God Sovereignty GOD DESERVES OUR HONESTY GOD DESERVES OUR HONESTY Honesty isn’t the best policy with God; it’s the only policy – Touchstone The scripture…
Fatherhood APPRECIATING FATHERS APPRECIATING FATHERS Today is Father’s Day celebration for 2009. I have the singler privilege and honor to…
God Sovereignty GOD HAS PREFERENCE BUT HE’S NOT PARTIAL GOD HAS PREFERENCE BUT HE’S NOT PARTIAL There is a deep saying, “Every one is created by God but not every one is a…
God Sovereignty I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH Following Peter’s confession, “You are Christ, the Son the living.” Jesus said, “….I will…
God Sovereignty A MAN UNDER AUTHORITY A MAN UNDER AUTHORITY We live in a rebellious society where people find it difficult to adhere to instructions and…
God Sovereignty GOD’S REWARD SYSTEM GOD’S REWARD SYSTEM By reward or remuneration system, we simply mean pay and wage system. People work so that they…
Hope KEEP HOPE ALIVE Keep Hope Alive Hope could be defined as the happy anticipation of good thing. When we expect good or meaningful…
Hope THE STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED THE STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED In the parable of the Tenants in the vineyard, Jesus told His disciples the story…
Hope YOU ARE HIGHLY FAVORED YOU ARE HIGHLY FAVORED In this season of goodwill and favor, I pray and urge you to be a blessing to someone. God’s…
Hope FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY FROM NOBODY TO SOMEBODY This exposition is taken from the Gospel of Mark Chapter one verses forty to forty-five.…