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Is enduring peace visible on earth?

On July 4 every year the United States of America, the most powerful democratic country on earth, celebrates freedom and liberty. As we look back the road to freedom, it becomes glaring that freedom isn’t free. It has prices to pay and invaluable sacrifices to make. Real freedom means the responsibility of making moral choices and living with the result. As America celebrates the 228th independence anniversary, we recalled the thoughts of President Franklin Roosevelt [32nd] before Congress, 11 months before the attack on Pearl Harbor “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want-everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear …anywhere in the world.” These thoughts stand the GOALS of the struggles before the world; to appraise, tick check list, find where we are and how much we have achieved as well as how much more we have to pursue. Indeed, enormous!

A closer look around the globe and listening to the media, you’ll no doubt learned that our world is dominated by gross injustice, persecution; intense distress and anxieties cover the earth. You could hear gongs of wars coming from the corners of the world; intense fears of survival in poverty stricken, war torn areas. Daily great nations invade small ones. The effect is that millions of trillions innocent people are killed, dislodged and turned homeless as refugees. The situation is terrible and devastating making one to ponder, “Shall real peace [real freedom] ever exist on earth?”

Gospel Luke2:14 records angelic song heralding Jesus birth, ‘Glory be to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.’ The birth of Jesus was to give God glory on high while on earth peace and goodwill be unto men. What we have witnessed on earth so far is a mere façade, a ‘painting over’ of hostility, a ‘elegize’ of peace and goodwill, terror and ending gongs of wars and wars; conflicts between nations, ethnic groups and tribes. On the other hand, Peace Intermediaries like UN and her alike have been attempting to restore peace but their efforts end in illusion. Why? Has man not glorified God enough, to provoke His peace and goodwill? Or has our undoing perverted God’s peace and goodwill? Shall our world strangled by continuous strives ever enjoy enduring peace? Surprisingly what prevails are: wars, terrors, strives, unending peace talks and negotiations in our world; people live in fears, turbulent and intimidation.

As great nations tighten security and immigration regulations, increase preparedness for war by acquiring weapons of mass destruction, the growing ones aligned themselves with superpowers seeking protection and military assistance. It’s all game of power. In the world’s depth big fishes frighten, attack and eat up small fishes. There’s increased invasion and blood shed as well as increased refugees around the globe. The only peace our world has experienced is when one nation conquers another or accepts defeat and surrender. We believe that the best form of defense is unrelenting attack. One old man pondered aloud, ‘no peace on earth’ An adage reads, “the best way to stop war is not to start it at all.”

Peace could be described as a state of calm, quiet, or tranquility. Its opposite or absence of hostility, strife or conflict. Literally goodwill has been defined as benevolence, willingness and value of business as a result of patronage, reputation etc beyond its tangible assets. These are man’s benefits for lifting higher, exalting in worship and honoring God. Prophet Isaiah long before Jesus was born named Him ‘Prince of Peace’ [9:6]. Again a preacher once said that the only way to enduring peace is through God and His son, Jesus Christ, because He’s the way, the truth and the life. Preaching the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught, “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God” [Matth.5:9]. Being at peace means to avoid strife and hostility; know God and live His way. Peace may not be easily obtained on earth. Little wonder Apostle Peter urges Christians to seek and pursue peace [1 Peter3:11].

Apostle Paul admonishes as much as possibly depended on you, make peace with all men. Paul means strive to establish and maintain peace with everybody, believers and unbelievers alike without compromising your faith and stance. Avoid unnecessary antagonizing, prejudice, segregation, judging others and making derogatory comments [Rom.12:18; Titus 3: 1, 2; 1 Peter 2:12]. To uphold our faith, we must exhibit friendliness and boldness rather than rudeness and condemnation; avoid being sagacious, judgmental or prejudice but keep our communication clear, tactful and honest. We know that every human being is God’s creation and God loves His creation.

A peacemaker realizes how he had abused his freedom by practically rejection of God’s dominance over his life, seeking independence from his creator; how God’s kindness brought him to repentance and turning right back to the living God. He enjoys peace of God that passes all understanding and daily upholds God and keep his confession strong. He reaches out to others and witnesses the power of the resurrected Christ; uses his mouth to praise and worship God; his tongue to build up rather than tear down [Prov.10:11, 31, 32; 12:18]. He always endeavor to minimize or avoid conflicts, arguments and violent disputes over frivolities. Christians should be peaceful with brethren as well as those who do not share same faith with them. By so doing unbelievers shall be attracted to the light of God in them, be illuminated and come to know the truth of God’s love. Peacefulness also strengthens the bond of faith among believers.

Peacefulness is a command not an option. It’s God’s way not man. It has a lot to do with our thoughts, behavior and conduct. Peacemakers must be courteous, treat others with dignity and human kindness. He must not live with contentious spirit because it hurts and destroys peace; causes war and fighting among brethren as well as craving for sexual pleasure which is: greed for material things, power, influence and prominence[James4:1]. We must resist materialism, jealousy and vile ambition.

Can the world find peace except through the Prince of peace? One who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, has the peace of God that passes all understanding in his heart. For Jesus is our peace, who had made both ‘whites and blacks’ one in Himself and had destroyed the wall of partition, by abolishing in his flesh the enmity created by the law – [Ephesians 2:14,15]. St. Paul admonishes, ‘let the peace of Christ control in your heart, for as members of one body you were called to peace [Col.3:15]. Jesus left His disciples saying, ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: I do not give you as the world gives. Neither let your heart be troubled nor sink in fear’ [John14:27]. After Jesus resurrection, He met and said to them “peace be unto you” [John 20:19, 21, 26]. Jesus knows we need peace in the midst of world’s tribulation, persecution, war and terror.

Christians should live the life of Christ, shine as light in the midst of darkness and salt the earth. They are the Christ’s sign board for the world to see, experience the love of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit as well as the peace of God. The world is fade up with hypocrisy and photo-trick religiosity. They want to see peace among Christians, their neighbors, co–workers and friendly behavior towards unbelievers. Christians are symbols of peace; should pursue peace, live by peace. It’s to a man’s honor to avoid strife [Pro.20:3]. The peace process starts with you and you will experience peace back.

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