Prayer is Falling in Love With God

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Saint Augustine once wrote, “True whole prayer is nothing but love.” This statement appears explicit but many don’t get it. At first, the deeper I thought about it the more confused I was. How dare one ever say that prayer is love? Love is a strong affection or liking someone or something while prayer is to implore or to ask for something. You ought to have seen a person or a thing to build affection toward him or it. In a private prayer we enter into our closets, and begin talking to someone you have not seen or heard from. The confusion becomes more intense when you are asked to read the Scriptures, meditate on it that some one is hearing and will answer. In corporate prayers solemnity is lost; everyone is just talking like in a mini market; it becomes a noisy crowd of people just like spectator in a football game. When everybody is talking we hardly hear ourselves, talk less another person. Some in the process pray artificially while others just say words to impress the person standing next to them. How then do you call this love?

Saint Augustine’s expression of prayer as love would make a meaning when you pause and ask: who cares and listens to all conversations? Who’s sure to answer – a friend or an enemy? The chemistry is found in the relationship. The person you love is the one you want to be with, express your feelings, ask for help and relate to intimately. God made you in His image and first loved you unconditionally when you were ignorance of him, paid the price of your sinfulness to set you free and restore you to your early status – a beloved child of God; by this status, a child is qualify to ask from his/her dad whatever he/she needs.

St Augustine’s expression is a call to abide in love with God Almighty. It demands a daily yielding to God. This can only happen by the inspiring power of the Holy Spirit of God. For no one calls Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit [1 Cor.12:3b]. By His power we feel free to reach out to Him, trust Him and open up to him; feel confident to ask for any favor and entertain no fear of refusal, denial or betrayal. He calls for a longing to be with one, who just loves you anyhow, praising, worshipping, and honoring him always in appreciation of who He is, what He has done and will continue to do. When you enter into a relationship with someone you love, you build a bond of intimacy, friendship and mutual respect. Your lover knows your strength as well as your weakness, your desires and needs and would do anything to meet them even without your asking. The person admires your creativity, celebrates your differences and always seeking ways to nourish and improve your relationship with Him.

The confidence and trust you have in the person you love is what present a trait to outsiders or the enemies. The feeling and the knowledge that you are admired, appreciated, and accepted unconditionally is what makes you wonderful and powerful. That a higher being is caring, watching your back and sharing in your all is unexplainable strength. There is an open communication with the one you love and both enjoy being with each other and doing things together. I wonder how you feel when you’re in deep relationship. Shouldn’t it be a great experience being with your lover? The reverse obtains if you live with someone who may love you but don’t like you.  Such love is better known as infatuation. Your life and relationship is in conflict, miserable and emotional torture; could result in separation. You live in fears and turmoil; may even be frightened by your shadow. Every well thought action is suspicious and misconstrued for evil. Yet most people live with their enemies hoping that each emerging day brings positive changes. Unfortunately such hopes appear elusive since no one is working hard to make it happen. Two cannot work together except they agree. Even though the scriptures instruct us to love our enemies, it means to show the love of Christ to one who hates us. It’s different from falling in love with someone whom you know loves you.


However when you are in love, you  maintain close communication with your lover, talk on phone, dropped text messages, love notes and share warmness even at distance apart; miss the person, expect to reunite and enjoy his/her company. Love couples relate to each other with respect and appreciate their differences. You can neither love nor submit to someone except you respect the person, not because the person is always right or perfect but there exist mutual respect. You treat the person as onto the Lord. Mutual respect is a choice and on going decision. You can choose to keep your cool in the midst of blaze. You do not flare up just because your spouse looses his/her temper. Two wrongs never make a right. Patience is a gift of the Holy Spirit and most time comes from experience.

If human love generates such wonderful experiences, then the unconditional love of God would be awesome and beyond human description. It’s nothing short of a miracle. When you are in love with God, you become not only His Child but also His friend and beloved; living in spirit- a life pleasing to God. As His child, God becomes your Father and you come to know Him very personally. You will perceive his love, warmth embrace and welcome. Such joy will be overflowing, renewed connection and reconciliation established. In prayer we come face to face with our Father and appreciate his love. In worship, praise and thanksgiving we go before Him in His Words and promises and ask for fulfillment. You listen to the rhythm of his foot as he walks in daily; hear the towering power of his voice as he speaks and feels his touch and healing.

Have you prayed today? You’re welcome to try this love affair today. Tell God that you know He loves you and you appreciate His love. Thank Him for loving you so dearly and always present everywhere you are even when you feel less of Him. He loves and cares for you. His loves is renewed every morning. It will never lapse or expire but increase and be sufficient in all circumstances. Just make time each day to relate with the Lover of your soul and it will amaze you how wide and depth the elasticity of His love for you. Prove Him today by yourself that He loves you unconditionally. You will find out that chatting with God is a great and rewarding experience.

Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston , Texas , 77272; Web:; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).


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