Marriage Lydia – A precious Treasure and a woman of conviction LYDIA – A PRECIOUS TREASURE AND A WOMAN OF CONVICTION Apostle Paul and Silas sailed to Philippi, a prominent…
Hope Arise, shine for your Light has come ARISE, SHINE FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS COME! To arise means to get up, awake, stir up, stand firm and be alert as well as…
God Sovereignty Godly Fears GODLY FEAR “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding has all those who do His…
Marriage Christ Church: our fulfillment: Leaving and cleaving Jesus Christ, our fulfillment Part ii: Why are Christians having so many troubles in our families/marriages?…
The Church Is Christ Church: Reforming or Deforming? IS Christ Church: Reforming or Deforming? As an ordained Presbyterian, we share and uphold reformed traditions and…
God Sovereignty Jesus Christ, our fulfillment Theme: Jesus Christ, Our Fulfillment: Topic: Living a fulfilled life Introduction: Let us first explore the…
Hope In the middle of the storms A TRIBUTE: LIFE THROUGH THE STORMS Before the disciples boarded the boat and began to sail to the other side of the…
Marriage Boaz – a man of distinguished Personality BOAZ – A man of distinguished personality This name sounds like the Hebrews for…
The Church Can we worship God for whom He is CAN WE WORSHIP GOD FOR WHOM HE IS? I’m privileged to visit different places of worship or gatherings of Christian…
The Church The Church, a common ground 2 THE CHURCH, A COMMON GROUND II Is today’s Church really a common ground? In Loving God, Author Charles Colson…