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For the purpose of this session and the special benefits of those of us who were not present during the past two of the three day program, I would make bold to redefine the key words on the topic.


          (a)Dictionary (literally) meaning:

Holiness – The quality or state of being holy or sanctified.

–          Holy – set apart for the service of GOD, spiritual purity and characterized by perfection.

–          Consecrated, dedicated, hallowed, purified, sanctified and kept clean.

–          Could be used interchanging with righteousness, sanctification and purity.

(b)     Biblically  meaning:

–          It is God’s moral perfection, His separation from evil and distinctive            characteristic. Exodus 3:4-6, 15:11; Revelation 4:8; and Isaiah 6:3-5.

–          GOD has expressed this distinctive attribute in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Act 4:27, 30;  John 1:14-18;  John 14:6f,

–          And GOD also demands and expects that such attribute be seen in His people Exodus 19:10-11; Hebrew 12:14; 1Peter 2:9.

The import of holiness is further illustrated below:

(i)                 Hebrews 12:14 – follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the LORD.

(ii)               1Peter 1:16 – Be ye holy for I am holy.

(iii)             Romans 12: 1 – offer your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to GOD.

(iv)              Matthew 5:48 – Be ye perfect as your father is perfect.

(2)           Discipleship:  is a call to follow CHRIST .A writer says “when CHRIST calls a man, he bids him to come and die.” It is a call of men and women to turn from sin, follow CHIRST and remain in Him permanently. “That you may have life and have it abundantly” involves both salvation and sanctification.

Discipleship differs from conversion. Remember CHRIST urges us to make disciples not converts.

(3)           Prayer: could be simply defined as a communication with GOD, having intimate fellowship with the Almighty GOD. It has a two-way transmission – speaking to GOD and GOD speaking to you (us).

Differentiate “saying a prayer” and “fervent (prevailing) prayer.”

Ephesians 6:18 – pray in spirit on all occasion with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Many people pray as a routine or just for praying sake or lip service. We hold no blame against them because the whole of the Bible is full of one form of prayer or another.

–          LORD JESUS started his ministry in prayer (Luke 3:21).

–          Assembly formed and 3,000 men added after 10 day long prayer meeting (Acts 1:13-14.

–          The disciples set themselves apart to prayers and the ministry of  the word (Acts 6:4)

   What type of prayer should we pray?

James 5:16 – The prayer of righteous men is powerful and effective. A prayer that brings victory and obtains what it seeks.

Proverb 15:8 – The prayer of the upright is a delight.

Proverb 10:21 – The lips of the righteous feed many.

Proverb 10:11 – The mouth of a righteous is a well of life.

CHRIST calls us to worship Him and serve Him. We cannot do this except we share in the quality of life that made Him acceptable to the father – (life of holiness) and followership.

–          GOD had never used men who indulged in dirty life or sin.

–          In the olden days and even today, He uses holy men.

–          The eleven people that CHRIST charged with his commission were those that had remained and abided with him continuously.

–          Until you are converted (salvation) you cannot be a disciple.

–          You cannot be a disciple without dwelling in prayers; for I am the LORD I changed not (Malachi 3:6)

–          The moral law of GOD for man has never been discarded or changed.

–          Some people believe that the demand for holiness was a demand for of the law and we now live under the grace and may not require keeping the law.

NOTE: Matt 5:19-20 (charged to righteousness)

             Matt 5:21-22 (kill or angry with brother)

               Matt 5:27-28 (lust or commit adultery)

The above passages portray that grace carries higher standard of holiness than the law.

GOD hears the prayer of those who keep his commandment and make bold to answer them (Dan 9:4).

–          John14:15 -“if you love me keep my commandment.”

–          John 15:7 – If you abide in me and I in you ask anything in my name.

–          1 John 3:21-22, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before GOD and receive anything we ask of Him.

–          Psalm 66:18, if sin/iniquity exist in your hearts, the LORD will not hear our prayers.

–          Acts 5:32 – GOD give His grace to those who obey Him

–          No one can live above his or her prayer life

–          One prayer life depends on his closeness to GOD

–          Our lives must testify that we are God’s children.

 Paul, in his farewell to Ephesians elders, says “you know how I have lived with you at all seasons.”

–          His life was utterly transparent and that was what gave power to his message

–          you  cannot pretend to be a man of GOD

–          Our lives have got to manifest such new quality of life, marks of transformation, which people shall be intrigued and will want to know why. Only then shall they be interested in the Good News that we preach.

–          EXAMPLES: Elijah, Daniel, John Wesley, Whitefield, Fleming, Paul Y. Cho, Michael Green, etc.

In these days of His grace we must pray in spirit.

   By Elder/Evangelist Godswill OGBONNAYA

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