May: The Month of excitement


May is the month of excitement and the fifth month of the year. It’s eventful with a lot of unique holidays and has 31 days.

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: Foster care month, National Barbecue month, National Blood Pressure month, National Hamburger and Older Americans Month.

UNIQUE HOLIDAYS: 1st May day (workers Day); 2nd Baby day; 3rd– World Press freedom Day; 5th– National Teacher’s day; 6th National Nurses day; 8th Military spouse day (Friday before Mother’s Day); World Red Cross Day; 10th – Mother’s Day (second Sunday); 15th – Police officer’s Memorial Day; 16th – Armed Forces Day; 23rd – International Jazz day; 25th – Memorial Day (last Monday of the month); 28th – Amnesty International Day; 31st – World No tobacco Day

Special Day: (i) May worker) Day: As we celebrate May Day the issue of creating job opportunities and skills for emerging jobs, raising the minimum wages as inflation surges higher and equal pay for women become paramount and deserve urgent consideration

MOTHER’S DAY: It is day meant to honor motherhood. The 2nd most celebrated holiday next to Thanksgiving in North America continent. We need to appreciate our Mothers for their tough love and uncompromising willingness to see us through life.

Discipleship Digest reflects on unique personality and unblemished biblical character- Hannah: A Personality of Ideal Motherhood. She was a woman of faith, dedication and perseverance, whose life started in barrenness and ended up in fruitfulness and dominion.  God turned her reproach into sweetness and favor. Most women who were named barren could relate with the frustration of Hannah. Some had delayed pregnancy and despised but when God opened their womb, those that mocked them were the first to come and rejoice with them. God is still doing wonders and miracles. This Mother’s Day, we remember every woman passing through the difficulty of pregnancy and pray for open womb and breakthrough. You may try backing your prayers with Vows to provoke supernatural turnaround and power to achieve the impossible. Do not give up hope for God is setting a stage for an uncommon miracle. May God Remember you especially in this season. Pass this to a least 10 personsRemember you’re too blessed to be stressed. Have a fruitful Mom’s Day Celeration.

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