserve and to promote their common heritage.

 OBCA is a Non-Profit Texas Corporation with Federal Tax-Exempt status.  All contributions and donations to OBCA are tax-deductible.

Historically, OBCA members are of the Igbo Tribe and trace their ancestry to what was then known as the Bende District in 1914. Bende District was, at that time, part of EASTERN NIGERIA.  Later, Bende District became a Division, was part of EASTCENTRALSTATE, and then IMOSTATE. Today, most of the geographical area included in OBCA’s native heritage is located in ABIASTATE.  A portion of OBCA is geographically located in EBONYISTATE.

OBCA is primarily devoted to  charitable work within and outside the US, including but not limited to, assisting with medical missions, donating to health care institutions, assisting with the educational needs of impoverished communities and persons, and other efforts to  make our world a better place to live for us and for all people.

Membership in OBCA is open to all persons of OBCA ancestry and to all members of the general public who subscribe to the goals of the organization.

REVISED MARCH 2013                                                          ADOPTED ON:                                2013.

                                      CONSTITUTION REVIEW COMMITTEE

Attorney James O. Okorafor (Chairman)

Chief (Dr.) Ikeddy Enwere    (Secretary)

Elder Godswill Ogbonnaya

Dr.  Darlington Ndubuike

Engr.  Joe Uluh.

                                                   OBCA CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS


Section 1.  NAME

The name of this organization shall be OLD BENDE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSTON, HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS, (hereinafter referred as OBCA).


The principal office of OBCA for the purposes of transaction of its business is located in Houston, Harris County, Texas.


1.  OBCA is an organization for cultural, charitable, and educational purposes; it shall have no political, economic, or religious motives.

2.  No member or official shall use the platform of this organization to make any political statement or declaration in matters relating to the politics of the United States of America, any African country, or other part of the world.


1.   To foster peace and unity between and among OBCA Members and the community.

2.   To promote the education, economic and social welfare of OBCA Members.

3.   To promote cultural awareness and identity amongst OBCA Members.

4.    To participate with all other organizations within and outside the United States of America in events and meetings relating to the progress and development of OBCA community.


Section 1.   ELIGIBILITY

A.  All sons and daughters of OBCA, their spouses, and others who subscribe to the aims and objectives of OBCA shall be eligible for membership.

B.   A member in good standing in addition to subscribing to the aims and objectives of OBCA, shall pay annual dues, and all levies that may be assessed by OBCA.

C.   The right to vote and to be voted for is conferred only on those members in good financial standing.


A.   A member in good financial standing shall have the right to be elected/ or appointed to an office.

B.   The right to vote for a member is subject to eligibility requirements of the applicable office.

C.    A member shall have the right and duty to participate in all OBCA programs and activities.

 D.  A member shall have the duty to abide by provisions of this Constitution and all other rules and regulations governing OBCA, including its By-Laws, Policies and Procedures.

 E.   A member shall have all other rights and privileges accruing from OBCA.




A.   A member in good financial standing for at least two (2) consecutive years of membership shall be eligible to serve on the office of Board of Directors, by election or appointment.

B.   Notwithstanding Article VI, Section 1(A) above, a member in good financial standing with a record of felony conviction shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.


 A.  There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of seven voting (7) members. The president shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of OBCA having full authority to set policies for OBCA. The term of office for the Board of Directors shall be staggered as follows: Directors (A) consisting of three (3) members shall serve for three (3) years; Directors (B) consisting of four (4) members shall serve for two (2) years. The classification of Directors as (A) or (B) shall be determined by the number of votes received by each candidate. The candidate that receives the highest number of votes shall be classified as (A) next in the order as (B). The immediate past president shall become a Board member and shall serve for a period of two (2) years.

B. The Board of Directors shall appoint a three (3) member Ad-Hoc Audit Committee no later than November of each year to audit the books and financial records of OBCA. The Audit Committee shall complete its assignment prior to the next January of the general meeting.

