Veterans week has just come and gone but our veterans remain dear to our hearts. Veterans are remembered yearly for their selfless service to our nation. During veterans week we recognize and salute men and women of this great nation who at various time past fought for the freedom we now enjoy. During the worship service we enjoy an interval of interludes for the anthem of each service period played and those who served the nation those times stand for recognition and appreciation. The Church in response applauds while these men and women stand for acclamation. The Church then prayed for those living as well as those who had passed. Families are proud to know that their parents and relations served this great nation and fought for our freedom. When you looked around, you would find many among the service people built relationship around their service mates. Some even met in service, courted and married. They have raised wonderful families, many who have also served this great nation in the military at various capacities. Among them were those who were awarded medals for distinguished leadership and service- the heros of the nation.
From time immemorial people have been called to serve nations and communities, either as Soldiers, Priest or Judges, etc. The book of Genesis records Gods call on Moses, the shepherd boy turned leader, through the burning bush experience to go to the Egyptian Pharaoh and caused the release of the children of Israel from slavery. At different times and ways God called Noah to build an Ark when He planned to destroy the earth through flood. When Abraham was 75, God called him out of the city of Haran his fathers country unto unknown but Promised Land. God called Joshua after the death of Moses, Gods most humbled and compassionate servant to lead the children of Israel across Jordan into the Promised Land. Again while Samuel was living with Eli, the priest who was old and unable to see clearly, God called him to leadership. That same God called Saul and David as well as Solomon, the son of Bathsheba to be kings at various times in Israel. From time to time, God chose special leaders [men and women] known as Judges [2 vs. 16]. God chose Esther, Ruth, and even Mary, Jesus mother to bring forth the son of the Most High God as well as Elizabeth to give birth to John, the Baptize, to forerun Jesus, the Christ.
In the Gospel of Luke, the ministering Physician detailed account of Zachariahs calling. It occurred during the reign of King Herod. Zachariah, the priest had a wife named Elizabeth. Both lived righteously and blamelessly in Gods service but they had no child because his wife was barren and they were advanced in age. Zachariah and Elizabeth mightve been ridiculed and mocked for trusting in God who was far from coming; gossiping about them for claiming to be servants of God yet God did not show favor on them. Others mightve doubted the sufficiency of God as provider and one who answers prayers. Zachariah had once in a life time opportunity to offer incense at the Altar while other priests served in the temple. During that service an angel of the Lord intercepted the worship. Zachariah became disturbed and troubled, confused and terrified but the angel calmed him down and said to him, Do not be afraid, for your prayers are answered; your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall name him John. Could this be the funniest joke of the century or April fool in Gods altar? Zachariah couldve contemplated anything better in his heart. He then asked the angel, how can this be since we were advanced in age? They had passed child bearing ages in human eyes and mayve lost hope of bearing children; were then praying for the coming of the Messiah [Luke1:5ff].
However in his year of service, God decided to bring to pass all the prayers he and the wife said as young people asking for the fruit of the womb. This confirms that God can do anything, any where at any time and does answer all prayers at his own time in his own ways and for his glory. Verses 14-17 went on to describe the immeasurable qualities of that special baby. He shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink and shall be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mothers womb ..to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Puzzled with amazement, they wondered, what kind of child he would be! Could another way to say Gods delay is not denial; His mercies endure forever.
Does God timing frustrate your belief, shaken your faith and weaken your service? Dont forget that his ways are not our ways neither is his thought our thoughts. Supposing God decide to answer when your expectation is gone, hope dashed and shattered? Would you query Him? God is full of surprises; so we should learn to trust him no matter what; even when it appears humanly impossible, faith has nothing to hold on and hope doubtful. Stand sentinel at your duty post and never be wanting there. In this year of your service, God shall not only find you at your duty post but meet you working faithfully for him even when you feel less of him or think hes delay in coming. Play down your confusion and keep your confession strong; trusting in His saving grace. His promises never fail. Its nothing for God to do whatever he desires. Hes able to do beyond our expectation, imagination and request. If God brings you to it, He shall take you through it.
Among the chosen, God has called Chiefs, community leaders [includes: Presidents and officers of associations], heads of households in our contemporary society. He has called and ordained for services, Church leaders, leaders in government, commerce and Industries, Healthcare, Educational system and Recreational areas to occupy and serve God through Nations and communities. Are you diligent and faithful in service? What are you doing with the charge God had entrusted into your care? Do we have good stewardship and accountability or think those do not matter? Are you just frustrated that things are not going the way you want them or people are criticizing you wrongly? You cant be a veteran without fighting a war. He who desires to take credit for good work should be brave enough to take blame for bad substandard work. The truth is that Gods in control of everything in this life. Everything we go through work together for our common good. Gods He that calls us and will reward faithfully. In the parable of the talents [Matt. 25:14ff] the same greetings God gave to the one who turned five talents into ten, He also gave one who multiplied two into four. God greeted them, Well-done faithful servant, you have been faithful in managing little things, I will increase your worth and put you in charge of larger investment God gives assignment according to abilities and rewards accordingly. Also God pays the same wages to workers in the vineyard who came to work in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. I give this man who was hired last as much as I give you [Matt. 21:14]. He does not operate according to human standards or qualify labor in worlds standards. God who employs us pays beyond wages, salaries and monetary values.
This season, in this year of service, God has remembered you. He has answered your prayers but you are not yet aware. God has compensated you this season for all your past failures, losses, delays, defeats and shame. Always remember that all your past disappointments, pains and even pleasures are only a tiny faction of your God-ordained great destiny on planet earth. When you are down because you didnt get what you wanted, just hold fast and be joyful because God has a better alternative for you. Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a little bit but the moment you past that area, you enjoy a straight and smooth drive once again.
When God remembers you, those your enemies who ridiculed and mocked at you will turn around to laugh and rejoice with you. Gods turning around everything to your favor. What God did to Zachariah and Elizabeth, He did also to Hannah and Sarah; can do it for you. God will give you that job, academic excellence, admission into college and business breakthrough. Your dumbfounding miracle will surprise you, your friends as well as enemies especially those who had written you off. They shall celebrate and rejoice with you for the great things God has done. That impossible situation has turn out to become the bread for your destiny. God knows all about our struggles. His Spirit says the earth was without form and an empty waste [chaos]; However, God turned chaos into cosmos. God will turn your chaotic situation into a burning bush tourist attraction. Let God turn your chaos into Chorus of glory.
Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya, G. at weefreeministries.org or Box 720035, HoustonTX77272