God & Christianity BIBLE STUDY – MARY, ANGEL GABRIEL AND THE HOLY SPIRIT Life in the Spirit means picking up the pieces. When we consent to the life of the Spirit, we are not signing up…
God & Christianity BIBLE STUDY – THE PORTRAIT OF THE RIGHTEOUS Psalm 1:3 “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf…
God & Christianity BALAAM: THE GREEDY PROPHET Balaam was a celebrated Soothsayer in Mesopotamia. He is one of the greatest tragedies of the Old Testament. He was…
Life Reflection WORKING HARD AND DILIGENT IS A CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the…
Practical Christian LIVING THE CHRISTIAN FAITH IN COUNTERCULTURE DIVERSITY WORLD Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me,…
Fatherhood HOW FATHERS INVOLVEMENT AT HOME, DO IMPACT THE LIVES OF THEIR CHILDREN We live in a culture that seems to place little value on fathers and the role they play at home and society. This…
Church & Fellowship IS CHRIST CHURCH TODAY REFORMING OR DEFORMING? "To have a faith, therefore, or a trust in anything where God has not promised is plain idolatry and a worshipping…
God Sovereignty SOMETIMES, BAD PEOPLE, GOOD PEOPLE SUFFER SAME FATE -“BAD… We shall attempt to end this month with a topic that many Christians puzzle on. As I grow in Christian faith, I…
Life Reflection IS TRUE LOVE STILL POSSIBLE IN OUR DAYS? Indeed true love exist and possible in our day. It looks different for everyone, and everyone finds their true love…
God & Christianity WHAT NEW THING IS GOD DOING? God is always doing a new thing in our lives but we may not always see it or feel it. Sometimes it seems like we…