 C. The Board of Directors shall have all powers and duties which are authorized by the applicable provisions of the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act.

Section 3.    VACANCIES

1.  Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall exist upon the death, resignation, or removal from office of any member of the Board of Directors.

2.  Any Director may resign effective upon giving a written notice to the president of OBCA.

3.  A maximum of two (2) vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled by approval of the Board for the unexpired terms of their predecessors. If the number of the remaining Directors falls below a quorum of four (4) members, a special election shall be held, by the Election Committee, within sixty (60) days to fill the vacancies.

4. In the event that the Board of Directors is dissolved, the Executive Committee shall oversee the activities of OBCA, and shall arrange for the election of a Board of Directors within sixty (60) days of the dissolution of the Board of Directors.


1.  A Board Member may be removed from office on recommendation of the Board of Directors and ratification by a two-third (2/3) majority of members present during a general meeting.

2.  A Board Office will be declared vacant if the occupant is unable to perform for 6 months, or convicted of a felony.


1. The officers of the organization shall comprise of elected and appointed officers: President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Secretary, Social Secretary and Assistant Social Secretary.

2.  The president and financial secretary shall be elected by OBCA members in good financial standing.

3. The president shall appoint the other officers subject to eligibility confirmation by the Board of Directors.


1. Any member running for office of the president or financial secretary shall be in good financial standing for at least two (2) consecutive years of membership.

2.  Any member appointed by the president shall be in good financial standing for at least one (1) year, except the vice president who shall be in good financial standing for at least two (2) consecutive years of membership.

Section 2.  TERM OF OFFICE

1.  The term of office for elected office shall be two (2) years.

2.  The president and financial secretary cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

Section 3.  Vacancies and Removal From Office

a. The President may resign effective upon giving a written notice to the Board of Directors. The President on resignation or removal from office is disqualified from serving on the Board.

b.   Any other officer may resign effective upon giving a written notice to the President.

c.   Any officer resigning, including the President, shall give a written notice of at least thirty (30) days in advance prior to effective date of resignation.

C.   Designation of Officers

Section 1.

The officers of the organization shall constitute the Executive Committee of OBCA. The Executive Committee shall meet once a month before membership general meetings.

Section 2.   Duties and Responsibilities of the Officers

1.    The President

a.            The President is the Head of the Executive Committee, and as such, the chief Administrative Officer, official representative and spokes person of the organization.

b.            The President shall be responsible for enforcing the Constitution and By-laws of OBCA and      implementing the mandate and resolutions of the Association.

c.             The President shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to OBCA an Annual Budget and project proposal, and present in February, to the Board of Directors, and in March, to the general membership for approval.

d.            The President shall be one of the signatories to all documents of OBCA including contracts,         checks, deeds, mortgages, bonds and other instruments.

e.            The President shall preside over Executive Committee and General Membership meetings.

f.             The President shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

g.            The President shall be responsible for day to day management and operation of OBCA, and shall present an Annual Report during the general meeting of November.

i.              The President shall be accountable to the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the             General Membership.

2.     Vice President

a.            In the event that the president is unable to perform his duties due to illness, or absence, the                Vice-President shall have the authority to perform all the prescribed duties of the President.

b.            In the event that the President resigns, impeached or becomes incapacitated, the Vice-President          shall be sworn in as the president to complete the remainder of the term.

c.             The Vice-President shall generally assist the President and perform such other duties as              delegated by the President.

3.     General Secretary

a.            The General Secretary is the chief custodian of all non-financial records of OBCA, including the        original copies of the Constitution and By-laws, and the seal of the Association, and provides    access to such documents under the direction of the President.

b.            The General Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Executive               Committee and General Membership meetings.

c.             The General Secretary shall work with the Publicity Secretary to ensure that all notices about               Executive Committee and general membership are conveyed to members with the approval of             the President.

d.            In consultation with the Financial Secretary maintain the list of names and addresses of all                 current officers and members, and record any resignations, or dismissals, including date and     reasons on which said membership ended.

e.            The General Secretary shall perform other duties as may be directed by the President, Executive      Committee and General Membership.

