General Discipleship Digest January, 2014 (New Year) Edition Discipleship Digest January, 2014 (New Year) Edition Hurray! Welcome to the year 2014. New…
General Dear readers and supporters, Dear readers and supporters, DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST JANUARY, 2013 EDITION We are glad to welcome you to…
General DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST JULY 2012 EDITION DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST JULY 2012 EDITION July is the seventh month according to…
General Dear Readers and Supporters, Dear Readers and Supporters, DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST, FEBRUARY 2014 EDITION.…
General DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR JULY 2013 EDITION DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR JULY 2013 EDITION We welcome you to the month of July 2013. July begins the 2nd…
General DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR AUGUST, 2013 EDITION DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR AUGUST, 2013 EDITION We gladly welcome you to the month of August, 2013. August is a…
General DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR APRIL 2013 EDITION Dear Readers and Supporters, DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST FOR APRIL 2013 EDITION On March 13, 2013, the Roman Catholic…
General DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST, FEBRUARY 2013, EDITION Dear Readers and Supporters,DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST, FEBRUARY 2013, EDITIONIt is with deepest pleasure that we…
General Discipleship Digest December 2013 Christmas Edition Discipleship Digest December 2013 Christmas Edition Welcome to the month of December,…
General Dear Readers and Supporters, Dear Readers and Supporters, DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST AUGUST 2012 EDITION Historically, the month of…