It is still possible

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                                                    It is still possible!

A certain man, named Lazarus of the city of Bethany was sick. His sisters: Mary and Martha were worried and disturbed on his state of health. Sometimes we have similar experiences when family members are sick or going through couples of ugly situations [John 11:1ff; Songs of Solomon 8:8]. Just for record the same Mary anointed Jesus with ointment and wiped his feet with her beautiful hair. The family had a good relationship with the Lord. They sent for Jesus that his beloved was sick. And Jesus responded, “That sickness is not unto death but God has allowed it so that He will glorify Himself and His Son, Jesus Christ.” I guess that Mary and Martha did not understand the message of Jesus, just as I least understood even after repeated thoughtful reading. Did it mean Jesus was coming immediately? Or He will speak a word before the messengers get back to the two worried sisters. Would some intervention [miracle] happen or was already happening? Could it be He simply reminiscing aloud mystery beyond human understanding?  We could not understand because His thoughts and ways are different from ours. If anyone could have grasped what He said, it was a revelation from above. The same, when we pray to God to do certain things – something new, He always respond with a new instruction [Evangelist Mike Murdock]. It could be He had already responded and the outward manifestation was showing up shortly. God could have asked you to hold on because what you ask for is in no way comparable with some great things He has for you. Be still and trust in Me. Notwithstanding, Jesus stayed extra two days after hearing this SOS message. Did that mean the message was not important or did not require prompt reaction? Was Lazarus, asleep or dead?

However, Jesus came to Bethany four days after Lazarus was laid in the grave. They were also many Jewish sympathizers to comfort Mary and Martha for the loss of their beloved brother.  Martha ran and met Jesus as He came into their domain and said, “If you were here my brother would not die, but I know that even now [4 days after he was buried] whatever you asked of God, He will give you” [John 11:21-22]. Waah, could that stand for an implicit faith and trust on Jesus? Jesus said to her “your brother shall rise again” but Martha said, yes on the resurrection morning. She was well tutored in the bible events and she also had knowledge of the second coming of Christ. Jesus released a revelation message: “I am the resurrection and the life.” It does not matter whether He is dead or alive; had been buried for four days and had started to decompose in the grave, I am the totality of the kingdom of God now on earth, he will rise. I am never late and/ or delayed; operates according to heaven’s time and season. This season, power has changed hand. Weeping may have taken place all night but there’s joy in the morning. It’s a season for God’s glory to manifest and God to glorify the son, Jesus Christ. It’s season for an unusual or uncommon surprise to happen. The power of God was present to heal. Numerous sympathizers who came for condolence turned out and became eye witnesses who carried the life testimony of God’s kingdom on earth. It’s still possible!

The man born blind and then 40 years after could see only because God’s power to heal was there. And that brought unusual laughter and uncommon dispensation of God’s grace and authority over creation. It is still possible that you can see after 40 years of spiritual and physical blindness. For 38 years, a man with infirmity was deteriorating at the Lake of Bethesda and the presence of Jesus healed him. It does not matter anymore whether the angels were present to stir the water or not; what the medical reports must have said about his situation or diagnosed as the cause of illness. Whether it was generic [run in the family] or the outcome of many demonic meetings held to torment him and bound him; numbers of monitoring demonic agents subduing him and the content of the demonic files opened on him. Jesus was present and spoke life into him. It’s still possible you can pick your mat and go home, rejoicing.

The children of Israel spent 430 years in slavery in the land of Egypt but one day God remembered His covenant with their fathers; heard their cries and saw their maltreatments and sufferings. When it was thought that freedom was elusive and impossible, God intervened. It’s still possible in our age and time for God to rescue His people even when hope was lost; take away the shame and reproach that had belittled the family for ages. It’s still possible for the spirit that has tormented and frustrated the family for ages to die: the spirit of hate, anger, ego, pride and un-forgiveness to cease. Every monitoring and environmental spirit, ancestral and divisive spirit shall end. It is possible for the spirit of fear, procrastination, lust and wickedness shall be no more because Jesus had risen, conquering the power of Satan and given victory to mankind. That shall be our portion in Jesus name, Amen.

Writing in War Against Haman 4, Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe wrote, “Sarah and Elizabeth conceived at an impossible ages! Hannah defied all medical report……..It was when people started leaving the party in frustration and mocking the celebrant because of finished wine that God showed up and turned ordinary water into extraordinary wine!” The scripture says, “With God nothing is impossible” [Luke 1:37]. God will do something in our lives that shall amazed the world; do the impossible that will change our lives, families and ministries. It was in the year of famine that Isaac planted and ripped a hundredfold. God broke through difficult challenges and perform miracles. That same God wiped the tears of the widow of Nian and restored her dead son to life on their way to cemetery. It was God who delivered the thief on the cross even though he was judged and sentenced and was at the brink of death, but God saved and delivered him. It’s still possible for God to deliver you even after the door has been shut against you; when you may have been judged, found guilty and sentences. It’s still possible for your terrible habits to disappear and you begin a new life.

It’s still possible that in the midst of worst depression, economic crunch and world financial disaster, for you to have a good paying job, meet up with your bills and possibly have savings. It’s still possible in a failed economy to start up a new business, engage workers and experienced turn around. It’s still possible in the society that abhors ideal marriage and good family life, with sound morality to find cleaved couples have successful marriage, experienced deep sense of love for each other and raise their children in the fear of the Lord and with tough love. It’s still possible for that incompatible and nagging spouse to turn around and become a sweet darling; those stubborn children to become obedient and respectful to their parents and society. It’s still possible to find that those who hated and rejected you are now seeking your help and hand in solving a crucial problem. God can do anything He wants to do just because He is God. Let us keep our minds open and always expecting the best in the midst of life’s worst situation. God has not turned His back on us; He is still and always will be with us. Since He’s always present, it’s still possible……..

There is nothing too hard for God. No matter what you believe God for, always remember that God is able to do whatever He promises to do; can do exceedingly beyond our requests and desires. He may not do it our way or at the time we want but be patient and wait expectantly for His time. His delays are not His refusals or denials. God may put you on hold, don’t hang up on Him; He will soon revert to you. It’s good enough to believe on medical reports and natural laws but do not put them above God’s word. Do not forget that God’s word is higher than heaven and earth; is final concerning any matter.

Could you believe that Elizabeth who had advanced in age would give birth to a child; that a virgin shall be pregnant and give birth to an uncommon child? The three Hebrew boys could be thrown into the furnace and they came out unscratched; someone diagnosed with terminal disease could live and still be happy.  Do not ask how it shall happen but simply believe that with God all things are possible. It’s still possible that a woman whose fallopian tube was found defective could be pregnant and bear a child. It’s still possible that one could plant during famine or start a business during economic distress and make Hugh harvest and profit. It’s still possible to experience uncommon favor and breakthrough in our days. Our God turns impossibility into possibility; a nobody into extraordinary person. God shall turn your situation around; this is your season of new song………….you’re the next evidence of God’s favor.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Texas, 77272.

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