-Prayer: Praise and worship the Lord

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Prayer: Praise and worship the Lord

-Thank God for the gift of life; His grace and mercies.

Lord Jesus I have sinned against You, and my sins are all before me; forgive all my sins and blot out my transgression and iniquities, in Jesus name

-Lord Jesus, cleanse me of all my sins and create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by Your generous spirit.

-Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation that I may know you better. Open my eyes of understanding to the riches of your glorious inheritance and give me knowledge to experience the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. I want to dwell in your presence and experience your divine touch and refreshing spiritual power

-Lord Jesus, manifest your gifts and all the prophetic revelations on my life and ministry; Give me perfect healing and relieve me from all my afflictions and pains. Show me the secret of my enemies before they start planning

-Lord Jesus, grant me open new doors, widen my coast and make me outstanding with uncommon successes. Increase my faith and anointing; give me more energy and strength to stand strong, live in purity and obedience to your commands, in selfless service to YOU and humanity.

-Lord Jesus, give me the grace to forget my past and all its pains. Repair my life and grant me a way forward; establish and settle me in marriage, in enterprise, and ministry. Uphold my calling; give grace for uncommon progress and success.

– Lord Jesus, I surrender totally to you; purge me with your blood and fire of the Holy Spirit. Use me to do your will, thereby fulfill your purpose and my destiny in life and ministry. I vow now, to give my heart wholly for you; so give me the grace and power to work for you. Father Lord anoints my life to do powerful things in your kingdom.

-Lord Jesus, send divine helper to help me in my life, calling and ministry. Grant me the uncommon opportunity and favor in establishment and finance, to enable me solves problems of my life, of family and of ministry.

-Lord Jesus, I pray for my children: chinazom, Obi, chikere, and chijindu and yield them to you; grant the grace of your salvation and uncover evil cloud on their lives; by the power in your blood, open their eyes, save and recover them from marine spirit induction and dedication to your glory and honor. Grant them open doors and favor in life. Cancel every demonic plan to derail them from your purpose in life. Lord, establish them in your own way in Jesus name.

-Lord Jesus, grant my mother: Grace Nnana Ogbonnaya total healing grace and comfort her from all her afflictions. Cancel every evil plan to torment and shorten her life and deny her the joy of her labour. Give her good health and long life to fulfill her destiny; protect her from her enemies in Jesus name.

– I pray for my brother and sister and every one in my father’s house. Free them from any bondage of my father’s house. Torment & frustrate every evil strongman or witch and marine spirit behind the problem in the house. Release by the power in the blood of Jesus any one put in the cage or cock in a bottle. Do not spare the spirit of witch and wizard, destroy and let them die in Jesus name.

– Lord Jesus, give your daughter Eileen a heart for you and uphold her by your strength. Remove insecurities, heal her diseases completely and bless her children. Open doors of wealth and prosperity, new opportunities in life and grant her your grace and mercies.

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