Fatherhood THE NEED FOR GOD [FATHER HUNGER] THE NEED FOR GOD All over the world, the greatest need of humanity is the need for God. He is the Heavenly…
General The lion living in an unsafe world The lion living in an unsafe world We live in a world that is not only unsafe but also full…
General The Lords Return Is this the end of time The Lords Return In the age of deception. One of the greatest fears that confronts human beings of all ages…
General A track, at the end of road The law denies grace gives. One morning I decided to meditate on the gospel of John, eight chapter, one…
General The beauty of wellness The importance of wellness Have you observed the general reawakening towards wellness? People are becoming…
General THE JOYS AND PAINS OF THE FIRST CHRISTMAS THE JOYS AND PAINS OF THE FIRST CHRISTMAS The Gospel of Matthew Chapter Two contains the ups and downs of the…
General THE GIFT OF CHOICE THE GIFT OF CHOICE If I were to begin life again, I should want it just as it was; only I would open my eyes…
General THE FALL OF MORAL POLICE THE FAILURE OF MORAL POLICE Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a…
General The Dangling Carrot: Not Fit For A Man The Dangling Carrot: Not Fit For A Man Prov 14:12 (NIV) There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the…
General The Creators experience in creation God, creation and sin We live in a moral world, where laws and orders regulate the way we live and our…