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                  IT MAKES NO SENSE

Saint Luke Gospel chapter 23 verse 2 says “they took Jesus to the hill site called Golgotha and they crucified Him“. If you may ask, who are they that crucified Him? People are quick to point accusing fingers on the actors: Jewish elders, high priest, Roman judges, soldiers and of course, the Jewish crowd, than our first human parents who committed the original sin. We often blame Adam and Eve as if we are devoid of the sin they committed. As of truth, if we examine ourselves rightly, it will be glaring that our generation have fallen shorter to God’s Glory than did our first human parents. Others blame Judas for snitching and betraying Jesus with a kiss of death yet our era points more fingers of betrayal than Judas did; “we kiss even dirty asses”.  It’s easy to blame Satan for misdeeds we did knowingly and perhaps have repeatedly remorse of but no genuine repentance.

Many professing Christians are crucifying Christ again and again, by our deeds than the first century Jewish crowd did. The bible describes them as enemies of the cross of Christ (Philippians 3:18b). Even when we claim to have been born anew, we never separated from the crowd; we still do the same things as people in the world. Does it make any sense apportioning blames on misdeeds we are co-culprits? It’s convenient to every other creature for participating/contributing to fulfill God’s design for redemption, while exonerating ourselves; that’s where we err. It explains why most families live in jeopardy and why lasting peace has been eluding us. It provides ready made answers to what’s wrong with us. Why we cannot let go and why collective progress is near impossible. Could there be something we are missing or not doing right?

It makes no sense to the modern generation that the sin committed by first human couples had been inputted on every human race. A natural mind does not understand why a sinless person was convicted and crucified for sins committed by sinners. It’s as well incongruous that the world freed a criminal and condemned a sinless to death.

In a democratic society, it is said that power belongs to the people, and people have the right to make choices. Surprisingly, the crowd is not always right. Most times, they are misguided or instigated to make irrational decisions and judgments, tow wrong paths and support wrong causes. Such decisions are subjective, based on wrong motives and sentiments, bias and selfish interest. Equity, justice and objectivity are strongly ignored.  Despite the claimed attainment of higher education, exposure and enlightenment of higher education, we still make wrong choices whether in business, in politics, in the family in communities and everywhere.

We enjoy so much freedom that we wish to do whatever pleases us. It does not matter who is hurt. We wonder why people are judged for doing what they feel like. Adam and Eve were blamed for eating the forbidding fruit, the same measure when we act in disobedience. Does it make sense that God should forbid man from eating what looks good to him? If man has freewill, why can’t man follow his dictates?

        It makes no sense that a pot can’t tell a porter how to make or design it. Could it be that man hates rules and will do everything to justify its defiance?  We often justify our wrong doings; give it a sweet name but point fingers when others do same. After all, some animals are more equal than others. For example, murder occurs by accident, abortion, killed in a war, killed by bandit or terrorist attacks, etc; whichever, God’s creation is destroyed. Every human being stand on a level ground at the cross of Christ and God is no respecter of persons. The blood of Abel still cries loud to the God of creation.

It makes no sense to believe that the world created by God is now the abode of Satan and legions of demons. Satan is also known as the king of the world and prince of air. Some neither believe in the existence of Satan nor its agents; are blind to its operations. That amounts to believing in God and not in His word? The word says that there is Satan, a slanderer, a father of all lies and destroyer from onset. Surprisingly, many still reject the notion of Satan or devil as wild superstition, yet the bible says “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one”(1 John 5:19). The truth is that “Satan is a malignant reality, always hostile to God and God’s people. We are wise to stay watchful or be alert and flee from this subtle, formidable foe that walks about like a roaring lion seeking to devour God’s children (1Peter 5:8f).

It makes no sense to the people of this age that we win by dying. Its right to call it God’s way, not man. God demonstrated this act in His Son, Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection, He won victory over death and the world, redeemed mankind from all fears, intimidation and shackles of death. It is puzzling to the natural mind that Christ death on the cross is considered a victory to mankind, brings good pleasure and fulfillment to God. The Apostles and early Christians understood and experienced this way of God. They died daily for the truth that they believed, witnessed and proclaimed. Little wonder, Apostle Paul welcomed dying as gain. The unconditional love of God compelled Him to give His only begotten Son as atonement for man’s sin. You can give without love but you cannot love without giving. This love must be shared for it is meaningful.

It makes no sense to the world that wants to see sign or evidence of result that we gain by loosing; we receive by giving. We practice giving those who give back to us and helping those who help us; the contrary is foolishness and stupidity. It makes no sense that those who were not part of our education and upbringing should benefit from our works and earnings. Pastor Mike Murdock, writing on “the craziest instruction God gave me” says, “what you are willing to walk away from determines what God will bring to you”. Jesus assured disciples and Christians of all ages that whatsoever we loose for His sake, we shall gain a hundred fold here on earth and eternity in God’s Kingdom.  J.W.Fergoson wrote “people find it difficult to believe a man who gives his whole energy to money making or carrier-building and then tell them he is waiting for the son of man.”                                         It make no sense to the world of importance and integrity that one who is a real king or leader serves or gives his people instead of exploiting and extorting them. In our world the rich gets richer and the poor poorer. The poor or citizenry gives and dies for the rich/king. In most battlefields, the king puts his subjects to the fore-front to fight and defend him while he stands far off or wines at the comfort of his palace. It makes no difference at all, after all most of those who enlist in the kingdom’s army are from the low class. Believe it or not, it is part of survival.

It is unbelievable that a king/ leader or any good thing should emerge from a low-keyed family or laid back nation. Perhaps, for the same reason, the elders of Israel ignored early prophesy that a Messiah will emerge from Nazareth. Funny enough, every good gift comes from God. It makes no sense that He who calls Himself God should mix with sinners, die, associate with them and even die for them. People today think it is narrow-minded and unnecessary fanaticism to believe that Christ is the only way to God. What happens to the multitude followers of other religions, they often ask? “If man could have been saved any other way, I bet God wouldn’t have sent His only Son to die on the cross. He would not have paid the greatest price if the lesser price would do. If we could have been saved any other way, the Christ needlessly sacrificed His life.” (Galatians 2:21; John14:16; Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 3:11) – William MacDonald. It makes no sense until it makes sense.

Reach: Elder/Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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