Prayer Points For Prophetic Conference March 9-13 2005

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Prayer Points for Power Conference 2010 July 22-24, 2010.

For the City of Houston and Living Wellsprings of Life Ministries Inc.

1.        Lord, begin to set Houston on fire for the Lord. Father, revive every dry bones in this city. Ezek. 37.

2.        Lord, bless Living Wellsprings and extend the territory of your ministry that your hand will continually be upon your ministry. 1 Chronicles 4: 10

3.        Lord, give us the wisdom to reap the fruits of this conference.

4.        Lord, send workers to your ministry. Send men that will help bring your purpose in the church to pass.

5.        Lord, open the gates of this ministry, so that the enemy cannot close it.

6.        Lord, Position LWSLM for success and the calling that you have for it.

7.        Lord, let the wind of unity blow into Houston, Texas today. Let every heart become united in working for you.

8.        Lord, remove all the little foxes that destroy the vine in the vineyard of the Lord.

9.        Lord, establish your under-shepherd in that church and in this ministry.

10.    Lord, Raise men and women that would do wonders for the kingdom of God in LWSLM, in Jesus name.

11.    Lord, anoint all the leaders of the ministry for the work that you have called them for.

12.    Lord, destroy every work of darkness in this ministry by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

13.    Lord, arrest every spirit of witchcraft and marine witchcraft operating against this ministry in Jesus name.

14.    Lord, Burn down every spiritual canopy that the powers of evil try to place upon LWSLM in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for the coming apostolic team

1.        Lord, protect every one of the team members coming for this conference.

2.        Lord, let your blood cover this team as they travel on the highways and in the air in their coming and going form this conference.

3.        Lord Release your authority and favor to move in the anointing in this conference.

4.        Lord, Release the full measure of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this conference.

5.        Lord, shield this team form the spirit of pride and arrogance.

6.        Lord, Let signs and wonders follow all the ministers in the name of Jesus.

7.        Lord, Release the full measure of the apostolic gifting in the lives of the speakers.

8.        Lord, anoint the lips of the speakers as they speaker on this day.

9.        Lord, make this conference fruitful.

10.    Oh Lord, let every power of darkness submit to the power of Jesus in this conference in Jesus name.

11.    Lord, Shut down every plan of the enemy concerning this conference.

12.    Lord, Let the conference be surrounded by the fire of the Holy Ghost.

Prayer for guests:

1.        Lord. Let freedom reign in this conference for everyone that will come to this conference in the name of Jesus

2.        Lord, set the captives free, break the yokes on the lives of those in bondage; change the lives of those that will come, in the name of Jesus.

3.        Lord, Let those searching for you find you in this conference.

4.        Lord, let those with broken spirits find healing in the name of Jesus.

5.        Lord, let the spirit of Joy, peace, love, hope and grace be reborn in the lives of those will attend this conference, in Jesus name.

6.        Lord, let the sick be healed, and the weak receive strength, in the name Jesus.

7.        Lord, bring souls to your kingdom from among those coming in the name of Jesus.

8.        Lord, destroy the works of the adversaries in the lives of the guests in Jesus name.

9.        Lord, let your deliverance power flow in the name of Jesus.

1 Comment
  1. Nicholas Nganga says

    Please pray that God will provide us with all the resources required to build our planned international christian school(Camp David Green Academy) in Kenya.

    Waiting upon the Lord.

    In His service,

    Nicholas Nganga

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