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A young man came to US in early 1980’s, studied and completed his higher education and obtained Master’s degree in Political Science.  While doing his studies, he worked in Fast-Food shop and rose to the position of a Supervisor. On completing his studies he took to Cap driving and made some good money. He travelled back home to Nigeria and made some investments in property and in the process married a wife from a Christian home. He performed the traditional marriage (wine carrying) ceremony that hosted a cream of the society from all works of life. He later returned to US and continued with his cap business.

It wasn’t long the wife joined him in US. Initially it appeared the marriage was on right course –fun and honey. The husband had already bought the wife a car even before she arrived in US. They wedded in US and the marriage was blessed with two children. The wife –Susan then went through a career in Nursing and obtained BSN degree and later on a Professional certification – RN.

A couple of year’s later, thing began to change for worst. The woman got Americanized and imbibed advanced world culture. She ignored the African traditional values she was raised in and abandoned the Christian tradition and biblical teachings she grew up in and was married upon. Their union started to encounter problems and like wild fire selfishness, competition and camparism set in and gross disregard to the ethic of good relationship engulf the union and disabled it.

Both couple began to distance each other and bridged the communication between them. As two elephants fight for superiority and control, the grass (children) suffered. They backslidden in Church activities and no longer pray together. Surprisingly, friends and relations began to avoid them to play safe instead of intervening.

The Pastor and the Church hierarchy did not want to hurt any of them especially the wife who made significant financial support to her. More so she was ordained a deaconess of the Church and a member of the Church Board of Finance and other committees.

The union crumbled and the children began to do badly at schools and became disrespectful to parent and authorities.  One of the children ended up in jail while the other dropped out of school.

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