4.     Publicity Secretary

a.            The Publicity Secretary is the chief information officer of the Association.

b.            The Publicity Secretary shall be responsible for disseminating information, and publicity for the                organization, and ensure that all notices about the Executive Committee and General               Membership meetings are conveyed to members with the approval of the President.

c.             The Publicity Secretary shall confer with the President before the publication or dissemination of any information.

5.     Financial Secretary

a.            The Financial Secretary shall be the chief custodian of all financial records.

b.            The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of all monies collected and     expenditures made. He or she shall keep and maintain records of all canceled or/ and returned           checks and make such records available when called to do so.

c.             The Financial Secretary shall prepare and submit a quarterly and an Annual Financial reports.                                        The Annual financial report shall be submitted during January general meeting.

d.            The Financial Secretary shall keep and maintain a complete and accurate inventory record of all OBCA assets and custody of these assets.

e.            The Financial Secretary shall with the Treasurer reconcile all OBCA financial records and        accounts monthly.

f.             The Financial Secretary may be one of the signatories to all OBCA bank accounts, financial           instruments, including contracts, checks, deeds, mortgages, bonds and other instruments.

g.            The Financial Secretary shall update OBCA with the names of members in good financial               standing every three (3) months, and the names of members who are delinquent with dues and            levies by the end of June.

h.            In the event that the Financial Secretary resigns, impeached or becomes incapacitated, the            general membership shall within sixty (60) days elect a new Financial Secretary.

i.              All OBCA funds shall be deposited in OBCA account within seven (7) business days of such       receipt.

6.      Treasurer

a.            The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all OBCA financial instruments, including the check         books, and shall be a party to all financial transactions.

b.            The Treasurer shall deposit all monies collected on behalf of OBCA to a specified financial            institution within seven (7) business days.

c.             The Treasurer may be one of the signatories to all OBCA bank accounts, and financial               instruments, including contracts, checks, deeds, mortgages, bonds and other instruments.

d.            The Treasurer shall be responsible for disbursement of all funds approved by the Board of       Directors and General membership.

e.            The Treasurer and the Financial Secretary shall reconcile all financial records and        accounts monthly and report the same in writing to the Executive Committee.

f.             The Treasurer shall notify the Financial Secretary within forty-eight (48) hours of any financial disbursement or expenditure incurred.

g.            In the event that the Treasurer resigns, impeached or becomes incapacitated, the President    shall within thirty (30) days appoint a new Treasurer.

7.   Social Secretary

a.            The Social Secretary shall be the custodian of OBCA Attendance Records.

b.            The Social Secretary shall be responsible for keeping and maintaining records of exact time of                attendance at general meetings.

c.             The Social Secretary shall submit to the Executive Committee a complete list quarterly attendance.

d.            The Social Secretary shall ensure that OBCA entrance door is safe guarded while the meeting is in session.

8.    Assistant Social Secretary

The Assistant Social Secretary shall assist the Social Secretary in the performance of his duties.

D.   Committees

1.            Committees may be established as a Standing Committee or Ad-Hoc Committee depending on            the function to be performed by the committee.

2.            All standing committees shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Board of       Directors.

3.            Standing Committees shall be established to perform those activities which may be expected to       have a life of more than one (1) year.

4.            Ad-Hoc committees shall be established for short term specific purposes, and shall be organized            as determined by President.


1.            Elections shall be conducted by an Ad-Hoc Committee which shall consist of three (3) members in good financial standing.

2.            The Committee shall be appointed by the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the date               of the scheduled election.

