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  1. Opening:

–          Prayers

–          Chairman’s Welcome/Remarks

–          Host’s welcome /Presentation

–          Ratification of Agenda for the day’s meeting (if applicable)

  1. Reading and adoption of minutes of last meeting

  1. Matters arising from the minutes:

i.                    ……………………………..

ii.                  ……………………………..

iii.                ……………………………..

iv.                ………………………………

v.                  ……………………… …….

  1. Matters of concern: i…………………………….

                                         ii. …………………………..


  1. Committee Reports: i. Executive……………….

                                          ii. Board…………………..

                                          iii. Hall ……………………

                                          iv. (Any other)…………….

  1. Welfare/socials

  1. Finance

  1. General: i. Introduction of new members/ Visitors

                            ii. Invitations

                            iii. Any other matter

  1. Closing: i. Motion for adjournment

                     ii. Chairman’s closing remarks

                     iii. Prayers


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