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It was a refreshing season of worship and sacrifice, of solemnity in the hour of incense. Zachariah, the High Priest went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense as his duty called. And suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar. The High Priest was the only person who entered the Holy of Holies in the temple to perform his duty of burning incense. They usually tie a strong long robe around his waist, in case anything happened to him, he could be pulled out through the robe. However when Zachariah saw an angel, he was troubled, afraid and panicked. He may have wondered what sin had the Israelites committed again that may have angered the Lord? Surprisingly the angel asked him not to panic or fear because he came with good news, a message of hope and fulfillment. Get ready; God surprise will embarrass you, this season.

The good God of heaven who is compassionate and rich in mercy has remembered him. Your season of refreshment, turn around and situation change has come. It’s also a season of open heaven and release. The angel said to Zachariah, “God has answered your prayers and your wife, Elizabeth shall give birth to a son and you will name him, John.” He went further, his birth shall not only gladden you but others shall rejoice. John shall be great in the Lord sight and shall drink no wine or strong drink. From the womb, he will be filled with the Holy Spirit. He will bring back many of the people of Israel back to the Lord, their God and will forerun the Lord Jesus Christ; will be strong and mighty like prophet Elijah…..and shall return the Lord’s people back to Him [Luke 1:8-17]. He should’ve wondered whether it was “April fool” and what type of child would he be?

Our gracious God warns us not to panic or be fearful each time He was about to do something unusual. The angel’s announcement embarrassed Zachariah. The couple was already advanced in age and has reached the age of menopause; they were in no way thinking of children anymore. They should have been thinking of the prayers for the coming of the Messiah. But God surprised them. I pray that same God will surprise you, this season with what you have thought to be impossible in Jesus name. “For with God nothing shall be impossible”[Luke 1:37]. You may have lost hope in God but God will never loose hope in you; neither disconnect nor deny you from His benefit.

Following the anointing and power that this message carries, I prophesize to you that your season of refreshment and situation change has come. God has remembered you. You’re going to experience uncommon favor and blessing. God has taken away every reproach and shame; has wiped away every hand writing of the wicked ones in your life. You’re going to experience a turn around, a promotion, an upliftment, a season of laughter and jubilation. That which you thought you had labored in vain and given up hope, God has decided to restore it. This explains the richness in God’s mercy and compassion; His delay is neither refusal nor denial. God shall destroy and remove every kind of barrenness; every demonic stronghold behind your challenges. I command your foundation in the sea, land or air to dry up now in Jesus name. By His anointing, He makes a way even in the wilderness and turns an impossibility into a possibility; destroys stubbornness, uproot depression and discouragement. May the Lord do the unusual in your life in Jesus name, Amen.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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