Infertility- Curse or Disease

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Problems of Infertility – Curse or Disease and cure

Daily our globe is saturated with bad news; some horrible and disappointing, others tragedies and unexplainable. These happenings create sadness and fears. In the midst of these incidences, we’ve some great good news, something glad and proud off. Our age has made tremendous advancement in area of science and technology but is deficient in personal accountabilities and failed in morality. Technology is applied science and expression of human creativity. In the area of medical services and healthcare, we have made achievements in treatment and prevention of illnesses. The monster called infertility that had created sadness in many marriages appears to be bowing to technology. Some couples who were branded unfruitful in the past now boast of biological kids of their own. This is first an act of God before scientific discovery.

The purpose of marriage is for companionship, multiplication and fruitfulness as well as to dominate and fill the earth.  From creation, God had blessed living creatures including mankind to be fruitful and produce after their kinds. This takes place sexually and asexually [binary fission].Human beings reproduce naturally sexually by copulation of male and female bodies. Pregnancy or conception of a child is a complicated process that depends on many factors: some natural, Spiritual or medical capabilities etc. However conception occurs when a healthy male sperm meets with a healthy female egg.

King David said, ‘Children are the heritage of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is his reward. Children are as arrows in the hand of a mighty man. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed but speak with the enemies in the gate’ [Psalm 127:3-5]. Little surprised that married couples who are yet blessed with children consider it a reproach and an affliction [Luke1:25; 1 Sam 1:11; Gen.15:1-3]. However, in advanced world, some couples may decide not to make babies; some women chose not to go through the pains of pregnancy and child bearing or motherhood. Others may desire children but unable to produce one; among them some possibly take to adoption. When married couples make love regularly for at least two years, without fertility prevention devices and don’t result to pregnancy one could associate that with infertility.

American Society of Reproduction medicine [ASRM] describes infertility as a disease of the reproductive system that impairs the body’s ability to perform the basic function of reproduction. The National survey reveals that about 10% of the reproductive age population in US suffers from this disease. This figure increases geometrically in Africa due to healthcare deficiencies and believe in superstition. Infertility affects men and women alike. African custom holds that women are the mothers of the earth and most times blamed for infertilities in marriage. Funny enough, the ability of a healthy male sperm to meet with and fertilize a healthy female’s egg produces conception. Also the man’s bullet determines the sex of the child. So why are women made escape goat? It can only happen in male dominated environment. Could that explain why our women in this land exercise their freedom to default and often take it out on men in retaliation?

In African, some people view infertility as a curse, especially when it’s attributed to generic factors, evil inheritance and household wickedness. The intricacies of evil inheritance and household wickedness may be discussed in future presentations. The most common male infertility factors include azoospermia [no sperm cells produced] and low sperm count. When sperm cells are unhealthy, they malformed and consequently malfunctioned; possibly die before reaching the egg. The commonest factor in female is an ovulation disorder. Others causes include: blocked fallopian tubes resulting from pelvic inflammatory abnormalities or endometriosis; congenital anomalies [birth defects] involve the structure of the uterus and uterine fibroids; associated with the repeated miscarriages.

The good news about infertility is that the situation is no longer hopeless. Most times it’s curable. It could depend also on a number of factors: past lifestyles, revelation of God’s glory, demonic entanglement or unexplainable causes? The scriptures remind us that our warfare is not carnal but Spiritual, that promotes principalities, kingdom pervasions, Spiritual wickedness [in marriage and household, ancestral linkages]. However, great mysteries are determined in Spiritual realm. Whatever be the case, God is greater and more powerful than all our enemies put together. None has ever won a fight with Him. [2 Chron. 14:11] He’s a faithful God and worthy of our trust; graciously merciful and sufficient in grace. We may need to panel-beat our lives and re-abide in Christ Jesus, who is the Author of life and Lord of all earth.

Infertility could be caused by Physical disorders that may require close examination of trained medical experts. They diagnose to determine the state of health and prescribe treatment. The primary Physician could recommend specific tests or refer couples to a specialist for adequate management. Depending on each case, treatment could be by prescribed drugs or surgical of reproductive organs or both. If caused by weak or low sperm count from the male, drug treatments could correct it. Where the woman has blocked fallopian tube, she could be treated with drugs or undergo surgery for correction.

Yet there’s still another option named “In vitro fertilization [IVF]” introduced in late 1900.It account for less than 5% of all infertility treatment in US. In IVF, eggs are surgically removed from the ovary and mixed with sperm outside the body in a Petri dish [in glass]. After about 40 hours, the eggs are examined to see whether they have been fertilized by the sperm. If fertilizes, these eggs are placed in the woman’s uterus bypassing the fallopian tubes. These processes of healthcare treatments evolve high tech., is expensive and still inadequate.

In our age and time, we have more experts and discovery, more problems and more drugs but less wellness. We spend more and enjoy less. The good news is that some Insurance policies cover this treatment depending on the plan you purchased and the state you live in. The State of Texas supports such policy. You could obtain more information from the State Insurance commissioner or any reputable Insurance Agent.

Beyond medical assistance, infertility whether considered a curse or disease is not incurable. Our God is a great Physician. He heals ALL manner of diseases and breaks satanic barriers or any enslavement or captivity of the enemy. Christ first priority is setting captives free from bondage of eternal destruction [2 Peter3:9]. Surprisingly saved people could still be in bondage. The flow of anointing could be blocked and that delays or robs us the glory that God has released to us [Mark 6:5-6]. However God offers us daily treasure of His power and victory [Psalms 84:5; Isaiah 50:8].He’s able to do much more than we ask. God succeeds where medical sciences failed. He heals without side effects. Do not be ‘a prisoner unaware’ or attempt to hide your problem because your problem is not hiding you. Explore meaningful opportunities and never give up; surprises await you in this seventh year – the year of release, establishment and fruitfulness as well as .compensation.

Evangelist G. Ogbonnaya can be reached by

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