Weefree Ministries Newsletter OCTOBER: THE MONTH OF PERFECTION OR COMPLETION OF GOD’S “DIVINE ORDER” AND… “Always see every day as a chance to start afresh and make it count by living it as if it is your last.” “The only…
Faith LORD, RENEW AND CHANGE ME! At the beginning of the year or during our birthdays and anniversaries, we always desire to change something…
Weefree Ministries Newsletter September – The Month of Clear-Thinking and Morning Glory Batterson said, “It is the bad days that help us appreciate the good days, the same as sick days help us to…
God Sovereignty UNEXPLAINABLE EXPERIENCES In the month of August, 2017, we reflected on The Place of Awareness, Realization and Holiness (Gen 28:16). We…
Life Reflection A PLACE OF AWARENESS, REALIZATION & HOLINESS (Gen 28:16) Life is a journey. As we move through one end to another, we encounter different events with different experiences.…
Weefree Ministries Newsletter JULY – The Month of Completion, Perfection and Settlement A new month has begun. It’s the month of July that begins the 2nd half of the year. July is an awesome month and…
God & Christianity THE GAINS OF DYING IN CHRIST (This article is dedicated to Mama Oyidie)The Psalmist says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of…
Weefree Ministries Newsletter Happy Father’s Day – 2017 June is the sixth month of the year in our modern day Gregorian calendar. In old English, this month was often…
Fatherhood ABRAHAM – A FATHER OF GREAT FAITH AND OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF GOD Abraham was the founding father of the Jewish nation of Israel. Abraham, Hebrew Avraham, meaning “Father of many…
Weefree Ministries Newsletter Happy Mothers Day – 2017 May is the fifth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar. It has 31…