3.          Elections shall be conducted during the General Meeting of November of every other year and as may become necessary to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors.

a.            All votes shall be conducted by secret ballot. A simple majority shall be required to declare the                 winner of any election.

b.            A member in good financial standing may submit his or her nomination for offices at least   sixty (60) days prior to the date of scheduled election.

c.             Any member in good financial standing may nominate himself or herself for any office.


1.            OBCA shall have the authority to set the Annual Dues and Registration fees both of which shall be non-refundable.

 2.           The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit Annual Operating Budget covering all         financial activities of the organization to the Board of Directors.

 3.           The Board of Directors and General Membership shall approve the annual operating Budget by       February of each year.

c.             The expenses of the organization shall be paid with money appropriated by the Board of       Directors and General Membership from the funds of OBCA.

Section 2.

a.            The signatories to OBCA accounts shall be limited to the President, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary.

b.            Check amount equal to or less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall require any two (2)         signatories, the President and Financial Secretary or Treasurer.

c.             Check amount greater than two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall require all three (3) signatures with the approval of the Board of Directors.

d.            Check amount issued for various activities shall be consistent with the Board of Directors annual           approved budget.

Section 3.

a.            Any member who withdraws his or her membership due to non- payment of fees, dues, levies             and wishes to re-enroll as a member shall re-apply and pay all arrears limited to fees, dues, and             levies prior to  the withdrawal.

b.            Annual Dues shall be paid in full by June 30th of each year.

c.             Financial Secretary shall prepare and submit to OBCA a quarterly and annual Financial Report. The Annual financial report shall be submitted by January general meeting.

d.            The Board of Directors shall appoint not later than November a three (3) member Ad-Hoc Committee to audit OBCA books and financial records. The Committee shall submit the result of its assignment by next February.

e.            All funds for the operations of OBCA activities shall be provided by dues, levies and other            programs.


OBCA information shall be disseminated through electronic media (Web Page, Email, Text, etc).               The Publicity Secretary shall be the Chief Information Officer. Any dissemination of information shall require prior approval of the President in order to be posted on OBCA group Web-site, E-Mail Listing, Ikoro or any other OBCA owned media.


1.            The Executive Committee shall have executive meeting once a month before OBCA general    meetings.

2.            The Board of Directors shall have at least four (4) Board meetings yearly or as frequently as     necessary to carry out their duties effectively.

3.            The Board of Directors or Executive Committee may conduct their meetings in person or        through telephone provided all members present in the meeting can hear and speak to each                 other simultaneously.

4.            OBCA members shall be informed about OBCA meetings through electronic media.

5.            OBCA General meetings shall be held at 6:00 PM Central Time on the last Saturday of the                 month. The General meetings shall end at 8:00 PM Central Time, therefore, lasting for two (2)          hours.

6.            Emergency meetings shall be held when necessary as detailed by the President. All OBCA        meetings shall be held at OBCA Hall or any place designated by the President or         designee.

Section 1.  QUORUM

a.            A quorum at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) members of the Board.

b.            A quorum at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of at least four (4) members of the Executive committee.

c.             A quorum at a general meeting of OBCA shall consist of (10%) percent of OBCA members            in good financial standing or fifteen minutes after the scheduled time, whichever first occurs.

d.            A vote of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may be obtained using the             telephone, email, or fax for the approval or non-approval of said motion.

Section 2.  ATTENDANCE

a.            Attendance at OBCA meetings shall be mandatory to all members.  A minimum of (50%) percent attendance shall be required for all OBCA members annually.

Section 3.  Conduct of Meeting and Languages

a.            All OBCA meetings shall observe decorum.

b.            OBCA meetings shall be conducted in ENGLISH ORand IGBO.


1.            OBCA shall keep and maintain an accurate inventory of all her asset including, but not limited to             financial records, general records, attendance, minutes, Ikoro Bende, Drinks, Dancing costume(war dance and youth uniform), artifact, electronic data base, furniture, TV, Microwave,      refrigerator, and other equipments.

