One has described marriage as a parcel which you possess without indept knowledge of the content. Whatever you see when you open it, you take. This appears a defeatist approach but believe you me, it is the truth, for marriage is a life long relationship.
Another has described marriage as weighty and should not be entered in lightly and unprepared. Marriage is for life for better, for worst.
1. Coping with women
God instituted marriage, and made it perfect. If you want success in it you need daily to prevail in Gods presence. Pray for Gods guidance and grace to enable you to accept realities as they come forth. Marriages at every stage/level has its associated problems, but Gods grace is sufficient in every situation.
2. Identify who you are
As you list the qualities you expect from a woman you intend to marry spare time and have an inward look at yourself, identifying your strength and weakness and determine to adjust and let go (leaving and cleaving).
3. Maturity
In this era of youthful marriages, we have a lot of infant wives and over grown baby husbands. You must learn the lesson of mutual respect and love (not infatuation or like). Possess endurance and tolerance and understanding. Be firm when you should be and bend when you should. Learn to weigh other persons views and accept them if better than yours.
4. Same Faith
Is she one in the same faith, a true born again child of God who will help you uphold the faith and maintain it to next generation. You may not find the right person in the wrong crowd if you are firm in the Lord, the word of God shall be your guide. Look for one in a living church or community of love in action.
5. Compatibility
Incompatibility in marriage relationship brings a lot of suffering and strains to bear and often collapse of it. It is better to remain single than to marry some one who shares different feelings, see things always in opposite direction. It may lead to living lonely together or total collapse.
6. Communication
You must learn to be open to one another, however in love you accept constructive criticism and be open to correction. You may love but it is important to tell out your wife what you do. It is an assurance of you love to her and build her confidence.
7. Discussion
You must reach agreement in matters such as: money matters, parents relationship, extended family, sex life, children, friends, and habits etc. By so doing you will flow at the same level and live without misconstruction.
8. Pray together
You must lead the family in prayer daily because you are the head, priest, husband, father etc. Be exemplary in your behavior and attitude. Practice the presence of God in your life and family. Pray for one another that God may enrich and nourish your relationship.
9. True Love
The Bible urges a husband to love his wife True Love bears all things and endures all things. 1Cor. 13:4,7; Deut. 23:21; Eccl. 4:9-12; 5:4-5.
10. Depend on God
If you must succeed in life, depend on God not on any man/woman. The arm of flesh shall fail you, but God is faithful and steadfast. No matter how difficult or bad your spouse may be, take her or the situation to God in prayers and you will overcome by His grace.
11. Sensitivity
A woman is a human being. She has feelings and emotions. You should be sensitive in your behavior and actions. Men most times receive what they give. Be careful in your alterances, behavior and attitude.
12. Marriage Guide
The Bible is very firm when it comes to the guide to good marriage life. Man love your wife while wife submits to your husband.