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                                                   If I were Satan

Who’s Satan: Also named the Devil. Lucifer, son of the morning. Satan or Devil means slanderer. A gem of beauty, a perfect God’s creation, who was over-taken by pride and jealousy of God’s supremacy. Satan was a perfect creature popularly known for his first worldwide rebellion against God. Satan’ sin originated from pride, grew into self-deception and ended in rebellion. He’s also called original Serpent [Revelation.12: 9]. He planned and rebelled against God’s ruler-ship with number of angels with him [Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:12-19, Revelation 12:4].  These fallen angels [demons] become his assistants. Satan is also a liar and a father of all liars. He steals, kills and destroys [John10: 10]. He deceives, distracts, discourages and deforms. Satan walks and roars around our world devouring God’s children [1 Peter 5:8].

What I would’ve done:

I will deceive people to believe that I do not exist. Even if I do, I’m not harmful and do not attack people. I shall be very friendly to everybody especially to moribund and new Christians; have open doors to associate with them; ensure people enjoy themselves and abrogate many laws and remove boundaries. I will cause distraction in low and high places; distract people from worship services, prayers and fasting, fellowship meetings and from reading and meditation on the word of God. I shall confuse people to plan one thing and end up doing another. Ensure the word of God is watered down and distract people from obeying the word of God. Create more singing and dancing; it does not matter who sings and play the music: homosexual, witchcraft, cults, or unbelieving believers etc.

I will introduce another gospel; teach them that all religions lead to the same God. There’s no sin or wrong doings in our world. Sin depends on what you think; does not exist in real sense. Whatever you can rationalize and feel good to you, do it. Everything in life is created with an alternative; you choose whichever one seems good or appeals to you. You can choose God of creation or other gods: greed, money, ego, covetousness and idolized people. Anyone that produces results or answers can be chosen as number one; it does not matter how it does it. I will teach people they can prosper simply by paying tithe; ignore purity, faith, mercy and perverting justice. Everyone is a child of God whether you believe it or not. Born again or being saved is a new church hypocrisy. Speaking in tongues is speaking nonsense with seriousness. I will encourage routine Church going, biblical illiteracy and believe in superstition as well as incarnation; harass new Christians peradventure they may renounce their faith. I will ensure propagation of satanic and idol worship through psychic music, grabbling rituals and distribution of demonic literatures.

I will create confusion and infighting in the Church, cause many members to be busy with activities and pay less attention to Spiritual things: worship, prayers, bible study, righteousness, purity and perseverance, etc. I shall cause members to sleep and be off-minded while in the Church. Ensure there’s disunity among Church leaders; give pride and hypocrisy permanent seat in the Church chancel and cheerful deceit to rain among members. Ensure dishonesty, fakeness and superficial quest for gains and greed become new ways of life. I will plant division in the hearts of members; encourage breakaways and proliferation of mushroom Churches. For gainful purposes, I will provoke the quest for titles among ministers and promote unhealthy competition; weakening the strength and unity of the Church and community. Impress on them to engage in title war: Pastors, Apostles and Prophets [ess] and speak ceaselessly from leadership opinions, denominational doctrines, cultural prejudices and traditional theology. Instigate people to open money-driven, cultural based mushroom Churches and preach and teach heresy; making sure there are many wolves in sheep skin. Make sure people loose their minds; many struggle to maintain balanced minds but are mentally deranged.

I will institute and encourage alternative marriage lifestyles thereby introduce constant fight for equality and partnership in marriage; whoever makes higher income becomes the head of family. I shall promote liberty in marriage, homosexuality and swapping spouses as well as remove fidelity in marriage.  Marriage couples should work in two to three jobs and spend less time together and engage in little or no communication. They should enjoy division in the house, mutual disrespect and abuses. Couples shall do and wear what the other dislikes; no longer appreciate and compliment each other. They should live like co-tenant [lonely together] and make the children watch and emulate their conflict exposition and infighting; intolerance, repulsiveness and in-submissiveness. Children raised under such atmosphere will imbibe and become stubborn, rude and unloving; make poor grade in schools and increase drop out rate, initiate into gangs and witchcraft, become social menace thereby end up in jail.

I shall plant unfaithfulness and demonism as well as leadership tussle in families; allow money and possession to run relationships. Ensure separation, divorce and domestic violence multiply among Church going folks; biblical virtues and cultural values diminish while amplifying television motivated lifestyle of gain and possession. Invoke ‘lying Spirits’ among family members; insincerity, dishonesty and ingenuiness to run their lives. Engage in idolatry, sorcery, tarot card and horoscope.   Empower false teachers and believing unbelievers to take centre stages. Pervades justice, mercies and encourage idle worship and vainglory. Make sure human are not accountable for their actions and not responsible for their choices. Fashion out false beliefs and fornication in Church going families; introduce witchcraft and wizardry at schools and colleges and make families suffer afflictions and accidental untimely deaths.

I will talk love but practice hatred and jealousy. Bring wicked leaders into reign around the world. Ensure that leaders rule without fear of God and in disharmony. Make sure peace continue to elude our world. There shall be terror, wars and natural calamities as well as unexplainable tragedies. Powerful Satanic Spirits control leaders of nations to incite unhealthy rivalries, wars, terrorism, and much of the evil in our world; cause more accidents and death and natural atrocities around our globe. Instigate insatiable quest for greed, power and gain; sufferings and agonizing pains among the poor masses. Insurmountable illnesses and diseases multiply on the face of the earth.

This write up does not in any way intent to glorify Satan and his agents but God, in a different way. It shows various manners and ways of satanic manipulations and devices. Since the day God drove away Satan from heaven and showed His superiority over him, he has turned around to vent his anger and attacks on God’s children and institutions. We are therefore warned to be vigilant and watchful for the days are evil. Satan, our adversary is still walking around like a roaring lion, (note: he is not a roaring lion but walks and behaves like one) seeking God’s creatures to devour. He is on the offensive; so determine not to be his next victim.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @weefreeministries.org or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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