2.            The Financial Secretary shall be the custodian of OBCA inventory records and physical assets.


                Proposals to amend or repeal the constitution and By-laws may be made at any time by written        petition addressed to the President and signed by at least five (5) members in good financial    standing. The written proposal to amend or repeal shall be submitted timely at least ninety(90)       days in advance, and members  who are in good financial standing shall be duly notified of any             and all such proposals at least sixty(60) days in advance. This proposal shall properly be included            in the agenda, allotted time for discussion and debate. A motion shall be made and put                 to vote.

                A two-third (2/3) vote of the ballots received in favor shall be required to secure adoption of          such proposals.


                The Officers of OBCA shall serve without compensation except that they shall be allowed and                 paid the actual and necessary expenses they incurred on behalf of the Association.


                In the event of dissolution, OBCA shall comply with the relevant provisions of Texas Non-Profit              Act and applicable Federal Tax law (IRS).

                                                     BY-LAWS OF OBCA

1. MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FEES & ANNUAL DUES:  Subject to changes as may be decided by the Board of Directors andor General Membership, the initial registration fee for new members is $50.00 and the annual dues is $180.00 per member. Annual dues are due and payable not later than June of each year.

2. NEW MEMBER ADMISSION: Anyone who intends to become a Member, must appear at a general meeting and announce hisher intention, and complete all other requirements of admission. At the completion of the process, the president or his designee, must formally announce in a general meeting, the admission of the new member(s).

2. HONORARIUMS FOR OBCA DANCE GROUPS: No payment shall be made to any OBCA Dance Group for performing in an OBCA Event(s); for Non-OBCA Event(s), the participating Dance Group(s) shall be paid fifty (50%) percent of the amount paid to OBCA by the sponsor(s).

3.  COMMUNITY INVITATIONS: OBCA shall contribute not more than $100.00 to any community event, including communities within OBCA jurisdiction, to which OBCA is properly invited and decides to honor the invitation.

4.  OBCA HALL RENTAL: OBCA Members shall be charged $200.00 for use of the hall, while non-members shall be charged $300.00. OBCA Members shall not indirectly rent the hall for the use of non-members in order to pay the lower fee.

5.  FAMILY TIME DURING MEETINGS: OBCA shall organize at least three family time presentations annually during the general meetings.  These presentations would focus on topics or issues of interest, benefit, or concern to the membership. Every such presentation must be announced in advance and would be allocated not more than thirty minutes of the meeting time. Presenters may be members of OBCA.

6.  HOSTING OF GENERAL MEETINGS: OBCA general meetings shall be hosted by the various sub-communities within OBCA based on a schedule prepared by the Executive Committee.  All members of the Hosting Community shall participate in the hosting efforts. A members of the Hosting Community who fails or declines to participate, shall, upon a resolved report to OBCA of said non-participation, be fined $150.00. Each member so fined shall have up to three months from the date of the imposition of the fine, to pay up the fine. All such fines shall be considered as individual levies as per OBCA constitution. OBCA upon receipt of the finelevy, shall reimburse the Hosting Community, the agreed minimum amount paid by other members of the Hosting Community for said event.

7. DOCUMENT RETENTION: OBCA shall keep and maintain an archive of its official records and documents, including minutes, brochures, newsletters, and other relevant documents. This may be done electronically, manually or in any approved manner. The contents of the archive shall be included in the Annual Inventory.

8. FORMAL SWERING IN OF OFFICERS  & BOARD MEMBERS:  All newly elected or appointed Officers and Board Members of OBCA, shall be formally sworn in, prior to assumption of office. The oath must include an affirmation to obey, abide and honor the Constitution and By-Laws of OBCA.

9.  POLICY & PROCEDURES: OBCA policies and procedures contained in this By-Laws shall have binding effect on all members. OBCA shall amend or adopt additional policies and procedures as is necessary.

