June 2015 (Dad’s Day) Edition

June is the sixth month of the year and has 30 days. It is the first month of the summer season and great month to get married. Tennis Tournament in Wimbledon is played in June and World women soccer tournament in progress.  June comes from Roman or Julian calendar and initially named lunius.  The name probably came from Roman goddess, Juno, wife of Jupiter. June ends the first half of the year.
Holidays: Celibacy Awareness month, Dairy month, Effective communication month, International Men’s Month, National Flag Month, National Fresh fruit & Vegetable month, National Hunger Awareness month, National safety month, National Caribbean-American Heritage month and Father’s Day. Two significant events of this month are: Father’s Day on 6/21 and The Supreme Court upheld the right of same sex marriage on 6/26.
Fatherhood: God is the creator of the universe and mankind. By His design and creation, He made every living thing – male and female. Man under the direct headship of Jesus Christ was given the power to become fathers (not mothers). He made a man to marry a woman (not another man); cleave and become one, bring forth children after their own kind. This wisdom of God established even before creation has been challenged by man’s foolishness and introduced an alternative opposing God’s original plan. It’s not only inappropriate but insulting for a woman to address herself as a man talkless a dad. She neither plants a seed nor takes fatherhood from God. Earthly people can only do what God has given them power to do.  The 21st century negative change in direction in opposing God’s original plan is a deliberate attempt to plant confusion or doubt in the faithfulness and dependability of God. The laws of man cannot change the principles and laws of God which has been from foundations of the earth.
Same-sex Marriage: A friend said to me, “Leave them alone!!It could be God created them that way.” Accepting that will make God and the scripture faulty. God saw everything He created and it was good and for mankind, very good. An alternative lifestyle is an imitation to the original. Its source is corrupt and fake and from the devil snare. It opposes God’s original plan and design; constitute immorality. It may gladden the feelings and emotions of those practicing it but lack moral value. Any practice that lacks moral intents and value is heading towards destruction.  Any freedom that lacks element of direction and guidance at the center is bound to fail. The highest court’s decision may appear politically sensitive and correct but morally wrong, deceitful and biblically misleading. That some people feel good about it does not make it right. People feel good about: to sleep with other people’s wife, to be drunken drive, drive Red light, molest and harm others, to burn other nation’s flag and to make the world unsafe for people. Does that it right? Beware!!The Court decision to uphold the right of same sex people is not surprising; it an emerging trend of world system.
Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic: Father’s Role and Responsibilities (copy attached). Please read and pass it to at least 10 loved ones. Remember you’re too blessed to be stressed. I thank all dads and father figures for the thankless and most humbling job they do in raising our children and being pillars in our homes. Thanks dads. We apologize for the lateness. It was for logistic reasons to serve you better.  The median edition of Discipleship Quarterly Digest is out. Request for your copy. Have a graceful month.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill, Weefree Ministries.

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