10.  AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS:  This By-Laws may be amended by the same process as the Constitution with the exception that the approval of an amendment shall require a simple majority of votes.

                                                         POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

                                            OBCA Grievance, Policy and Procedures:

Grievance procedures are means of dispute resolution to hear, address and to resolve complaints or disputes among and between members. OBCA grievance procedure is as follow:

Step 1: Any member who has a dispute or complaint with or against another member(s) shall seek resolution by filing a written complaint with the President and requesting an Executive Committee hearing. The complaint shall be filed within thirty days of the triggering event and with one hundred US Dollars {US $100.00} and a bottle of hot drink (Whisky/Remy/etc.). The member (s) complained against shall be notified within seven (7) days of the filing of the complaint; shall have thirty {30} days from the date of the filing of the complaint to respond; said response shall also be filed with the President, with the sum of US one hundred dollars {US S 100.00} and a bottle of hot drink {Whisky/Remy, etc}. The Executive Committee shall have no more than sixty days {60} days from the date of the filing of the complaint to hear and to dispose of the complaint.

Step 2: If the Executive Committee is unable to resolve the dispute, the complaint shall then be referred to the OBCA Board of Directors, which shall have thirty {30} days from the date of the referral to hear and to dispose of the complaint.

Step 3: If the Board is unable to dispose of the complaint, the complaint shall be referred to an Ad Hoc Committee of three (3) members appointed by the President to hear and to recommend resolutions to the OBCA President. The Joint Executive and the Board shall meet to consider, modify and adopt the resolution. The adopted resolution shall be communicated to the parties involved, not more than one hundred and twenty {120} days from the date of the filing of the complaint.

B. The Executive Committee, Board, and Ad-Hoc Committee as may be applicable, shall use whatever method it elects, including telephonic conferences, in its efforts to dispose of the complaint.

C. A Member shall not bring complaints or disputes regarding other member(s), except as specified in this procedure or as may be amended. Violation(s) of this procedure may result to the imposition of discipline.

Disciplinary Procedure:

a)  Any member who behaves unruly or inappropriately during an OBCA Event, including our general meeting, shall be cautioned verbally by the President or the Presiding Officer. If such behaviors persist, a formal warning letter shall be addressed to him/her. Both caution and warning may be issued simultaneously depending on the inappropriate conduct.

b) Following the issuance of a formal warning as in (a) above, the member who again behaves inappropriately during an OBCA Event may be fined US one hundred dollars (US $100.00) and a bottle of hot drink (Whisky/Remy/etc).

c)      Any member may be suspended or expelled for violation either the Grievance or Disciplinary Policy and Procedures. Any such suspension or expulsion shall be preceded with appropriate notice including the opportunity to cure the violation(s), shall be presented in a general meeting, and shall require a majority vote of members present in said general meeting.

d)     Any member suspended or expelled from the meeting shall be assigned a mentor who shall assist the affected member, after the expiration of the suspension period or in case of expulsion, decides to rejoin OBCA. The affected member, as a condition of rejoining, shall comply with all imposed sanctions. It shall be within the sole discretion of OBCA to readmit a suspended or expelled member.


 1. OBCA DAY is a Biennial Cultural day that OBCA selects for showcasing OBCA cultural heritage and to raise funds for its charitable projects. OBCA shall levy its members to fund OBCA DAY events.

2. OBCA members are not encouraged to bring in individual drinks or food during OBCA DAY. In the event, any OBCA member wishes to serve any special drinks or food for his or her friends, that member shall request OBCA DAY Committee to provide the special drinks or food during OBCA DAY. However, if such request cannot be met by  the OBCA DAY Committee, the member shall arrange with the Committee to satisfy that need.

3. A violation of  Rule (2) above may subject the affected member to disciplinary action by OBCA.

PASSING ON THE LEGACY PROGRAM (youth policy and development):

Goal: To instill in Old Bende children, youth and young adults, the great cultural heritage of Old  Bende and to inculcate in them an understanding and appreciation for our values and traditions, thereby equipping them to become good ambassadors for OBCA in the United States of America and in Diaspora.

Objective: Organize a viable Youth and Young Adult Section of OBCA with separate meeting days and agendas; Organize and execute OBCA Youth/Young Adult Day; Create a Cultural Education forum for OBCA Children and Youth; Develop and support a viable cultural curriculum that incorporates art, drama, and story-telling.

Observations: Old Bende Young Adults and Youth no longer meaningfully participate in the affairs and activities of OBCA. This diminishing interest and enthusiasm, is perhaps, due to our mostly adult-centered activities and a lack of vision and efforts to cultivate interest and loyalty that will transcend the boundaries of age and youthful exuberance; hence the tendency for our young ones to “separate.”

Challenge:  Old Bende Cultural Association (OBCA) must not solely depend on the quality of our regular meetings and activities to maintain our place in this multicultural, multiethnic, and pluralistic community. Each of us has to take this phenomenon very seriously because our quality of life and future comfort depend on what we have accomplished today. We should begin by making personal contact with our young people; share our values, motivation, and expertise with them while they are still willing to listen. We must challenge them to take action. We must work together to make it happen. We must also begin by incorporating them into the core of our activities rather than invite them as spectators. We must endeavor to promote a general understanding of the importance of passing on our cultural heritage and its positive impact on their lives in particular, and on society in general.

RESOURCES: Human (Us), Temporal (Our time) and Fiscal (Our Money).



PERSONAL INFORMATION:                                                              Today’s Date: ______

NAME:  Last: ____________________First__________________Middle Initial: _______

DOB: _______________________________________.

Address: _________________________________________________________________

City:      _______________________________State _______________Zip____________



Home Town: __________________________                       LGA:_________________

Marital Status:              (Single)                        (Married)         (Divorced)                   (Widowed)

Spouse’s name: __________________________________DOB: _______________.

Tel: _________________________________email:_____________________________________




3_____________________________________________ .DOB__________________________


Next of kin: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________

REFERENCES: NAME:                  ADDRESS                                            PHONE


Admitted on__________________Secretary_________________President__________



                                                             Today’s Date: ______

Open Position: ___________________________________________________________

Nominee’s Name:  Last: ____________________First__________________M. I:_______

Address: _________________________________________________________________

City:      _______________________________State _______________Zip____________



Home Town: __________________________                       LGA:_________________

Nominee’s Marital Status:  (Single)      (Married)         (Divorced)                   (Widowed)

Nominated by:  Name: __________________________________DOB: _______________.


Testimonial for the Nominee





____________________________________ __________________________________________



Old Bende Cultural Association Drinks Inventory







You do not need to enter anything into the Dark Gray Cells.



The Gold  cells will be calculated for you. You do not need to enter anything into them.




Hot Drinks


Soft Drinks



Hot Drinks Inventory Analysis:






Number of units in inventory—beginning of period


Henessy Units Donated


Remi Martin Units Dinated


Other Units Donated


Units available


Less: Units Used


Number of units in inventory—end of period







Wine Inventory Analysis:






Number of units in inventory—beginning of period


Red Wine Units Donated


White Wine Units Donated


Other Wine Units Donated


Units available


Less: Units Used


Number of units in inventory—end of period







Soft Drinks Inventory Analysis:






Number of units in inventory—beginning of period


Coke and Pepsi Units Donated


Sprite and 7-Up Units Donated


Other Soft DrinkUnits Donated






Units available


Less: Units Used


Number of units in inventory—end of period







Malt Inventory Analysis:






Number of units in inventory—beginning of period






Units Donated






Units available






Less: Units Used






Number of units in inventory—end of period






Water Inventory Analysis:






Number of units in inventory—beginning of period






Units Donated






Units available






Less: Units Used






Number of units in inventory—end of period






Beginning Inventory












Amount Used






Total available






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